path: root/lisp/nxml/xsd-regexp.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/nxml/xsd-regexp.el')
1 files changed, 2121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/nxml/xsd-regexp.el b/lisp/nxml/xsd-regexp.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f12c5576a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/nxml/xsd-regexp.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2121 @@
+;;; xsd-regexp.el --- translate W3C XML Schema regexps to Emacs regexps
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: James Clark
+;; Keywords: XML, regexp
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+;; PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+;; MA 02111-1307 USA
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This handles the regular expressions in the syntax defined by:
+;; W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
+;; <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#regexs>
+;; The main entry point is `xsdre-translate'.
+;; The features of XSD regexps that make this non-trivial are:
+;; - \p{PROP} escape for matching characters that have various
+;; Unicode-defined properties
+;; - character class subtraction:, e.g. [\p{L}-[abc]] matches
+;; any character in the L category other than a, b and c.
+;; We compute the set of Unicode characters denoted by each XSD
+;; char-class as a list of ranges. The regexp generated for a
+;; single escape can be large (several thousand characters).
+;; XSD has non-traditional rules about when characters must be
+;; and can be quoted with \. These are quite different from
+;; the Emacs rules.
+;; The semantics of XSD regexps are defined in terms of Unicode.
+;; Non-Unicode characters are not allowed in regular expressions and
+;; will not match against the generated regular expressions. A
+;; Unicode character means a character in one of the Mule charsets
+;; ascii, latin-iso8859-1, mule-unicode-0100-24ff,
+;; mule-unicode-2500-33ff, mule-unicode-e000-ffff, eight-bit-control
+;; or a character translateable to such a character (i.e a character
+;; for which `encode-char' will return non-nil).
+;; Using unify-8859-on-decoding-mode is probably a good idea here
+;; (and generally with XML and other Unicode-oriented formats).
+;; Unfortunately, this means that this package is currently useless
+;; for CJK characters, since there's no mule-unicode charset for the
+;; CJK ranges of Unicode. We should devise a workaround for this
+;; until the fabled Unicode version of Emacs makes an appearance.
+;;; Code:
+(defun xsdre-translate (regexp)
+ "Translate a W3C XML Schema Datatypes regexp to an Emacs regexp.
+Returns a string. REGEXP is a string. If REGEXP is not a valid XSD
+regexp, signal an `xsdre-invalid-regexp' condition."
+ (xsdre-from-symbolic
+ (xsdre-to-symbolic regexp)))
+(defvar xsdre-test-history nil)
+(defun xsdre-test-regexp ()
+ (interactive)
+ (while
+ (let* ((str (read-from-minibuffer "Regexp: "
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+ 'xsdre-test-history))
+ (symbolic
+ (xsdre-to-symbolic str)))
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*XSD Regexp Test*"
+ (princ "XSD regexp: ")
+ (princ str)
+ (princ "\n")
+ (princ "Symbolic: ")
+ (princ "\n")
+ (pp symbolic)
+ (princ "\n")
+ (princ "Emacs regexp: ")
+ (princ (xsdre-from-symbolic symbolic)))
+ t)))
+;;; Range lists
+(defsubst xsdre-make-range (first last)
+ "Return a representation of a range of integers.
+If the range contains a single integer, it is represented by that integer.
+Otherwise, it is represented by a (FIRST . LAST) pair."
+ (if (= first last)
+ first
+ (cons first last)))
+(defsubst xsdre-range-first (r)
+ "Return the first integer in a range."
+ (if (consp r) (car r) r))
+(defsubst xsdre-range-last (r)
+ "Return the last integer in a range."
+ (if (consp r) (cdr r) r))
+(defun xsdre-make-range-list (list)
+ "Make a range-list from a list of ranges.
+A range-list represents a set of integers by a list of ranges in a
+canonical form, in which ranges are in increasing order, and adjacent
+ranges are merged wherever possible."
+ (when list
+ (setq list
+ (sort list 'xsdre-range-less-than))
+ (let* ((next (cdr list))
+ (tail list)
+ (head (car list))
+ (first (xsdre-range-first head))
+ (last (xsdre-range-last head)))
+ (while next
+ (setq head (car next))
+ (when (> (xsdre-range-last head) last)
+ (if (<= (xsdre-range-first head) (1+ last))
+ (setq last (xsdre-range-last head))
+ (setcar tail (xsdre-make-range first last))
+ (setcdr tail next)
+ (setq tail next)
+ (setq first (xsdre-range-first head))
+ (setq last (xsdre-range-last head))))
+ (setq next (cdr next)))
+ (setcar tail (xsdre-make-range first last))
+ (setcdr tail nil)
+ list)))
+(defun xsdre-range-list-union (range-lists)
+ "Return a range-list the union of a list of range-lists."
+ (xsdre-make-range-list (apply 'append range-lists)))
+(defun xsdre-range-list-difference (orig subtract)
+ "Return a range-list for the difference of two range-lists."
+ (when orig
+ (let (new head next first last)
+ (while orig
+ (setq head (car orig))
+ (setq first (xsdre-range-first head))
+ (setq last (xsdre-range-last head))
+ (while (and subtract
+ (< (xsdre-range-last (car subtract)) first))
+ (setq subtract (cdr subtract)))
+ (while (and subtract
+ (<= first last)
+ (<= (xsdre-range-first (car subtract)) last))
+ (when (< first (xsdre-range-first (car subtract)))
+ (setq new
+ (cons (xsdre-make-range
+ first
+ (1- (xsdre-range-first (car subtract))))
+ new)))
+ (if (< (xsdre-range-last (car subtract)) last)
+ (progn
+ (setq first (1+ (xsdre-range-last (car subtract))))
+ (setq subtract (cdr subtract)))
+ (setq first (1+ last))))
+ (when (<= first last)
+ (setq new (cons (xsdre-make-range first last) new)))
+ (setq orig (cdr orig)))
+ (nreverse new))))
+(defun xsdre-range-less-than (r1 r2)
+ "Return non-nil if range R1 is less than range R2."
+ (or (< (xsdre-range-first r1) (xsdre-range-first r2))
+ (and (= (xsdre-range-first r1) (xsdre-range-first r2))
+ (< (xsdre-range-last r1) (xsdre-range-last r2)))))
+(defun xsdre-check-range-list (range-list)
+ "Check that range-list is a range-list.
