path: root/nix/libstore/
diff options
authorLudovic Courtès <[email protected]>2014-12-17 23:00:42 +0100
committerLudovic Courtès <[email protected]>2014-12-19 22:47:37 +0100
commit36457566f9917dc7c0c348d012816a2ca333ef1b (patch)
tree6f1d22a195ea2483b9ce539227d65e8e2a9c137d /nix/libstore/
parent2c7ee1672029aa43afb509af5b5f7261244fa2d1 (diff)
Merge branch 'nix' into 'master'.
Diffstat (limited to 'nix/libstore/')
1 files changed, 2010 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nix/libstore/ b/nix/libstore/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1293a6e8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/libstore/
@@ -0,0 +1,2010 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "affinity.hh"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <utime.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+namespace nix {
+MakeError(SQLiteError, Error);
+MakeError(SQLiteBusy, SQLiteError);
+static void throwSQLiteError(sqlite3 * db, const format & f)
+ __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+static void throwSQLiteError(sqlite3 * db, const format & f)
+ int err = sqlite3_errcode(db);
+ if (err == SQLITE_BUSY || err == SQLITE_PROTOCOL) {
+ if (err == SQLITE_PROTOCOL)
+ printMsg(lvlError, "warning: SQLite database is busy (SQLITE_PROTOCOL)");
+ else {
+ static bool warned = false;
+ if (!warned) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, "warning: SQLite database is busy");
+ warned = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Sleep for a while since retrying the transaction right away
+ is likely to fail again. */
+ struct timespec t;
+ t.tv_sec = 0;
+ t.tv_nsec = (random() % 100) * 1000 * 1000; /* <= 0.1s */
+ nanosleep(&t, 0);
+ sleep(1);
+ throw SQLiteBusy(format("%1%: %2%") % f.str() % sqlite3_errmsg(db));
+ }
+ else
+ throw SQLiteError(format("%1%: %2%") % f.str() % sqlite3_errmsg(db));
+/* Convenience macros for retrying a SQLite transaction. */
+#define retry_sqlite while (1) { try {
+#define end_retry_sqlite break; } catch (SQLiteBusy & e) { } }
+ try {
+ if (db && sqlite3_close(db) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "closing database");
+ } catch (...) {
+ ignoreException();
+ }
+void SQLiteStmt::create(sqlite3 * db, const string & s)
+ checkInterrupt();
+ assert(!stmt);
+ if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, s.c_str(), -1, &stmt, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "creating statement");
+ this->db = db;
+void SQLiteStmt::reset()
+ assert(stmt);
+ /* Note: sqlite3_reset() returns the error code for the most
+ recent call to sqlite3_step(). So ignore it. */
+ sqlite3_reset(stmt);
+ curArg = 1;
+ try {
+ if (stmt && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "finalizing statement");
+ } catch (...) {
+ ignoreException();
+ }
+void SQLiteStmt::bind(const string & value)
+ if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, curArg++, value.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "binding argument");
+void SQLiteStmt::bind(int value)
+ if (sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, curArg++, value) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "binding argument");
+void SQLiteStmt::bind64(long long value)
+ if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, curArg++, value) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "binding argument");
+void SQLiteStmt::bind()
+ if (sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, curArg++) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "binding argument");
+/* Helper class to ensure that prepared statements are reset when
+ leaving the scope that uses them. Unfinished prepared statements
+ prevent transactions from being aborted, and can cause locks to be
+ kept when they should be released. */
+struct SQLiteStmtUse
+ SQLiteStmt & stmt;
+ SQLiteStmtUse(SQLiteStmt & stmt) : stmt(stmt)
+ {
+ stmt.reset();
+ }
+ ~SQLiteStmtUse()
+ {
+ try {
+ stmt.reset();
+ } catch (...) {
+ ignoreException();
+ }
+ }
+struct SQLiteTxn
+ bool active;
+ sqlite3 * db;
+ SQLiteTxn(sqlite3 * db) : active(false) {
+ this->db = db;
+ if (sqlite3_exec(db, "begin;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "starting transaction");
+ active = true;
+ }
+ void commit()
+ {
+ if (sqlite3_exec(db, "commit;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "committing transaction");
+ active = false;
+ }
+ ~SQLiteTxn()
+ {
+ try {
+ if (active && sqlite3_exec(db, "rollback;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "aborting transaction");
+ } catch (...) {
+ ignoreException();
+ }
+ }
+void checkStoreNotSymlink()
+ if (getEnv("NIX_IGNORE_SYMLINK_STORE") == "1") return;
+ Path path = settings.nixStore;
+ struct stat st;
+ while (path != "/") {
+ if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st))
+ throw SysError(format("getting status of `%1%'") % path);
+ if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))
+ throw Error(format(
+ "the path `%1%' is a symlink; "
+ "this is not allowed for the Nix store and its parent directories")
+ % path);
+ path = dirOf(path);
+ }
+LocalStore::LocalStore(bool reserveSpace)
+ : didSetSubstituterEnv(false)
+ schemaPath = settings.nixDBPath + "/schema";
+ if (settings.readOnlyMode) {
+ openDB(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Create missing state directories if they don't already exist. */
+ createDirs(settings.nixStore);
+ makeStoreWritable();
+ createDirs(linksDir = settings.nixStore + "/.links");
+ Path profilesDir = settings.nixStateDir + "/profiles";
+ createDirs(settings.nixStateDir + "/profiles");
+ createDirs(settings.nixStateDir + "/temproots");
+ createDirs(settings.nixDBPath);
+ Path gcRootsDir = settings.nixStateDir + "/gcroots";
+ if (!pathExists(gcRootsDir)) {
+ createDirs(gcRootsDir);
+ createSymlink(profilesDir, gcRootsDir + "/profiles");
+ }
+ checkStoreNotSymlink();
+ /* We can't open a SQLite database if the disk is full. Since
+ this prevents the garbage collector from running when it's most
+ needed, we reserve some dummy space that we can free just
+ before doing a garbage collection. */
+ try {
+ Path reservedPath = settings.nixDBPath + "/reserved";
+ if (reserveSpace) {
+ struct stat st;
+ if (stat(reservedPath.c_str(), &st) == -1 ||
+ st.st_size != settings.reservedSize)
+ writeFile(reservedPath, string(settings.reservedSize, 'X'));
+ }
+ else
+ deletePath(reservedPath);
+ } catch (SysError & e) { /* don't care about errors */
+ }
+ /* Acquire the big fat lock in shared mode to make sure that no
+ schema upgrade is in progress. */
+ try {
+ Path globalLockPath = settings.nixDBPath + "/big-lock";
+ globalLock = openLockFile(globalLockPath.c_str(), true);
+ } catch (SysError & e) {
+ if (e.errNo != EACCES) throw;
+ settings.readOnlyMode = true;
+ openDB(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!lockFile(globalLock, ltRead, false)) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, "waiting for the big Nix store lock...");
+ lockFile(globalLock, ltRead, true);
+ }
+ /* Check the current database schema and if necessary do an
+ upgrade. */
+ int curSchema = getSchema();
+ if (curSchema > nixSchemaVersion)
+ throw Error(format("current Nix store schema is version %1%, but I only support %2%")
+ % curSchema % nixSchemaVersion);
+ else if (curSchema == 0) { /* new store */
+ curSchema = nixSchemaVersion;
+ openDB(true);
+ writeFile(schemaPath, (format("%1%") % nixSchemaVersion).str());
+ }
+ else if (curSchema < nixSchemaVersion) {
+ if (curSchema < 5)
+ throw Error(
+ "Your Nix store has a database in Berkeley DB format,\n"
+ "which is no longer supported. To convert to the new format,\n"
+ "please upgrade Nix to version 0.12 first.");
+ if (!lockFile(globalLock, ltWrite, false)) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, "waiting for exclusive access to the Nix store...");
+ lockFile(globalLock, ltWrite, true);
+ }
+ /* Get the schema version again, because another process may