+Signal an error if it is not."
+ (let ((last nil))
+ (while range-list
+ (unless (consp range-list)
+ (error "Range list not a list"))
+ (let ((head (car range-list)))
+ (unless (or (integerp head)
+ (and (consp head)
+ (integerp (car head))
+ (integerp (cdr head))))
+ (error "Bad range %s" head))
+ (when (and last
+ (not (< (1+ last) (xsdre-range-first head))))
+ (error "Ranges not strictly increasing"))
+ (setq last (xsdre-range-last head)))
+ (setq range-list (cdr range-list))))
+ t)
+;;; Compiling symbolic regexps to Emacs regexps
+(defun xsdre-from-symbolic (re)
+ "Return an Emacs regexp for the symbolic regexp RE."
+ (apply 'concat
+ (nreverse (xsdre-compile-regexp re nil))))
+(defun xsdre-compile-regexp (re accum)
+ "Return a Emacs regular expression for the symbolic regexp RE.
+Returns a list of strings whose head is the regexp for RE
+and whose tail is ACCUM."
+ (cond ((not (consp re))
+ (xsdre-compile-char-class re accum))
+ ((eq (car re) 'choice)
+ (setq accum (cons "\\(?:" accum))
+ (let ((choices (cdr re)))
+ (while choices
+ (setq accum
+ (xsdre-compile-regexp (car choices)
+ accum))
+ (setq choices (cdr choices))
+ (when choices
+ (setq accum
+ (cons "\\|" accum)))))
+ (cons "\\)" accum))
+ ((eq (car re) 'sequence)
+ (let ((members (cdr re)))
+ (while members
+ (setq accum (xsdre-compile-regexp (car members)
+ accum))
+ (setq members (cdr members))))
+ accum)
+ ((eq (car re) 'repeat)
+ (let* ((sub (nth 1 re))
+ (lower (nth 2 re))
+ (upper (nth 3 re))
+ (need-paren (and (consp sub)
+ (eq (car sub) 'sequence))))
+ (when need-paren
+ (setq accum (cons "\\(?:" accum)))
+ (setq accum
+ (xsdre-compile-regexp sub accum))
+ (when need-paren
+ (setq accum (cons "\\)" accum)))
+ (cond ((not upper)
+ (cond ((eq lower 0)
+ (cons "*" accum))
+ ((eq lower 1)
+ (cons "+" accum))
+ (t
+ (cons (concat "\\{"
+ (number-to-string lower)
+ ",\\}")
+ accum))))
+ ((eq lower upper)
+ (cons (concat "\\{"
+ (number-to-string lower)
+ "\\}")
+ accum))
+ ((and (eq lower 0) (eq upper 1))
+ (cons "?" accum))
+ (t
+ (cons (concat "\\{"
+ (number-to-string lower)
+ ","
+ (number-to-string upper)
+ "\\}")
+ accum)))))
+ (t (xsdre-compile-char-class re accum))))
+(defun xsdre-compile-char-class (cc accum)
+ "Return a Emacs regular expression for the symbolic character class CC.
+Returns a list of strings whose head is the regexp for CC
+and whose tail is ACCUM."
+ (cons (if (integerp cc)
+ (xsdre-compile-single-char cc)
+ (let ((ranges (xsdre-range-list-mule-intersection
+ (xsdre-char-class-to-range-list cc))))
+ (cond ((null ranges) "\001-\000")
+ ((and (null (cdr ranges))
+ (= (xsdre-range-first (car ranges))
+ (xsdre-range-last (car ranges))))
+ (xsdre-compile-single-char
+ (xsdre-range-first (car ranges))))
+ (t (xsdre-range-list-to-char-alternative ranges)))))
+ accum))
+(defun xsdre-compile-single-char (ch)
+ (if (memq ch '(?. ?* ?+ ?? ?\[ ?\] ?^ ?$ ?\\))
+ (string ?\\ ch)
+ (string (decode-char 'ucs ch))))
+(defun xsdre-char-class-to-range-list (cc)
+ "Return a range-list for a symbolic char-class."
+ (cond ((integerp cc) (list cc))
+ ((symbolp cc)
+ (or (get cc 'xsdre-ranges)
+ (xsdre-char-class-to-range-list (get cc 'xsdre-char-class))))
+ ((integerp (car cc))
+ (if (= (car cc) (cdr cc))
+ (car cc)
+ cc))
+ ((eq (car cc) 'union)
+ (xsdre-range-list-union (mapcar 'xsdre-char-class-to-range-list
+ (cdr cc))))
+ ((eq (car cc) 'difference)
+ (xsdre-range-list-difference
+ (xsdre-char-class-to-range-list (nth 1 cc))
+ (xsdre-char-class-to-range-list (nth 2 cc))))
+ ((eq (car cc) 'range)
+ (list (xsdre-make-range (nth 1 cc) (nth 2 cc))))
+ (t (error "Internal error in XSD regexp compilation: \
+unknown char-class %s" cc))))
+(defconst xsdre-mule-char-set-ranges
+ '((0 . 127)
+ (128 . 159)
+ (160 . 255)
+ (#x0100 . #x24ff)
+ (#x2500 . #x33ff)
+ (#xe000 . #xffff))
+ "List of ranges for the Mule character sets containing Unicode characters.")
+(defun xsdre-range-list-mule-intersection (range-list)
+ "Return the intersection of RANGE-LIST with the mule-supported ranges.
+Also split ranges so that no range spans more that one mule charset."
+ (when range-list
+ (let* ((char-set-ranges (cdr xsdre-mule-char-set-ranges))
+ (mule-ranges nil)
+ (char-set-first (caar xsdre-mule-char-set-ranges))
+ (char-set-last (cdar xsdre-mule-char-set-ranges))
+ (range (car range-list))
+ (first (xsdre-range-first range))
+ (last (xsdre-range-last range)))
+ (setq range-list (cdr range-list))
+ (while (progn
+ (cond ((> first last)
+ (if (null range-list)
+ nil
+ (setq range (car range-list))
+ (setq first (xsdre-range-first range))
+ (setq last (xsdre-range-last range))
+ (setq range-list (cdr range-list))
+ t))
+ ((< char-set-last first)
+ (if (null char-set-ranges)
+ nil
+ (setq char-set-first (caar char-set-ranges))
+ (setq char-set-last (cdar char-set-ranges))
+ (setq char-set-ranges (cdr char-set-ranges))
+ t))
+ ((< first char-set-first)
+ (setq first char-set-first))
+ ;; Now we know that
+ ;; first <= last
+ ;; first <= char-set-last
+ ;; first >= char-set-first
+ ((<= last char-set-last)
+ (setq mule-ranges
+ (cons (xsdre-make-range first last)
+ mule-ranges))
+ (setq first (1+ last))
+ t)
+ (t
+ (setq mule-ranges
+ (cons (xsdre-make-range first char-set-last)
+ mule-ranges))
+ (setq first (1+ char-set-last))
+ t))))
+ (nreverse mule-ranges))))
+(defun xsdre-range-list-to-char-alternative (range-list)
+ "Return a char alternative for a range-list.