+ have performed the upgrade already. */
+ curSchema = getSchema();
+ if (curSchema < 6) upgradeStore6();
+ else if (curSchema < 7) { upgradeStore7(); openDB(true); }
+ writeFile(schemaPath, (format("%1%") % nixSchemaVersion).str());
+ lockFile(globalLock, ltRead, true);
+ }
+ else openDB(false);
+ try {
+ foreach (RunningSubstituters::iterator, i, runningSubstituters) {
+ if (i->second.disabled) continue;
+ i->;
+ i->second.from.close();
+ i->second.error.close();
+ i->;
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ ignoreException();
+ }
+int LocalStore::getSchema()
+ int curSchema = 0;
+ if (pathExists(schemaPath)) {
+ string s = readFile(schemaPath);
+ if (!string2Int(s, curSchema))
+ throw Error(format("`%1%' is corrupt") % schemaPath);
+ }
+ return curSchema;
+void LocalStore::openDB(bool create)
+ if (access(settings.nixDBPath.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK))
+ throw SysError(format("Nix database directory `%1%' is not writable") % settings.nixDBPath);
+ /* Open the Nix database. */
+ string dbPath = settings.nixDBPath + "/db.sqlite";
+ if (sqlite3_open_v2(dbPath.c_str(), &db.db,
+ throw Error(format("cannot open Nix database `%1%'") % dbPath);
+ if (sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 60 * 60 * 1000) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "setting timeout");
+ if (sqlite3_exec(db, "pragma foreign_keys = 1;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "enabling foreign keys");
+ /* !!! check whether sqlite has been built with foreign key
+ support */
+ /* Whether SQLite should fsync(). "Normal" synchronous mode
+ should be safe enough. If the user asks for it, don't sync at
+ all. This can cause database corruption if the system
+ crashes. */
+ string syncMode = settings.fsyncMetadata ? "normal" : "off";
+ if (sqlite3_exec(db, ("pragma synchronous = " + syncMode + ";").c_str(), 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "setting synchronous mode");
+ /* Set the SQLite journal mode. WAL mode is fastest, so it's the
+ default. */
+ string mode = settings.useSQLiteWAL ? "wal" : "truncate";
+ string prevMode;
+ {
+ SQLiteStmt stmt;
+ stmt.create(db, "pragma main.journal_mode;");
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_ROW)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "querying journal mode");
+ prevMode = string((const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0));
+ }
+ if (prevMode != mode &&
+ sqlite3_exec(db, ("pragma main.journal_mode = " + mode + ";").c_str(), 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "setting journal mode");
+ /* Increase the auto-checkpoint interval to 40000 pages. This
+ seems enough to ensure that instantiating the NixOS system
+ derivation is done in a single fsync(). */
+ if (mode == "wal" && sqlite3_exec(db, "pragma wal_autocheckpoint = 40000;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "setting autocheckpoint interval");
+ /* Initialise the database schema, if necessary. */
+ if (create) {
+ const char * schema =
+#include "schema.sql.hh"
+ ;
+ if (sqlite3_exec(db, (const char *) schema, 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "initialising database schema");
+ }
+ /* Prepare SQL statements. */
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.create(db,
+ "insert into ValidPaths (path, hash, registrationTime, deriver, narSize) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
+ stmtUpdatePathInfo.create(db,
+ "update ValidPaths set narSize = ?, hash = ? where path = ?;");
+ stmtAddReference.create(db,
+ "insert or replace into Refs (referrer, reference) values (?, ?);");
+ stmtQueryPathInfo.create(db,
+ "select id, hash, registrationTime, deriver, narSize from ValidPaths where path = ?;");
+ stmtQueryReferences.create(db,
+ "select path from Refs join ValidPaths on reference = id where referrer = ?;");
+ stmtQueryReferrers.create(db,
+ "select path from Refs join ValidPaths on referrer = id where reference = (select id from ValidPaths where path = ?);");
+ stmtInvalidatePath.create(db,
+ "delete from ValidPaths where path = ?;");
+ stmtRegisterFailedPath.create(db,
+ "insert or ignore into FailedPaths (path, time) values (?, ?);");
+ stmtHasPathFailed.create(db,
+ "select time from FailedPaths where path = ?;");
+ stmtQueryFailedPaths.create(db,
+ "select path from FailedPaths;");
+ // If the path is a derivation, then clear its outputs.
+ stmtClearFailedPath.create(db,
+ "delete from FailedPaths where ?1 = '*' or path = ?1 "
+ "or path in (select d.path from DerivationOutputs d join ValidPaths v on d.drv = where v.path = ?1);");
+ stmtAddDerivationOutput.create(db,
+ "insert or replace into DerivationOutputs (drv, id, path) values (?, ?, ?);");
+ stmtQueryValidDerivers.create(db,
+ "select, v.path from DerivationOutputs d join ValidPaths v on d.drv = where d.path = ?;");
+ stmtQueryDerivationOutputs.create(db,
+ "select id, path from DerivationOutputs where drv = ?;");
+ // Use "path >= ?" with limit 1 rather than "path like '?%'" to
+ // ensure efficient lookup.
+ stmtQueryPathFromHashPart.create(db,
+ "select path from ValidPaths where path >= ? limit 1;");
+/* To improve purity, users may want to make the Nix store a read-only
+ bind mount. So make the Nix store writable for this process. */
+void LocalStore::makeStoreWritable()
+ if (getuid() != 0) return;
+ /* Check if /nix/store is on a read-only mount. */
+ struct statvfs stat;
+ if (statvfs(settings.nixStore.c_str(), &stat) != 0)
+ throw SysError("getting info about the Nix store mount point");
+ if (stat.f_flag & ST_RDONLY) {
+ if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) == -1)
+ throw SysError("setting up a private mount namespace");
+ if (mount(0, settings.nixStore.c_str(), 0, MS_REMOUNT | MS_BIND, 0) == -1)
+ throw SysError(format("remounting %1% writable") % settings.nixStore);
+ }
+const time_t mtimeStore = 1; /* 1 second into the epoch */
+static void canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(const Path & path, const struct stat & st)
+ if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
+ /* Mask out all type related bits. */
+ mode_t mode = st.st_mode & ~S_IFMT;
+ if (mode != 0444 && mode != 0555) {
+ mode = (st.st_mode & S_IFMT)
+ | 0444
+ | (st.st_mode & S_IXUSR ? 0111 : 0);
+ if (chmod(path.c_str(), mode) == -1)
+ throw SysError(format("changing mode of `%1%' to %2$o") % path % mode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (st.st_mtime != mtimeStore) {
+ struct timeval times[2];
+ times[0].tv_sec = st.st_atime;
+ times[0].tv_usec = 0;
+ times[1].tv_sec = mtimeStore;
+ times[1].tv_usec = 0;
+ if (lutimes(path.c_str(), times) == -1)
+ if (errno != ENOSYS ||
+ (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && utimes(path.c_str(), times) == -1))
+ if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && utimes(path.c_str(), times) == -1)
+ throw SysError(format("changing modification time of `%1%'") % path);
+ }
+void canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(const Path & path)
+ struct stat st;
+ if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st))
+ throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path `%1%'") % path);
+ canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(path, st);
+static void canonicalisePathMetaData_(const Path & path, uid_t fromUid, InodesSeen & inodesSeen)
+ checkInterrupt();
+ struct stat st;
+ if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st))
+ throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path `%1%'") % path);
+ /* Really make sure that the path is of a supported type. This
+ has already been checked in dumpPath(). */
+ assert(S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(st.st_mode));
+ /* Fail if the file is not owned by the build user. This prevents
+ us from messing up the ownership/permissions of files
+ hard-linked into the output (e.g. "ln /etc/shadow $out/foo").
+ However, ignore files that we chown'ed ourselves previously to
+ ensure that we don't fail on hard links within the same build
+ (i.e. "touch $out/foo; ln $out/foo $out/bar"). */
+ if (fromUid != (uid_t) -1 && st.st_uid != fromUid) {
+ assert(!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode));
+ if (inodesSeen.find(Inode(st.st_dev, st.st_ino)) == inodesSeen.end())
+ throw BuildError(format("invalid ownership on file `%1%'") % path);
+ mode_t mode = st.st_mode & ~S_IFMT;
+ assert(S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) || (st.st_uid == geteuid() && (mode == 0444 || mode == 0555) && st.st_mtime == mtimeStore));
+ return;
+ }
+ inodesSeen.insert(Inode(st.st_dev, st.st_ino));
+ canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(path, st);
+ /* Change ownership to the current uid. If it's a symlink, use
+ lchown if available, otherwise don't bother. Wrong ownership
+ of a symlink doesn't matter, since the owning user can't change
+ the symlink and can't delete it because the directory is not
+ writable. The only exception is top-level paths in the Nix
+ store (since that directory is group-writable for the Nix build
+ users group); we check for this case below. */
+ if (st.st_uid != geteuid()) {
+ if (lchown(path.c_str(), geteuid(), (gid_t) -1) == -1)
+ if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) &&
+ chown(path.c_str(), geteuid(), (gid_t) -1) == -1)
+ throw SysError(format("changing owner of `%1%' to %2%")
+ % path % geteuid());
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ Strings names = readDirectory(path);
+ foreach (Strings::iterator, i, names)
+ canonicalisePathMetaData_(path + "/" + *i, fromUid, inodesSeen);
+ }
+void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path & path, uid_t fromUid, InodesSeen & inodesSeen)
+ canonicalisePathMetaData_(path, fromUid, inodesSeen);
+ /* On platforms that don't have lchown(), the top-level path can't
+ be a symlink, since we can't change its ownership. */
+ struct stat st;
+ if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st))
+ throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path `%1%'") % path);
+ if (st.st_uid != geteuid()) {
+ assert(S_ISLNK(st.st_mode));
+ throw Error(format("wrong ownership of top-level store path `%1%'") % path);
+ }
+void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path & path, uid_t fromUid)
+ InodesSeen inodesSeen;
+ canonicalisePathMetaData(path, fromUid, inodesSeen);
+void LocalStore::checkDerivationOutputs(const Path & drvPath, const Derivation & drv)
+ string drvName = storePathToName(drvPath);
+ assert(isDerivation(drvName));
+ drvName = string(drvName, 0, drvName.size() - drvExtension.size());
+ if (isFixedOutputDrv(drv)) {
+ DerivationOutputs::const_iterator out = drv.outputs.find("out");
+ if (out == drv.outputs.end())
+ throw Error(format("derivation `%1%' does not have an output named `out'") % drvPath);
+ bool recursive; HashType ht; Hash h;
+ out->second.parseHashInfo(recursive, ht, h);
+ Path outPath = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, ht, h, drvName);
+ StringPairs::const_iterator j = drv.env.find("out");
+ if (out->second.path != outPath || j == drv.env.end() || j->second != outPath)
+ throw Error(format("derivation `%1%' has incorrect output `%2%', should be `%3%'")
+ % drvPath % out->second.path % outPath);
+ }
+ else {
+ Derivation drvCopy(drv);
+ foreach (DerivationOutputs::iterator, i, drvCopy.outputs) {
+ i->second.path = "";
+ drvCopy.env[i->first] = "";
+ }
+ Hash h = hashDerivationModulo(*this, drvCopy);
+ foreach (DerivationOutputs::const_iterator, i, drv.outputs) {
+ Path outPath = makeOutputPath(i->first, h, drvName);
+ StringPairs::const_iterator j = drv.env.find(i->first);
+ if (i->second.path != outPath || j == drv.env.end() || j->second != outPath)
+ throw Error(format("derivation `%1%' has incorrect output `%2%', should be `%3%'")
+ % drvPath % i->second.path % outPath);
+ }
+ }
+unsigned long long LocalStore::addValidPath(const ValidPathInfo & info, bool checkOutputs)
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtRegisterValidPath);
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.bind(info.path);
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.bind("sha256:" + printHash(info.hash));
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.bind(info.registrationTime == 0 ? time(0) : info.registrationTime);
+ if (info.deriver != "")
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.bind(info.deriver);
+ else
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.bind(); // null
+ if (info.narSize != 0)
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.bind64(info.narSize);
+ else
+ stmtRegisterValidPath.bind(); // null
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmtRegisterValidPath) != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("registering valid path `%1%' in database") % info.path);
+ unsigned long long id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db);
+ /* If this is a derivation, then store the derivation outputs in
+ the database. This is useful for the garbage collector: it can
+ efficiently query whether a path is an output of some
+ derivation. */
+ if (isDerivation(info.path)) {
+ Derivation drv = parseDerivation(readFile(info.path));
+ /* Verify that the output paths in the derivation are correct
+ (i.e., follow the scheme for computing output paths from
+ derivations). Note that if this throws an error, then the
+ DB transaction is rolled back, so the path validity
+ registration above is undone. */
+ if (checkOutputs) checkDerivationOutputs(info.path, drv);
+ foreach (DerivationOutputs::iterator, i, drv.outputs) {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtAddDerivationOutput);
+ stmtAddDerivationOutput.bind(id);
+ stmtAddDerivationOutput.bind(i->first);
+ stmtAddDerivationOutput.bind(i->second.path);
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmtAddDerivationOutput) != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("adding derivation output for `%1%' in database") % info.path);
+ }
+ }
+ return id;
+void LocalStore::addReference(unsigned long long referrer, unsigned long long reference)
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtAddReference);
+ stmtAddReference.bind(referrer);
+ stmtAddReference.bind(reference);
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmtAddReference) != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "adding reference to database");
+void LocalStore::registerFailedPath(const Path & path)
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtRegisterFailedPath);
+ stmtRegisterFailedPath.bind(path);
+ stmtRegisterFailedPath.bind(time(0));
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmtRegisterFailedPath) != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("registering failed path `%1%'") % path);
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+bool LocalStore::hasPathFailed(const Path & path)
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtHasPathFailed);
+ stmtHasPathFailed.bind(path);
+ int res = sqlite3_step(stmtHasPathFailed);
+ if (res != SQLITE_DONE && res != SQLITE_ROW)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "querying whether path failed");
+ return res == SQLITE_ROW;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+PathSet LocalStore::queryFailedPaths()
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryFailedPaths);