+RANGE-LIST must contain more than integer.
+The char alternative is a string containing an Emacs regexp
+consisting of a single char alternative delimited with []."
+ (let (range caret close-bracket hyphen chars first last)
+ (while range-list
+ (setq range (car range-list))
+ (setq first (xsdre-range-first range))
+ (setq last (xsdre-range-last range))
+ (while (and (cond ((eq first ?^)
+ (setq caret t)
+ (setq first (1+ first)))
+ ((eq first ?-)
+ (setq hyphen t)
+ (setq first (1+ first)))
+ ((eq first ?\])
+ (setq close-bracket t)
+ (setq first (1+ first))))
+ (<= first last)))
+ (when (<= first last)
+ (setq chars
+ (cons first chars))
+ (when (< first last)
+ (setq chars
+ (if (and (eq last (1+ first))
+ (not (eq last ?-)))
+ (cons last chars)
+ (cons last (cons ?- chars))))))
+ (setq range-list (cdr range-list)))
+ (setq chars
+ (mapcar (lambda (c)
+ (decode-char 'ucs c))
+ chars))
+ (when caret
+ (setq chars (cons ?^ chars)))
+ (when hyphen
+ (setq chars (cons ?- chars)))
+ (setq chars (cons ?\] chars))
+ (setq chars (nreverse chars))
+ (when close-bracket
+ (setq chars (cons ?\] chars)))
+ (when (equal chars '(?^ ?- ?\]))
+ (setq chars '(?- ?^ ?\])))
+ (setq chars (cons ?\[ chars))
+ (apply 'string chars)))
+;;; Parsing
+(defvar xsdre-current-regexp nil
+ "List of characters remaining to be parsed. Dynamically bound.")
+(defun xsdre-to-symbolic (str)
+ "Convert a W3C XML Schema datatypes regexp to a symbolic form.
+The symbolic form has the following structure:
+ (sequence REGEXP ...)
+ | (choice REGEXP ...)
+ | (repeat REGEXP MIN MAX)
+ | (union CHAR-CLASS ...)
+ | (difference CHAR-CLASS CHAR-CLASS)
+RANGE ::= (range LOWER UPPER)
+MAX ::= INTEGER | nil
+where UNICODE is a integer specifying a Unicode code-point and
+SYMBOLIC-CHAR-CLASS is a symbol which has either a `xsdre-char-class'
+property whose value is a CHAR-CLASS, or a `xsdre-ranges' property
+whose value is a range-list."
+ (let ((xsdre-current-regexp (string-to-list str)))
+ (condition-case err
+ (let ((symbolic (xsdre-parse-regexp)))
+ (if xsdre-current-regexp
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Unexpected %c" (car xsdre-current-regexp))
+ symbolic))
+ (xsdre-parse-error
+ (signal 'xsdre-invalid-regexp
+ (list (apply 'format (cdr err))
+ (- (length str)
+ (length xsdre-current-regexp))))))))
+(put 'xsdre-invalid-regexp
+ 'error-conditions
+ '(error xsdre-invalid-regexp))
+(put 'xsdre-invalid-regexp
+ 'error-message
+ "Invalid W3C XML Schema Datatypes regular expression")
+(defun xsdre-parse-regexp ()
+ (let ((branches nil))
+ (while (progn
+ (setq branches (cons (xsdre-parse-branch) branches))
+ (when (eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?|)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ t)))
+ (if (null (cdr branches))
+ (car branches)
+ (cons 'choice (nreverse branches)))))
+(defun xsdre-parse-branch ()
+ (let (items)
+ (while (let ((item (xsdre-try-parse-atom)))
+ (when item
+ (let ((quantifier (xsdre-try-parse-quantifier)))
+ (when quantifier
+ (setq item
+ (list 'repeat
+ item
+ (car quantifier)
+ (cdr quantifier)))))
+ (setq items (cons item items)))))
+ (cond ((null items) '(sequence))
+ ((null (cdr items)) (car items))
+ (t (cons 'sequence (nreverse items))))))
+(defun xsdre-try-parse-quantifier ()
+ (let ((ch (car xsdre-current-regexp)))
+ (cond ((eq ch ?*) (xsdre-advance) '(0 . nil))
+ ((eq ch ?+) (xsdre-advance) '(1 . nil))
+ ((eq ch ??) (xsdre-advance) '(0 . 1))
+ ((eq ch ?{)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (let ((lower (xsdre-parse-bound)))
+ (setq ch (car xsdre-current-regexp))
+ (cond ((eq ch ?})
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (cons lower lower))
+ ((eq ch ?,)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (cond ((eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?})
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (cons lower nil))
+ (t
+ (let ((upper (xsdre-parse-bound)))
+ (xsdre-expect ?})
+ (cons lower upper)))))
+ (t (xsdre-parse-error "Expected , or }")))))
+ (t nil))))
+(defun xsdre-parse-bound ()
+ (let ((n 0))
+ (while (progn
+ (let* ((ch (car xsdre-current-regexp))
+ (digit (memq ch '(?9 ?8 ?7 ?6 ?5 ?4 ?3 ?2 ?1 ?0))))
+ (unless digit
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Expected a digit"))
+ (setq n (+ (* n 10)
+ (length (cdr digit)))))
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (not (memq (car xsdre-current-regexp) '(?} ?,)))))
+ n))
+(defun xsdre-try-parse-atom ()
+ (let ((ch (car xsdre-current-regexp)))
+ (cond ((memq ch '(nil ?? ?* ?+ ?\) ?\{ ?\} ?| ?\])) nil)
+ ((eq ch ?\\)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (xsdre-parse-escape))
+ ((eq ch ?\()
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (let ((ret (xsdre-parse-regexp)))
+ (xsdre-expect ?\))
+ ret))
+ ((eq ch ?\[)
+ (xsdre-parse-char-class))
+ ((eq ch ?.)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ 'dot)
+ (t
+ (let ((uc (encode-char ch 'ucs)))
+ (unless uc
+ (xsdre-parse-error "%c is not a Unicode character" ch))
+ (xsdre-advance) uc)))))
+(defun xsdre-parse-char-class ()