+ PathSet res;
+ int r;
+ while ((r = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryFailedPaths)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryFailedPaths, 0);
+ assert(s);
+ res.insert(s);
+ }
+ if (r != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "error querying failed paths");
+ return res;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+void LocalStore::clearFailedPaths(const PathSet & paths)
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteTxn txn(db);
+ foreach (PathSet::const_iterator, i, paths) {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtClearFailedPath);
+ stmtClearFailedPath.bind(*i);
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmtClearFailedPath) != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("clearing failed path `%1%' in database") % *i);
+ }
+ txn.commit();
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+Hash parseHashField(const Path & path, const string & s)
+ string::size_type colon = s.find(':');
+ if (colon == string::npos)
+ throw Error(format("corrupt hash `%1%' in valid-path entry for `%2%'")
+ % s % path);
+ HashType ht = parseHashType(string(s, 0, colon));
+ if (ht == htUnknown)
+ throw Error(format("unknown hash type `%1%' in valid-path entry for `%2%'")
+ % string(s, 0, colon) % path);
+ return parseHash(ht, string(s, colon + 1));
+ValidPathInfo LocalStore::queryPathInfo(const Path & path)
+ ValidPathInfo info;
+ info.path = path;
+ assertStorePath(path);
+ retry_sqlite {
+ /* Get the path info. */
+ SQLiteStmtUse use1(stmtQueryPathInfo);
+ stmtQueryPathInfo.bind(path);
+ int r = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryPathInfo);
+ if (r == SQLITE_DONE) throw Error(format("path `%1%' is not valid") % path);
+ if (r != SQLITE_ROW) throwSQLiteError(db, "querying path in database");
+ = sqlite3_column_int(stmtQueryPathInfo, 0);
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryPathInfo, 1);
+ assert(s);
+ info.hash = parseHashField(path, s);
+ info.registrationTime = sqlite3_column_int(stmtQueryPathInfo, 2);
+ s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryPathInfo, 3);
+ if (s) info.deriver = s;
+ /* Note that narSize = NULL yields 0. */
+ info.narSize = sqlite3_column_int64(stmtQueryPathInfo, 4);
+ /* Get the references. */
+ SQLiteStmtUse use2(stmtQueryReferences);
+ stmtQueryReferences.bind(;
+ while ((r = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryReferences)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryReferences, 0);
+ assert(s);
+ info.references.insert(s);
+ }
+ if (r != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("error getting references of `%1%'") % path);
+ return info;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+/* Update path info in the database. Currently only updates the
+ narSize field. */
+void LocalStore::updatePathInfo(const ValidPathInfo & info)
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtUpdatePathInfo);
+ if (info.narSize != 0)
+ stmtUpdatePathInfo.bind64(info.narSize);
+ else
+ stmtUpdatePathInfo.bind(); // null
+ stmtUpdatePathInfo.bind("sha256:" + printHash(info.hash));
+ stmtUpdatePathInfo.bind(info.path);
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmtUpdatePathInfo) != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("updating info of path `%1%' in database") % info.path);
+unsigned long long LocalStore::queryValidPathId(const Path & path)
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryPathInfo);
+ stmtQueryPathInfo.bind(path);
+ int res = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryPathInfo);
+ if (res == SQLITE_ROW) return sqlite3_column_int(stmtQueryPathInfo, 0);
+ if (res == SQLITE_DONE) throw Error(format("path `%1%' is not valid") % path);
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "querying path in database");
+bool LocalStore::isValidPath_(const Path & path)
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryPathInfo);
+ stmtQueryPathInfo.bind(path);
+ int res = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryPathInfo);
+ if (res != SQLITE_DONE && res != SQLITE_ROW)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "querying path in database");
+ return res == SQLITE_ROW;
+bool LocalStore::isValidPath(const Path & path)
+ retry_sqlite {
+ return isValidPath_(path);
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+PathSet LocalStore::queryValidPaths(const PathSet & paths)
+ retry_sqlite {
+ PathSet res;
+ foreach (PathSet::const_iterator, i, paths)
+ if (isValidPath_(*i)) res.insert(*i);
+ return res;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+PathSet LocalStore::queryAllValidPaths()
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmt stmt;
+ stmt.create(db, "select path from ValidPaths");
+ PathSet res;
+ int r;
+ while ((r = sqlite3_step(stmt)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
+ assert(s);
+ res.insert(s);
+ }
+ if (r != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "error getting valid paths");
+ return res;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+void LocalStore::queryReferences(const Path & path,
+ PathSet & references)
+ ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfo(path);
+ references.insert(info.references.begin(), info.references.end());
+void LocalStore::queryReferrers_(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers)
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryReferrers);
+ stmtQueryReferrers.bind(path);
+ int r;
+ while ((r = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryReferrers)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryReferrers, 0);
+ assert(s);
+ referrers.insert(s);
+ }
+ if (r != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("error getting references of `%1%'") % path);
+void LocalStore::queryReferrers(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers)
+ assertStorePath(path);
+ retry_sqlite {
+ queryReferrers_(path, referrers);
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+Path LocalStore::queryDeriver(const Path & path)
+ return queryPathInfo(path).deriver;
+PathSet LocalStore::queryValidDerivers(const Path & path)
+ assertStorePath(path);
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryValidDerivers);
+ stmtQueryValidDerivers.bind(path);
+ PathSet derivers;
+ int r;
+ while ((r = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryValidDerivers)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryValidDerivers, 1);
+ assert(s);
+ derivers.insert(s);
+ }
+ if (r != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("error getting valid derivers of `%1%'") % path);
+ return derivers;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+PathSet LocalStore::queryDerivationOutputs(const Path & path)
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryDerivationOutputs);
+ stmtQueryDerivationOutputs.bind(queryValidPathId(path));
+ PathSet outputs;
+ int r;
+ while ((r = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryDerivationOutputs)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryDerivationOutputs, 1);
+ assert(s);
+ outputs.insert(s);
+ }
+ if (r != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("error getting outputs of `%1%'") % path);
+ return outputs;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+StringSet LocalStore::queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path & path)
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryDerivationOutputs);