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (let (compl members ret)
+ (when (eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?^)
+ (setq compl t)
+ (xsdre-advance))
+ (while (let ((member (xsdre-parse-char-class-member))
+ uc1 uc2)
+ (cond ((eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?\-)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (cond ((eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?\[)
+ (setq members (cons member members))
+ nil)
+ ((not (integerp member))
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Lower bound is not a single character"))
+ ((not (setq uc1
+ (encode-char member 'ucs)))
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Lower bound %c is not a Unicode character"
+ member))
+ (t
+ (let ((upper (xsdre-parse-char-class-member)))
+ (unless (integerp upper)
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Upper bound is not a single character"))
+ (unless (setq uc2
+ (encode-char upper 'ucs))
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Upper bound %c is not a Unicode character" upper))
+ (setq members
+ (cons (list 'range uc1 uc2)
+ members)))
+ (not (eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?\])))))
+ (t (setq members (cons member members))
+ (not (eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?\]))))))
+ (setq members (nreverse members))
+ (if (null (cdr members))
+ (setq ret (car members))
+ (setq ret (cons 'union members)))
+ (when compl
+ (setq ret (list 'difference 'any ret)))
+ (when (eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?\[)
+ (setq ret
+ (list 'difference ret (xsdre-parse-char-class))))
+ (xsdre-expect ?\])
+ ret))
+(defun xsdre-parse-char-class-member ()
+ (let ((ch (car xsdre-current-regexp)))
+ (cond ((null ch)
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Expected ]"))
+ ((eq ch ?\\)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (xsdre-parse-escape))
+ ((memq ch '(?\[ ?\] ?-))
+ (xsdre-parse-error "%c must be quoted in a character class" ch))
+ (t (xsdre-advance) ch))))
+(defconst xsdre-single-escape
+ '((?s . space)
+ (?i . name-initial)
+ (?c . name-continue)
+ (?d . digit)
+ (?w . word)))
+(defun xsdre-parse-escape ()
+ (let ((ch (car xsdre-current-regexp)))
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (cond ((memq ch '(?\\ ?| ?. ?- ?^ ?* ?+ ?( ?) ?{ ?} ?[ ?])) ch)
+ ((eq ch ?r) ?\r)
+ ((eq ch ?n) ?\n)
+ ((eq ch ?t) ?\t)
+ ((cdr (assq ch xsdre-single-escape)))
+ ((let ((positive
+ (cdr (assq (downcase ch) xsdre-single-escape))))
+ (and positive
+ (list 'difference 'any positive))))
+ ((eq ch ?p) (xsdre-parse-prop))
+ ((eq ch ?P) (list 'difference 'any (xsdre-parse-prop)))
+ (t (if ch
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Missing char after \\")
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Bad escape %c" ch))))))
+(defun xsdre-parse-prop ()
+ (xsdre-expect ?{)
+ (let ((name nil))
+ (while (not (eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ?\}))
+ (unless xsdre-current-regexp
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Expected ?"))
+ (setq name (cons (car xsdre-current-regexp)
+ name))
+ (xsdre-advance))
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (setq name (nreverse name))
+ (cond ((null name) (xsdre-parse-error "Empty property name"))
+ ((null (cdr name))
+ (let ((category (intern (string (car name)))))
+ (unless (get category 'xsdre-unicode-category)
+ (xsdre-parse-error "%s is not a category" category))
+ category))
+ ((null (cddr name))
+ (let ((category (intern (string (car name) (cadr name)))))
+ (unless (get category 'xsdre-unicode-category)
+ (xsdre-parse-error "%s is not a category" category))
+ category))
+ ((not (and (eq (car name) ?I)
+ (eq (cadr name) ?s)))
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Block name does not start with Is"))
+ (t
+ (let ((block (intern (apply 'string (cddr name)))))
+ (unless (get block 'xsdre-unicode-block)
+ (xsdre-parse-error "%s is not a block name" block))
+ block)))))
+(defun xsdre-expect (ch)
+ (if (eq (car xsdre-current-regexp) ch)
+ (xsdre-advance)
+ (xsdre-parse-error "Expected %c" ch)))
+(defun xsdre-advance ()
+ (setq xsdre-current-regexp
+ (cdr xsdre-current-regexp)))
+(defun xsdre-parse-error (&rest args)
+ (signal 'xsdre-parse-error args))
+;; This error condition is used only internally.
+(put 'xsdre-parse-error
+ 'error-conditions
+ '(error xsdre-parse-error))
+(put 'xsdre-parse-error
+ 'error-message
+ "Internal error in parsing XSD regexp")
+;;; Character class data
+(put 'dot 'xsdre-char-class '(difference any (union #xA #xD)))
+(put 'digit 'xsdre-char-class 'Nd)
+(put 'word 'xsdre-char-class '(difference any (union P Z C)))
+(put 'space 'xsdre-char-class '(union #x9 #xA #xD #x20))
+(put 'any 'xsdre-ranges '((#x0 . #x10FFFF)))
+(defconst xsdre-gen-categories
+ '(Lu Ll Lt Lm Lo Mn Mc Me Nd Nl No Pc Pd
+ Ps Pe Pi Pf Po Zs Zl Zp Sm Sc Sk So Cc Cf Co))
+(defun xsdre-gen-categories (file)
+ "Use a UnicodeData file to generate code to initialize Unicode categories.
+Code is inserted into the current buffer."