+ stmtQueryDerivationOutputs.bind(queryValidPathId(path));
+ StringSet outputNames;
+ int r;
+ while ((r = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryDerivationOutputs)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryDerivationOutputs, 0);
+ assert(s);
+ outputNames.insert(s);
+ }
+ if (r != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("error getting output names of `%1%'") % path);
+ return outputNames;
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+Path LocalStore::queryPathFromHashPart(const string & hashPart)
+ if (hashPart.size() != 32) throw Error("invalid hash part");
+ Path prefix = settings.nixStore + "/" + hashPart;
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtQueryPathFromHashPart);
+ stmtQueryPathFromHashPart.bind(prefix);
+ int res = sqlite3_step(stmtQueryPathFromHashPart);
+ if (res == SQLITE_DONE) return "";
+ if (res != SQLITE_ROW) throwSQLiteError(db, "finding path in database");
+ const char * s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmtQueryPathFromHashPart, 0);
+ return s &&, prefix.size(), s, prefix.size()) == 0 ? s : "";
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+void LocalStore::setSubstituterEnv()
+ if (didSetSubstituterEnv) return;
+ /* Pass configuration options (including those overridden with
+ --option) to substituters. */
+ setenv("_NIX_OPTIONS", settings.pack().c_str(), 1);
+ didSetSubstituterEnv = true;
+void LocalStore::startSubstituter(const Path & substituter, RunningSubstituter & run)
+ if (run.disabled || != -1) return;
+ debug(format("starting substituter program `%1%'") % substituter);
+ Pipe toPipe, fromPipe, errorPipe;
+ toPipe.create();
+ fromPipe.create();
+ errorPipe.create();
+ setSubstituterEnv();
+ = maybeVfork();
+ switch ( {
+ case -1:
+ throw SysError("unable to fork");
+ case 0: /* child */
+ try {
+ restoreAffinity();
+ if (dup2(toPipe.readSide, STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
+ throw SysError("dupping stdin");
+ if (dup2(fromPipe.writeSide, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
+ throw SysError("dupping stdout");
+ if (dup2(errorPipe.writeSide, STDERR_FILENO) == -1)
+ throw SysError("dupping stderr");
+ execl(substituter.c_str(), substituter.c_str(), "--query", NULL);
+ throw SysError(format("executing `%1%'") % substituter);
+ } catch (std::exception & e) {
+ std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ _exit(1);
+ }
+ /* Parent. */
+ run.program = baseNameOf(substituter);
+ = toPipe.writeSide.borrow();
+ run.from = run.fromBuf.fd = fromPipe.readSide.borrow();
+ run.error = errorPipe.readSide.borrow();
+ toPipe.readSide.close();
+ fromPipe.writeSide.close();
+ errorPipe.writeSide.close();
+ /* The substituter may exit right away if it's disabled in any way
+ (e.g. will exit if no other stores
+ are configured). */
+ try {
+ getLineFromSubstituter(run);
+ } catch (EndOfFile & e) {
+ run.from.close();
+ run.error.close();
+ run.disabled = true;
+ if ( != 0) throw;
+ }
+/* Read a line from the substituter's stdout, while also processing
+ its stderr. */
+string LocalStore::getLineFromSubstituter(RunningSubstituter & run)
+ string res, err;
+ /* We might have stdout data left over from the last time. */
+ if (run.fromBuf.hasData()) goto haveData;
+ while (1) {
+ checkInterrupt();
+ fd_set fds;
+ FD_ZERO(&fds);
+ FD_SET(run.from, &fds);
+ FD_SET(run.error, &fds);
+ /* Wait for data to appear on the substituter's stdout or
+ stderr. */
+ if (select(run.from > run.error ? run.from + 1 : run.error + 1, &fds, 0, 0, 0) == -1) {
+ if (errno == EINTR) continue;
+ throw SysError("waiting for input from the substituter");
+ }
+ /* Completely drain stderr before dealing with stdout. */
+ if (FD_ISSET(run.error, &fds)) {
+ char buf[4096];
+ ssize_t n = read(run.error, (unsigned char *) buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (n == -1) {
+ if (errno == EINTR) continue;
+ throw SysError("reading from substituter's stderr");
+ }
+ if (n == 0) throw EndOfFile(format("substituter `%1%' died unexpectedly") % run.program);
+ err.append(buf, n);
+ string::size_type p;
+ while ((p = err.find('\n')) != string::npos) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, run.program + ": " + string(err, 0, p));
+ err = string(err, p + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Read from stdout until we get a newline or the buffer is empty. */
+ else if (run.fromBuf.hasData() || FD_ISSET(run.from, &fds)) {
+ haveData:
+ do {
+ unsigned char c;
+ run.fromBuf(&c, 1);
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ if (!err.empty()) printMsg(lvlError, run.program + ": " + err);
+ return res;
+ }
+ res += c;
+ } while (run.fromBuf.hasData());
+ }
+ }
+template<class T> T LocalStore::getIntLineFromSubstituter(RunningSubstituter & run)
+ string s = getLineFromSubstituter(run);
+ T res;
+ if (!string2Int(s, res)) throw Error("integer expected from stream");
+ return res;
+PathSet LocalStore::querySubstitutablePaths(const PathSet & paths)
+ PathSet res;
+ foreach (Paths::iterator, i, settings.substituters) {
+ if (res.size() == paths.size()) break;
+ RunningSubstituter & run(runningSubstituters[*i]);
+ startSubstituter(*i, run);
+ if (run.disabled) continue;
+ string s = "have ";
+ foreach (PathSet::const_iterator, j, paths)
+ if (res.find(*j) == res.end()) { s += *j; s += " "; }
+ writeLine(, s);
+ while (true) {
+ /* FIXME: we only read stderr when an error occurs, so
+ substituters should only write (short) messages to
+ stderr when they fail. I.e. they shouldn't write debug
+ output. */
+ Path path = getLineFromSubstituter(run);
+ if (path == "") break;
+ res.insert(path);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+void LocalStore::querySubstitutablePathInfos(const Path & substituter,
+ PathSet & paths, SubstitutablePathInfos & infos)
+ RunningSubstituter & run(runningSubstituters[substituter]);
+ startSubstituter(substituter, run);
+ if (run.disabled) return;
+ string s = "info ";
+ foreach (PathSet::const_iterator, i, paths)
+ if (infos.find(*i) == infos.end()) { s += *i; s += " "; }
+ writeLine(, s);
+ while (true) {
+ Path path = getLineFromSubstituter(run);
+ if (path == "") break;
+ if (paths.find(path) == paths.end())
+ throw Error(format("got unexpected path `%1%' from substituter") % path);
+ paths.erase(path);
+ SubstitutablePathInfo & info(infos[path]);
+ info.deriver = getLineFromSubstituter(run);
+ if (info.deriver != "") assertStorePath(info.deriver);
+ int nrRefs = getIntLineFromSubstituter<int>(run);
+ while (nrRefs--) {
+ Path p = getLineFromSubstituter(run);
+ assertStorePath(p);
+ info.references.insert(p);
+ }
+ info.downloadSize = getIntLineFromSubstituter<long long>(run);
+ info.narSize = getIntLineFromSubstituter<long long>(run);
+ }
+void LocalStore::querySubstitutablePathInfos(const PathSet & paths,
+ SubstitutablePathInfos & infos)
+ PathSet todo = paths;
+ foreach (Paths::iterator, i, settings.substituters) {
+ if (todo.empty()) break;
+ querySubstitutablePathInfos(*i, todo, infos);
+ }
+Hash LocalStore::queryPathHash(const Path & path)
+ return queryPathInfo(path).hash;
+void LocalStore::registerValidPath(const ValidPathInfo & info)
+ ValidPathInfos infos;
+ infos.push_back(info);
+ registerValidPaths(infos);
+void LocalStore::registerValidPaths(const ValidPathInfos & infos)
+ /* SQLite will fsync by default, but the new valid paths may not be fsync-ed.
+ * So some may want to fsync them before registering the validity, at the
+ * expense of some speed of the path registering operation. */
+ if (settings.syncBeforeRegistering) sync();
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteTxn txn(db);
+ PathSet paths;
+ foreach (ValidPathInfos::const_iterator, i, infos) {
+ assert(i->hash.type == htSHA256);
+ if (isValidPath_(i->path))
+ updatePathInfo(*i);
+ else
+ addValidPath(*i, false);
+ paths.insert(i->path);
+ }
+ foreach (ValidPathInfos::const_iterator, i, infos) {
+ unsigned long long referrer = queryValidPathId(i->path);
+ foreach (PathSet::iterator, j, i->references)
+ addReference(referrer, queryValidPathId(*j));
+ }
+ /* Check that the derivation outputs are correct. We can't do
+ this in addValidPath() above, because the references might
+ not be valid yet. */
+ foreach (ValidPathInfos::const_iterator, i, infos)
+ if (isDerivation(i->path)) {
+ // FIXME: inefficient; we already loaded the
+ // derivation in addValidPath().
+ Derivation drv = parseDerivation(readFile(i->path));
+ checkDerivationOutputs(i->path, drv);
+ }
+ /* Do a topological sort of the paths. This will throw an
+ error if a cycle is detected and roll back the
+ transaction. Cycles can only occur when a derivation
+ has multiple outputs. */
+ topoSortPaths(*this, paths);
+ txn.commit();
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+/* Invalidate a path. The caller is responsible for checking that
+ there are no referrers. */
+void LocalStore::invalidatePath(const Path & path)
+ debug(format("invalidating path `%1%'") % path);
+ drvHashes.erase(path);
+ SQLiteStmtUse use(stmtInvalidatePath);
+ stmtInvalidatePath.bind(path);
+ if (sqlite3_step(stmtInvalidatePath) != SQLITE_DONE)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, format("invalidating path `%1%' in database") % path);
+ /* Note that the foreign key constraints on the Refs table take
+ care of deleting the references entries for `path'. */
+Path LocalStore::addToStoreFromDump(const string & dump, const string & name,
+ bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo, bool repair)
+ Hash h = hashString(hashAlgo, dump);
+ Path dstPath = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, hashAlgo, h, name);
+ addTempRoot(dstPath);
+ if (repair || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+ /* The first check above is an optimisation to prevent
+ unnecessary lock acquisition. */
+ PathLocks outputLock(singleton<PathSet, Path>(dstPath));
+ if (repair || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+ if (pathExists(dstPath)) deletePath(dstPath);
+ if (recursive) {
+ StringSource source(dump);
+ restorePath(dstPath, source);
+ } else
+ writeFile(dstPath, dump);
+ canonicalisePathMetaData(dstPath, -1);
+ /* Register the SHA-256 hash of the NAR serialisation of
+ the path in the database. We may just have computed it
+ above (if called with recursive == true and hashAlgo ==
+ sha256); otherwise, compute it here. */
+ HashResult hash;
+ if (recursive) {
+ hash.first = hashAlgo == htSHA256 ? h : hashString(htSHA256, dump);
+ hash.second = dump.size();
+ } else
+ hash = hashPath(htSHA256, dstPath);
+ optimisePath(dstPath); // FIXME: combine with hashPath()
+ ValidPathInfo info;
+ info.path = dstPath;
+ info.hash = hash.first;
+ info.narSize = hash.second;
+ registerValidPath(info);
+ }
+ outputLock.setDeletion(true);
+ }
+ return dstPath;
+Path LocalStore::addToStore(const Path & _srcPath,
+ bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter & filter, bool repair)
+ Path srcPath(absPath(_srcPath));
+ debug(format("adding `%1%' to the store") % srcPath);
+ /* Read the whole path into memory. This is not a very scalable
+ method for very large paths, but `copyPath' is mainly used for
+ small files. */
+ StringSink sink;
+ if (recursive)
+ dumpPath(srcPath, sink, filter);
+ else
+ sink.s = readFile(srcPath);
+ return addToStoreFromDump(sink.s, baseNameOf(srcPath), recursive, hashAlgo, repair);
+Path LocalStore::addTextToStore(const string & name, const string & s,
+ const PathSet & references, bool repair)
+ Path dstPath = computeStorePathForText(name, s, references);
+ addTempRoot(dstPath);
+ if (repair || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+ PathLocks outputLock(singleton<PathSet, Path>(dstPath));
+ if (repair || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+ if (pathExists(dstPath)) deletePath(dstPath);
+ writeFile(dstPath, s);
+ canonicalisePathMetaData(dstPath, -1);
+ HashResult hash = hashPath(htSHA256, dstPath);
+ optimisePath(dstPath);
+ ValidPathInfo info;
+ info.path = dstPath;
+ info.hash = hash.first;
+ info.narSize = hash.second;
+ info.references = references;
+ registerValidPath(info);
+ }
+ outputLock.setDeletion(true);
+ }
+ return dstPath;
+struct HashAndWriteSink : Sink
+ Sink & writeSink;
+ HashSink hashSink;
+ HashAndWriteSink(Sink & writeSink) : writeSink(writeSink), hashSink(htSHA256)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len)
+ {
+ writeSink(data, len);
+ hashSink(data, len);
+ }
+ Hash currentHash()
+ {
+ return hashSink.currentHash().first;
+ }
+#define EXPORT_MAGIC 0x4558494e
+static void checkSecrecy(const Path & path)
+ struct stat st;
+ if (stat(path.c_str(), &st))
+ throw SysError(format("getting status of `%1%'") % path);
+ if ((st.st_mode & (S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) != 0)
+ throw Error(format("file `%1%' should be secret (inaccessible to everybody else)!") % path);
+void LocalStore::exportPath(const Path & path, bool sign,
+ Sink & sink)
+ assertStorePath(path);
+ addTempRoot(path);
+ if (!isValidPath(path))
+ throw Error(format("path `%1%' is not valid") % path);
+ HashAndWriteSink hashAndWriteSink(sink);
+ dumpPath(path, hashAndWriteSink);
+ /* Refuse to export paths that have changed. This prevents
+ filesystem corruption from spreading to other machines.