+ (interactive "fUnicodeData file: ")
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (find-file-noselect file))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (put x 'xsdre-ranges nil)) xsdre-gen-categories)
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\\([0-9A-Fa-f]*\\);[^;]*;\\([A-Z][a-z]\\);"
+ nil
+ t)
+ (let* ((sym (intern (match-string-no-properties 2)))
+ (code (string-to-number (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ 16))
+ (ranges (get sym 'xsdre-ranges))
+ (last-range (car ranges))
+ (forced-range (string= (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (- (match-beginning 2) 6)
+ (1- (match-beginning 2)))
+ "Last>")))
+ (cond ((and (integerp last-range)
+ (or forced-range
+ (eq code (1+ last-range))))
+ (put sym
+ 'xsdre-ranges
+ (cons (cons last-range code)
+ (cdr ranges))))
+ ((and (consp last-range)
+ (or forced-range
+ (eq code (1+ (cdr last-range)))))
+ (put sym
+ 'xsdre-ranges
+ (cons (cons (car last-range) code)
+ (cdr ranges))))
+ (t
+ (put sym 'xsdre-ranges (cons code ranges))))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (put x
+ 'xsdre-ranges
+ (nreverse (get x 'xsdre-ranges)))
+ nil)
+ xsdre-gen-categories))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (pp (list 'xsdre-def-primitive-category
+ (list 'quote x)
+ (list 'quote (get x 'xsdre-ranges)))
+ (current-buffer))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ (down-list 2)
+ (while (condition-case err
+ (progn
+ (forward-sexp)
+ t)
+ (error nil))
+ (when (and (< 70 (current-column))
+ (not (looking-at ")")))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (lisp-indent-line))))))
+ xsdre-gen-categories))
+(defun xsdre-def-primitive-category (sym ranges)
+ (put sym 'xsdre-ranges ranges)
+ (put sym 'xsdre-unicode-category t))
+;;; Blocks
+(defun xsdre-def-block (sym ranges)
+ (put sym 'xsdre-ranges ranges)
+ (put sym 'xsdre-unicode-block t))
+(xsdre-def-block 'BasicLatin '((#x0000 . #x007F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Latin-1Supplement '((#x0080 . #x00FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'LatinExtended-A '((#x0100 . #x017F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'LatinExtended-B '((#x0180 . #x024F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'IPAExtensions '((#x0250 . #x02AF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'SpacingModifierLetters '((#x02B0 . #x02FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CombiningDiacriticalMarks '((#x0300 . #x036F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Greek '((#x0370 . #x03FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Cyrillic '((#x0400 . #x04FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Armenian '((#x0530 . #x058F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Hebrew '((#x0590 . #x05FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Arabic '((#x0600 . #x06FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Syriac '((#x0700 . #x074F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Thaana '((#x0780 . #x07BF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Devanagari '((#x0900 . #x097F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Bengali '((#x0980 . #x09FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Gurmukhi '((#x0A00 . #x0A7F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Gujarati '((#x0A80 . #x0AFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Oriya '((#x0B00 . #x0B7F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Tamil '((#x0B80 . #x0BFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Telugu '((#x0C00 . #x0C7F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Kannada '((#x0C80 . #x0CFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Malayalam '((#x0D00 . #x0D7F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Sinhala '((#x0D80 . #x0DFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Thai '((#x0E00 . #x0E7F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Lao '((#x0E80 . #x0EFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Tibetan '((#x0F00 . #x0FFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Myanmar '((#x1000 . #x109F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Georgian '((#x10A0 . #x10FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'HangulJamo '((#x1100 . #x11FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Ethiopic '((#x1200 . #x137F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Cherokee '((#x13A0 . #x13FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics '((#x1400 . #x167F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Ogham '((#x1680 . #x169F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Runic '((#x16A0 . #x16FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Khmer '((#x1780 . #x17FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Mongolian '((#x1800 . #x18AF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'LatinExtendedAdditional '((#x1E00 . #x1EFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'GreekExtended '((#x1F00 . #x1FFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'GeneralPunctuation '((#x2000 . #x206F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'SuperscriptsandSubscripts '((#x2070 . #x209F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CurrencySymbols '((#x20A0 . #x20CF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CombiningMarksforSymbols '((#x20D0 . #x20FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'LetterlikeSymbols '((#x2100 . #x214F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'NumberForms '((#x2150 . #x218F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Arrows '((#x2190 . #x21FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'MathematicalOperators '((#x2200 . #x22FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'MiscellaneousTechnical '((#x2300 . #x23FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'ControlPictures '((#x2400 . #x243F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'OpticalCharacterRecognition '((#x2440 . #x245F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'EnclosedAlphanumerics '((#x2460 . #x24FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'BoxDrawing '((#x2500 . #x257F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'BlockElements '((#x2580 . #x259F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'GeometricShapes '((#x25A0 . #x25FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'MiscellaneousSymbols '((#x2600 . #x26FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Dingbats '((#x2700 . #x27BF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'BraillePatterns '((#x2800 . #x28FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKRadicalsSupplement '((#x2E80 . #x2EFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'KangxiRadicals '((#x2F00 . #x2FDF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'IdeographicDescriptionCharacters '((#x2FF0 . #x2FFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKSymbolsandPunctuation '((#x3000 . #x303F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Hiragana '((#x3040 . #x309F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Katakana '((#x30A0 . #x30FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Bopomofo '((#x3100 . #x312F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'HangulCompatibilityJamo '((#x3130 . #x318F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Kanbun '((#x3190 . #x319F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'BopomofoExtended '((#x31A0 . #x31BF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths '((#x3200 . #x32FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKCompatibility '((#x3300 . #x33FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA '((#x3400 . #x4DB5)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKUnifiedIdeographs '((#x4E00 . #x9FFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'YiSyllables '((#xA000 . #xA48F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'YiRadicals '((#xA490 . #xA4CF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'HangulSyllables '((#xAC00 . #xD7A3)))
+;;(xsdre-def-block 'HighSurrogates '((#xD800 . #xDB7F)))
+;;(xsdre-def-block 'HighPrivateUseSurrogates '((#xDB80 . #xDBFF)))
+;;(xsdre-def-block 'LowSurrogates '((#xDC00 . #xDFFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKCompatibilityIdeographs '((#xF900 . #xFAFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'AlphabeticPresentationForms '((#xFB00 . #xFB4F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'ArabicPresentationForms-A '((#xFB50 . #xFDFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CombiningHalfMarks '((#xFE20 . #xFE2F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKCompatibilityForms '((#xFE30 . #xFE4F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'SmallFormVariants '((#xFE50 . #xFE6F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'ArabicPresentationForms-B '((#xFE70 . #xFEFE)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Specials '((#xFEFF . #xFEFF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'HalfwidthandFullwidthForms '((#xFF00 . #xFFEF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Specials '((#xFFF0 . #xFFFD)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'OldItalic '((#x10300 . #x1032F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Gothic '((#x10330 . #x1034F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Deseret '((#x10400 . #x1044F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'ByzantineMusicalSymbols '((#x1D000 . #x1D0FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'MusicalSymbols '((#x1D100 . #x1D1FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols '((#x1D400 . #x1D7FF)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB '((#x20000 . #x2A6D6)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement '((#x2F800 . #x2FA1F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'Tags '((#xE0000 . #xE007F)))
+(xsdre-def-block 'PrivateUse '((#xE000 . #xF8FF)
+ (#xF0000 . #xFFFFD)
+ (#x100000 . #x10FFFD)))
+;;; Categories
+;;; Derived categories
+(defun xsdre-def-derived-category (sym char-class)
+ (put sym 'xsdre-char-class char-class)
+ (put sym 'xsdre-unicode-category t))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'L '(union Lu Ll Lt Lm Lo))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'M '(union Mn Mc Me))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'N '(union Nd Nl No))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'P '(union Pc Pd Ps Pe Pi Pf Po))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'Z '(union Zs Zl Zp))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'S '(union Sm Sc Sk So))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'C '(union Cc Cf Co Cn))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'Cn '(difference any
+ (union L M N P Z S Cc Cf Co)))
+ 'name-initial
+ '(#x003a
+ (#x0041 . #x005a)
+ #x005f
+ (#x0061 . #x007a)
+ (#x00c0 . #x00d6)
+ (#x00d8 . #x00f6)
+ (#x00f8 . #x0131)
+ (#x0134 . #x013e)
+ (#x0141 . #x0148)