+ Don't complain if the stored hash is zero (unknown). */
+ Hash hash = hashAndWriteSink.currentHash();
+ Hash storedHash = queryPathHash(path);
+ if (hash != storedHash && storedHash != Hash(storedHash.type))
+ throw Error(format("hash of path `%1%' has changed from `%2%' to `%3%'!") % path
+ % printHash(storedHash) % printHash(hash));
+ writeInt(EXPORT_MAGIC, hashAndWriteSink);
+ writeString(path, hashAndWriteSink);
+ PathSet references;
+ queryReferences(path, references);
+ writeStrings(references, hashAndWriteSink);
+ Path deriver = queryDeriver(path);
+ writeString(deriver, hashAndWriteSink);
+ if (sign) {
+ Hash hash = hashAndWriteSink.currentHash();
+ writeInt(1, hashAndWriteSink);
+ Path tmpDir = createTempDir();
+ AutoDelete delTmp(tmpDir);
+ Path hashFile = tmpDir + "/hash";
+ writeFile(hashFile, printHash(hash));
+ Path secretKey = settings.nixConfDir + "/signing-key.sec";
+ checkSecrecy(secretKey);
+ Strings args;
+ args.push_back("rsautl");
+ args.push_back("-sign");
+ args.push_back("-inkey");
+ args.push_back(secretKey);
+ args.push_back("-in");
+ args.push_back(hashFile);
+ string signature = runProgram(OPENSSL_PATH, true, args);
+ writeString(signature, hashAndWriteSink);
+ } else
+ writeInt(0, hashAndWriteSink);
+struct HashAndReadSource : Source
+ Source & readSource;
+ HashSink hashSink;
+ bool hashing;
+ HashAndReadSource(Source & readSource) : readSource(readSource), hashSink(htSHA256)
+ {
+ hashing = true;
+ }
+ size_t read(unsigned char * data, size_t len)
+ {
+ size_t n =, len);
+ if (hashing) hashSink(data, n);
+ return n;
+ }
+/* Create a temporary directory in the store that won't be
+ garbage-collected. */
+Path LocalStore::createTempDirInStore()
+ Path tmpDir;
+ do {
+ /* There is a slight possibility that `tmpDir' gets deleted by
+ the GC between createTempDir() and addTempRoot(), so repeat
+ until `tmpDir' exists. */
+ tmpDir = createTempDir(settings.nixStore);
+ addTempRoot(tmpDir);
+ } while (!pathExists(tmpDir));
+ return tmpDir;
+Path LocalStore::importPath(bool requireSignature, Source & source)
+ HashAndReadSource hashAndReadSource(source);
+ /* We don't yet know what store path this archive contains (the
+ store path follows the archive data proper), and besides, we
+ don't know yet whether the signature is valid. */
+ Path tmpDir = createTempDirInStore();
+ AutoDelete delTmp(tmpDir);
+ Path unpacked = tmpDir + "/unpacked";
+ restorePath(unpacked, hashAndReadSource);
+ unsigned int magic = readInt(hashAndReadSource);
+ if (magic != EXPORT_MAGIC)
+ throw Error("Nix archive cannot be imported; wrong format");
+ Path dstPath = readStorePath(hashAndReadSource);
+ printMsg(lvlInfo, format("importing path `%1%'") % dstPath);
+ PathSet references = readStorePaths<PathSet>(hashAndReadSource);
+ Path deriver = readString(hashAndReadSource);
+ if (deriver != "") assertStorePath(deriver);
+ Hash hash = hashAndReadSource.hashSink.finish().first;
+ hashAndReadSource.hashing = false;
+ bool haveSignature = readInt(hashAndReadSource) == 1;
+ if (requireSignature && !haveSignature)
+ throw Error(format("imported archive of `%1%' lacks a signature") % dstPath);
+ if (haveSignature) {
+ string signature = readString(hashAndReadSource);
+ if (requireSignature) {
+ Path sigFile = tmpDir + "/sig";
+ writeFile(sigFile, signature);
+ Strings args;
+ args.push_back("rsautl");
+ args.push_back("-verify");
+ args.push_back("-inkey");
+ args.push_back(settings.nixConfDir + "/");
+ args.push_back("-pubin");
+ args.push_back("-in");
+ args.push_back(sigFile);
+ string hash2 = runProgram(OPENSSL_PATH, true, args);
+ /* Note: runProgram() throws an exception if the signature
+ is invalid. */
+ if (printHash(hash) != hash2)
+ throw Error(
+ "signed hash doesn't match actual contents of imported "
+ "archive; archive could be corrupt, or someone is trying "
+ "to import a Trojan horse");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Do the actual import. */
+ /* !!! way too much code duplication with addTextToStore() etc. */
+ addTempRoot(dstPath);
+ if (!isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+ PathLocks outputLock;
+ /* Lock the output path. But don't lock if we're being called
+ from a build hook (whose parent process already acquired a
+ lock on this path). */
+ Strings locksHeld = tokenizeString<Strings>(getEnv("NIX_HELD_LOCKS"));
+ if (find(locksHeld.begin(), locksHeld.end(), dstPath) == locksHeld.end())
+ outputLock.lockPaths(singleton<PathSet, Path>(dstPath));
+ if (!isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+ if (pathExists(dstPath)) deletePath(dstPath);
+ if (rename(unpacked.c_str(), dstPath.c_str()) == -1)
+ throw SysError(format("cannot move `%1%' to `%2%'")
+ % unpacked % dstPath);
+ canonicalisePathMetaData(dstPath, -1);
+ /* !!! if we were clever, we could prevent the hashPath()
+ here. */
+ HashResult hash = hashPath(htSHA256, dstPath);
+ optimisePath(dstPath); // FIXME: combine with hashPath()
+ ValidPathInfo info;
+ info.path = dstPath;
+ info.hash = hash.first;
+ info.narSize = hash.second;
+ info.references = references;
+ info.deriver = deriver != "" && isValidPath(deriver) ? deriver : "";
+ registerValidPath(info);
+ }
+ outputLock.setDeletion(true);
+ }
+ return dstPath;
+Paths LocalStore::importPaths(bool requireSignature, Source & source)
+ Paths res;
+ while (true) {
+ unsigned long long n = readLongLong(source);
+ if (n == 0) break;
+ if (n != 1) throw Error("input doesn't look like something created by `nix-store --export'");
+ res.push_back(importPath(requireSignature, source));
+ }
+ return res;
+void LocalStore::invalidatePathChecked(const Path & path)
+ assertStorePath(path);
+ retry_sqlite {
+ SQLiteTxn txn(db);
+ if (isValidPath_(path)) {
+ PathSet referrers; queryReferrers_(path, referrers);
+ referrers.erase(path); /* ignore self-references */
+ if (!referrers.empty())
+ throw PathInUse(format("cannot delete path `%1%' because it is in use by %2%")
+ % path % showPaths(referrers));
+ invalidatePath(path);
+ }
+ txn.commit();
+ } end_retry_sqlite;
+bool LocalStore::verifyStore(bool checkContents, bool repair)
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("reading the Nix store..."));
+ bool errors = false;
+ /* Acquire the global GC lock to prevent a garbage collection. */
+ AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltWrite);
+ Paths entries = readDirectory(settings.nixStore);
+ PathSet store(entries.begin(), entries.end());
+ /* Check whether all valid paths actually exist. */
+ printMsg(lvlInfo, "checking path existence...");
+ PathSet validPaths2 = queryAllValidPaths(), validPaths, done;
+ foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, validPaths2)
+ verifyPath(*i, store, done, validPaths, repair, errors);
+ /* Release the GC lock so that checking content hashes (which can
+ take ages) doesn't block the GC or builds. */
+ fdGCLock.close();
+ /* Optionally, check the content hashes (slow). */
+ if (checkContents) {
+ printMsg(lvlInfo, "checking hashes...");
+ Hash nullHash(htSHA256);
+ foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, validPaths) {
+ try {
+ ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfo(*i);
+ /* Check the content hash (optionally - slow). */
+ printMsg(lvlTalkative, format("checking contents of `%1%'") % *i);