+ (#x014a . #x017e)
+ (#x0180 . #x01c3)
+ (#x01cd . #x01f0)
+ (#x01f4 . #x01f5)
+ (#x01fa . #x0217)
+ (#x0250 . #x02a8)
+ (#x02bb . #x02c1)
+ #x0386
+ (#x0388 . #x038a)
+ #x038c
+ (#x038e . #x03a1)
+ (#x03a3 . #x03ce)
+ (#x03d0 . #x03d6)
+ #x03da
+ #x03dc
+ #x03de
+ #x03e0
+ (#x03e2 . #x03f3)
+ (#x0401 . #x040c)
+ (#x040e . #x044f)
+ (#x0451 . #x045c)
+ (#x045e . #x0481)
+ (#x0490 . #x04c4)
+ (#x04c7 . #x04c8)
+ (#x04cb . #x04cc)
+ (#x04d0 . #x04eb)
+ (#x04ee . #x04f5)
+ (#x04f8 . #x04f9)
+ (#x0531 . #x0556)
+ #x0559
+ (#x0561 . #x0586)
+ (#x05d0 . #x05ea)
+ (#x05f0 . #x05f2)
+ (#x0621 . #x063a)
+ (#x0641 . #x064a)
+ (#x0671 . #x06b7)
+ (#x06ba . #x06be)
+ (#x06c0 . #x06ce)
+ (#x06d0 . #x06d3)
+ #x06d5
+ (#x06e5 . #x06e6)
+ (#x0905 . #x0939)
+ #x093d
+ (#x0958 . #x0961)
+ (#x0985 . #x098c)
+ (#x098f . #x0990)
+ (#x0993 . #x09a8)
+ (#x09aa . #x09b0)
+ #x09b2
+ (#x09b6 . #x09b9)
+ (#x09dc . #x09dd)
+ (#x09df . #x09e1)
+ (#x09f0 . #x09f1)
+ (#x0a05 . #x0a0a)
+ (#x0a0f . #x0a10)
+ (#x0a13 . #x0a28)
+ (#x0a2a . #x0a30)
+ (#x0a32 . #x0a33)
+ (#x0a35 . #x0a36)
+ (#x0a38 . #x0a39)
+ (#x0a59 . #x0a5c)
+ #x0a5e
+ (#x0a72 . #x0a74)
+ (#x0a85 . #x0a8b)
+ #x0a8d
+ (#x0a8f . #x0a91)
+ (#x0a93 . #x0aa8)
+ (#x0aaa . #x0ab0)
+ (#x0ab2 . #x0ab3)
+ (#x0ab5 . #x0ab9)
+ #x0abd
+ #x0ae0
+ (#x0b05 . #x0b0c)
+ (#x0b0f . #x0b10)
+ (#x0b13 . #x0b28)
+ (#x0b2a . #x0b30)
+ (#x0b32 . #x0b33)
+ (#x0b36 . #x0b39)
+ #x0b3d
+ (#x0b5c . #x0b5d)
+ (#x0b5f . #x0b61)
+ (#x0b85 . #x0b8a)
+ (#x0b8e . #x0b90)
+ (#x0b92 . #x0b95)
+ (#x0b99 . #x0b9a)
+ #x0b9c
+ (#x0b9e . #x0b9f)
+ (#x0ba3 . #x0ba4)
+ (#x0ba8 . #x0baa)
+ (#x0bae . #x0bb5)
+ (#x0bb7 . #x0bb9)
+ (#x0c05 . #x0c0c)
+ (#x0c0e . #x0c10)
+ (#x0c12 . #x0c28)
+ (#x0c2a . #x0c33)
+ (#x0c35 . #x0c39)
+ (#x0c60 . #x0c61)
+ (#x0c85 . #x0c8c)
+ (#x0c8e . #x0c90)
+ (#x0c92 . #x0ca8)
+ (#x0caa . #x0cb3)
+ (#x0cb5 . #x0cb9)
+ #x0cde
+ (#x0ce0 . #x0ce1)
+ (#x0d05 . #x0d0c)
+ (#x0d0e . #x0d10)
+ (#x0d12 . #x0d28)
+ (#x0d2a . #x0d39)
+ (#x0d60 . #x0d61)
+ (#x0e01 . #x0e2e)
+ #x0e30
+ (#x0e32 . #x0e33)
+ (#x0e40 . #x0e45)
+ (#x0e81 . #x0e82)
+ #x0e84
+ (#x0e87 . #x0e88)
+ #x0e8a
+ #x0e8d
+ (#x0e94 . #x0e97)
+ (#x0e99 . #x0e9f)
+ (#x0ea1 . #x0ea3)
+ #x0ea5
+ #x0ea7
+ (#x0eaa . #x0eab)
+ (#x0ead . #x0eae)
+ #x0eb0
+ (#x0eb2 . #x0eb3)
+ #x0ebd
+ (#x0ec0 . #x0ec4)
+ (#x0f40 . #x0f47)
+ (#x0f49 . #x0f69)
+ (#x10a0 . #x10c5)
+ (#x10d0 . #x10f6)
+ #x1100
+ (#x1102 . #x1103)
+ (#x1105 . #x1107)
+ #x1109
+ (#x110b . #x110c)
+ (#x110e . #x1112)
+ #x113c
+ #x113e
+ #x1140
+ #x114c
+ #x114e
+ #x1150
+ (#x1154 . #x1155)
+ #x1159
+ (#x115f . #x1161)
+ #x1163
+ #x1165
+ #x1167
+ #x1169
+ (#x116d . #x116e)
+ (#x1172 . #x1173)
+ #x1175
+ #x119e
+ #x11a8
+ #x11ab
+ (#x11ae . #x11af)
+ (#x11b7 . #x11b8)
+ #x11ba
+ (#x11bc . #x11c2)
+ #x11eb
+ #x11f0
+ #x11f9
+ (#x1e00 . #x1e9b)
+ (#x1ea0 . #x1ef9)
+ (#x1f00 . #x1f15)
+ (#x1f18 . #x1f1d)
+ (#x1f20 . #x1f45)
+ (#x1f48 . #x1f4d)
+ (#x1f50 . #x1f57)
+ #x1f59
+ #x1f5b
+ #x1f5d
+ (#x1f5f . #x1f7d)
+ (#x1f80 . #x1fb4)
+ (#x1fb6 . #x1fbc)
+ #x1fbe
+ (#x1fc2 . #x1fc4)
+ (#x1fc6 . #x1fcc)
+ (#x1fd0 . #x1fd3)
+ (#x1fd6 . #x1fdb)
+ (#x1fe0 . #x1fec)
+ (#x1ff2 . #x1ff4)
+ (#x1ff6 . #x1ffc)
+ #x2126
+ (#x212a . #x212b)
+ #x212e
+ (#x2180 . #x2182)
+ #x3007
+ (#x3021 . #x3029)
+ (#x3041 . #x3094)
+ (#x30a1 . #x30fa)
+ (#x3105 . #x312c)
+ (#x4e00 . #x9fa5)
+ (#xac00 . #xd7a3)))
+(xsdre-def-derived-category 'name-continue '(union name-initial
+ name-continue-not-initial))
+ 'name-continue-not-initial
+ '((#x002d . #x002e)
+ (#x0030 . #x0039)
+ #x00b7
+ (#x02d0 . #x02d1)
+ (#x0300 . #x0345)
+ (#x0360 . #x0361)
+ #x0387
+ (#x0483 . #x0486)
+ (#x0591 . #x05a1)
+ (#x05a3 . #x05b9)
+ (#x05bb . #x05bd)
+ #x05bf
+ (#x05c1 . #x05c2)
+ #x05c4
+ #x0640
+ (#x064b . #x0652)
+ (#x0660 . #x0669)
+ #x0670
+ (#x06d6 . #x06dc)
+ (#x06dd . #x06df)
+ (#x06e0 . #x06e4)
+ (#x06e7 . #x06e8)
+ (#x06ea . #x06ed)
+ (#x06f0 . #x06f9)
+ (#x0901 . #x0903)
+ #x093c
+ (#x093e . #x094c)
+ #x094d
+ (#x0951 . #x0954)
+ (#x0962 . #x0963)
+ (#x0966 . #x096f)
+ (#x0981 . #x0983)
+ #x09bc
+ (#x09be . #x09bf)
+ (#x09c0 . #x09c4)
+ (#x09c7 . #x09c8)
+ (#x09cb . #x09cd)
+ #x09d7
+ (#x09e2 . #x09e3)
+ (#x09e6 . #x09ef)
+ #x0a02
+ #x0a3c
+ (#x0a3e . #x0a42)
+ (#x0a47 . #x0a48)
+ (#x0a4b . #x0a4d)
+ (#x0a66 . #x0a6f)
+ (#x0a70 . #x0a71)
+ (#x0a81 . #x0a83)
+ #x0abc
+ (#x0abe . #x0ac5)
+ (#x0ac7 . #x0ac9)
+ (#x0acb . #x0acd)
+ (#x0ae6 . #x0aef)
+ (#x0b01 . #x0b03)
+ #x0b3c
+ (#x0b3e . #x0b43)
+ (#x0b47 . #x0b48)
+ (#x0b4b . #x0b4d)
+ (#x0b56 . #x0b57)
+ (#x0b66 . #x0b6f)
+ (#x0b82 . #x0b83)
+ (#x0bbe . #x0bc2)
+ (#x0bc6 . #x0bc8)
+ (#x0bca . #x0bcd)
+ #x0bd7
+ (#x0be7 . #x0bef)
+ (#x0c01 . #x0c03)
+ (#x0c3e . #x0c44)
+ (#x0c46 . #x0c48)
+ (#x0c4a . #x0c4d)
+ (#x0c55 . #x0c56)
+ (#x0c66 . #x0c6f)
+ (#x0c82 . #x0c83)
+ (#x0cbe . #x0cc4)
+ (#x0cc6 . #x0cc8)
+ (#x0cca . #x0ccd)
+ (#x0cd5 . #x0cd6)
+ (#x0ce6 . #x0cef)
+ (#x0d02 . #x0d03)
+ (#x0d3e . #x0d43)
+ (#x0d46 . #x0d48)
+ (#x0d4a . #x0d4d)
+ #x0d57
+ (#x0d66 . #x0d6f)
+ #x0e31
+ (#x0e34 . #x0e3a)
+ (#x0e46 . #x0e4e)
+ (#x0e50 . #x0e59)
+ #x0eb1
+ (#x0eb4 . #x0eb9)
+ (#x0ebb . #x0ebc)
+ #x0ec6
+ (#x0ec8 . #x0ecd)
+ (#x0ed0 . #x0ed9)
+ (#x0f18 . #x0f19)
+ (#x0f20 . #x0f29)
+ #x0f35
+ #x0f37
+ #x0f39
+ (#x0f3e . #x0f3f)
+ (#x0f71 . #x0f84)
+ (#x0f86 . #x0f8b)
+ (#x0f90 . #x0f95)
+ #x0f97
+ (#x0f99 . #x0fad)
+ (#x0fb1 . #x0fb7)
+ #x0fb9
+ (#x20d0 . #x20dc)
+ #x20e1
+ #x3005
+ (#x302a . #x302f)
+ (#x3031 . #x3035)
+ #x3099
+ #x309a
+ (#x309d . #x309e)
+ (#x30fc . #x30fe)))
+;;; Auto-generated section.