+ HashResult current = hashPath(info.hash.type, *i);
+ if (info.hash != nullHash && info.hash != current.first) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("path `%1%' was modified! "
+ "expected hash `%2%', got `%3%'")
+ % *i % printHash(info.hash) % printHash(current.first));
+ if (repair) repairPath(*i); else errors = true;
+ } else {
+ bool update = false;
+ /* Fill in missing hashes. */
+ if (info.hash == nullHash) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("fixing missing hash on `%1%'") % *i);
+ info.hash = current.first;
+ update = true;
+ }
+ /* Fill in missing narSize fields (from old stores). */
+ if (info.narSize == 0) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("updating size field on `%1%' to %2%") % *i % current.second);
+ info.narSize = current.second;
+ update = true;
+ }
+ if (update) updatePathInfo(info);
+ }
+ } catch (Error & e) {
+ /* It's possible that the path got GC'ed, so ignore
+ errors on invalid paths. */
+ if (isValidPath(*i))
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("error: %1%") % e.msg());
+ else
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("warning: %1%") % e.msg());
+ errors = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return errors;
+void LocalStore::verifyPath(const Path & path, const PathSet & store,
+ PathSet & done, PathSet & validPaths, bool repair, bool & errors)
+ checkInterrupt();
+ if (done.find(path) != done.end()) return;
+ done.insert(path);
+ if (!isStorePath(path)) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("path `%1%' is not in the Nix store") % path);
+ invalidatePath(path);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (store.find(baseNameOf(path)) == store.end()) {
+ /* Check any referrers first. If we can invalidate them
+ first, then we can invalidate this path as well. */
+ bool canInvalidate = true;
+ PathSet referrers; queryReferrers(path, referrers);
+ foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, referrers)
+ if (*i != path) {
+ verifyPath(*i, store, done, validPaths, repair, errors);
+ if (validPaths.find(*i) != validPaths.end())
+ canInvalidate = false;
+ }
+ if (canInvalidate) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("path `%1%' disappeared, removing from database...") % path);
+ invalidatePath(path);
+ } else {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("path `%1%' disappeared, but it still has valid referrers!") % path);
+ if (repair)
+ try {
+ repairPath(path);
+ } catch (Error & e) {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("warning: %1%") % e.msg());
+ errors = true;
+ }
+ else errors = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ validPaths.insert(path);
+bool LocalStore::pathContentsGood(const Path & path)
+ std::map<Path, bool>::iterator i = pathContentsGoodCache.find(path);
+ if (i != pathContentsGoodCache.end()) return i->second;
+ printMsg(lvlInfo, format("checking path `%1%'...") % path);
+ ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfo(path);
+ bool res;
+ if (!pathExists(path))
+ res = false;
+ else {
+ HashResult current = hashPath(info.hash.type, path);
+ Hash nullHash(htSHA256);
+ res = info.hash == nullHash || info.hash == current.first;
+ }
+ pathContentsGoodCache[path] = res;
+ if (!res) printMsg(lvlError, format("path `%1%' is corrupted or missing!") % path);
+ return res;
+void LocalStore::markContentsGood(const Path & path)
+ pathContentsGoodCache[path] = true;
+/* Functions for upgrading from the pre-SQLite database. */
+PathSet LocalStore::queryValidPathsOld()
+ PathSet paths;
+ Strings entries = readDirectory(settings.nixDBPath + "/info");
+ foreach (Strings::iterator, i, entries)
+ if (i->at(0) != '.') paths.insert(settings.nixStore + "/" + *i);
+ return paths;
+ValidPathInfo LocalStore::queryPathInfoOld(const Path & path)
+ ValidPathInfo res;
+ res.path = path;
+ /* Read the info file. */
+ string baseName = baseNameOf(path);
+ Path infoFile = (format("%1%/info/%2%") % settings.nixDBPath % baseName).str();
+ if (!pathExists(infoFile))
+ throw Error(format("path `%1%' is not valid") % path);
+ string info = readFile(infoFile);
+ /* Parse it. */
+ Strings lines = tokenizeString<Strings>(info, "\n");
+ foreach (Strings::iterator, i, lines) {
+ string::size_type p = i->find(':');
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw Error(format("corrupt line in `%1%': %2%") % infoFile % *i);
+ string name(*i, 0, p);
+ string value(*i, p + 2);
+ if (name == "References") {
+ Strings refs = tokenizeString<Strings>(value, " ");
+ res.references = PathSet(refs.begin(), refs.end());
+ } else if (name == "Deriver") {
+ res.deriver = value;
+ } else if (name == "Hash") {
+ res.hash = parseHashField(path, value);
+ } else if (name == "Registered-At") {
+ int n = 0;
+ string2Int(value, n);
+ res.registrationTime = n;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+/* Upgrade from schema 5 (Nix 0.12) to schema 6 (Nix >= 0.15). */
+void LocalStore::upgradeStore6()
+ printMsg(lvlError, "upgrading Nix store to new schema (this may take a while)...");
+ openDB(true);
+ PathSet validPaths = queryValidPathsOld();
+ SQLiteTxn txn(db);
+ foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, validPaths) {
+ addValidPath(queryPathInfoOld(*i), false);
+ std::cerr << ".";
+ }
+ std::cerr << "|";
+ foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, validPaths) {
+ ValidPathInfo info = queryPathInfoOld(*i);
+ unsigned long long referrer = queryValidPathId(*i);
+ foreach (PathSet::iterator, j, info.references)
+ addReference(referrer, queryValidPathId(*j));
+ std::cerr << ".";
+ }
+ std::cerr << "\n";
+ txn.commit();
+#if defined(FS_IOC_SETFLAGS) && defined(FS_IOC_GETFLAGS) && defined(FS_IMMUTABLE_FL)
+static void makeMutable(const Path & path)
+ checkInterrupt();
+ struct stat st = lstat(path);
+ if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return;
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ Strings names = readDirectory(path);
+ foreach (Strings::iterator, i, names)
+ makeMutable(path + "/" + *i);
+ }
+ /* The O_NOFOLLOW is important to prevent us from changing the
+ mutable bit on the target of a symlink (which would be a
+ security hole). */
+ AutoCloseFD fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ if (errno == ELOOP) return; // it's a symlink
+ throw SysError(format("opening file `%1%'") % path);
+ }
+ unsigned int flags = 0, old;
+ /* Silently ignore errors getting/setting the immutable flag so
+ that we work correctly on filesystems that don't support it. */
+ if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, &flags)) return;
+ old = flags;
+ flags &= ~FS_IMMUTABLE_FL;
+ if (old == flags) return;
+ if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SETFLAGS, &flags)) return;
+/* Upgrade from schema 6 (Nix 0.15) to schema 7 (Nix >= 1.3). */
+void LocalStore::upgradeStore7()
+ if (getuid() != 0) return;
+ printMsg(lvlError, "removing immutable bits from the Nix store (this may take a while)...");
+ makeMutable(settings.nixStore);
+void LocalStore::upgradeStore7()
+void LocalStore::vacuumDB()
+ if (sqlite3_exec(db, "vacuum;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK)
+ throwSQLiteError(db, "vacuuming SQLite database");