+;; The rest of the file was auto-generated by doing M-x xsdre-gen-categories
+;; on UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt available from
+;; http://www.unicode.org/Public/3.1-Update/UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Lu
+ '((65 . 90)
+ (192 . 214)
+ (216 . 222)
+ 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276
+ 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298
+ 300 302 304 306 308 310 313 315 317 319 321
+ 323 325 327 330 332 334 336 338 340 342 344
+ 346 348 350 352 354 356 358 360 362 364 366
+ 368 370 372 374
+ (376 . 377)
+ 379 381
+ (385 . 386)
+ 388
+ (390 . 391)
+ (393 . 395)
+ (398 . 401)
+ (403 . 404)
+ (406 . 408)
+ (412 . 413)
+ (415 . 416)
+ 418 420
+ (422 . 423)
+ 425 428
+ (430 . 431)
+ (433 . 435)
+ 437
+ (439 . 440)
+ 444 452 455 458 461 463 465 467 469 471 473
+ 475 478 480 482 484 486 488 490 492 494 497
+ 500
+ (502 . 504)
+ 506 508 510 512 514 516 518 520 522 524 526
+ 528 530 532 534 536 538 540 542 546 548 550
+ 552 554 556 558 560 562 902
+ (904 . 906)
+ 908
+ (910 . 911)
+ (913 . 929)
+ (931 . 939)
+ (978 . 980)
+ 986 988 990 992 994 996 998 1000 1002 1004
+ 1006 1012
+ (1024 . 1071)
+ 1120 1122 1124 1126 1128 1130 1132 1134 1136
+ 1138 1140 1142 1144 1146 1148 1150 1152 1164
+ 1166 1168 1170 1172 1174 1176 1178 1180 1182
+ 1184 1186 1188 1190 1192 1194 1196 1198 1200
+ 1202 1204 1206 1208 1210 1212 1214
+ (1216 . 1217)
+ 1219 1223 1227 1232 1234 1236 1238 1240 1242
+ 1244 1246 1248 1250 1252 1254 1256 1258 1260
+ 1262 1264 1266 1268 1272
+ (1329 . 1366)
+ (4256 . 4293)
+ 7680 7682 7684 7686 7688 7690 7692 7694 7696
+ 7698 7700 7702 7704 7706 7708 7710 7712 7714
+ 7716 7718 7720 7722 7724 7726 7728 7730 7732
+ 7734 7736 7738 7740 7742 7744 7746 7748 7750
+ 7752 7754 7756 7758 7760 7762 7764 7766 7768
+ 7770 7772 7774 7776 7778 7780 7782 7784 7786
+ 7788 7790 7792 7794 7796 7798 7800 7802 7804
+ 7806 7808 7810 7812 7814 7816 7818 7820 7822
+ 7824 7826 7828 7840 7842 7844 7846 7848 7850
+ 7852 7854 7856 7858 7860 7862 7864 7866 7868
+ 7870 7872 7874 7876 7878 7880 7882 7884 7886
+ 7888 7890 7892 7894 7896 7898 7900 7902 7904
+ 7906 7908 7910 7912 7914 7916 7918 7920 7922
+ 7924 7926 7928
+ (7944 . 7951)
+ (7960 . 7965)
+ (7976 . 7983)
+ (7992 . 7999)
+ (8008 . 8013)
+ 8025 8027 8029 8031
+ (8040 . 8047)
+ (8120 . 8123)
+ (8136 . 8139)
+ (8152 . 8155)
+ (8168 . 8172)
+ (8184 . 8187)
+ 8450 8455
+ (8459 . 8461)
+ (8464 . 8466)
+ 8469
+ (8473 . 8477)
+ 8484 8486 8488
+ (8490 . 8493)
+ (8496 . 8497)
+ 8499
+ (65313 . 65338)
+ (66560 . 66597)
+ (119808 . 119833)
+ (119860 . 119885)
+ (119912 . 119937)
+ 119964
+ (119966 . 119967)
+ 119970
+ (119973 . 119974)
+ (119977 . 119980)
+ (119982 . 119989)
+ (120016 . 120041)
+ (120068 . 120069)
+ (120071 . 120074)
+ (120077 . 120084)
+ (120086 . 120092)
+ (120120 . 120121)
+ (120123 . 120126)
+ (120128 . 120132)
+ 120134
+ (120138 . 120144)
+ (120172 . 120197)
+ (120224 . 120249)
+ (120276 . 120301)
+ (120328 . 120353)
+ (120380 . 120405)
+ (120432 . 120457)
+ (120488 . 120512)
+ (120546 . 120570)
+ (120604 . 120628)
+ (120662 . 120686)
+ (120720 . 120744)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Ll
+ '((97 . 122)
+ 170 181 186
+ (223 . 246)
+ (248 . 255)
+ 257 259 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 277
+ 279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299
+ 301 303 305 307 309
+ (311 . 312)
+ 314 316 318 320 322 324 326
+ (328 . 329)
+ 331 333 335 337 339 341 343 345 347 349 351
+ 353 355 357 359 361 363 365 367 369 371 373
+ 375 378 380
+ (382 . 384)
+ 387 389 392
+ (396 . 397)
+ 402 405
+ (409 . 411)
+ 414 417 419 421 424
+ (426 . 427)
+ 429 432 436 438
+ (441 . 442)
+ (445 . 447)
+ 454 457 460 462 464 466 468 470 472 474
+ (476 . 477)
+ 479 481 483 485 487 489 491 493
+ (495 . 496)
+ 499 501 505 507 509 511 513 515 517 519 521
+ 523 525 527 529 531 533 535 537 539 541 543
+ 547 549 551 553 555 557 559 561 563
+ (592 . 685)
+ 912
+ (940 . 974)
+ (976 . 977)
+ (981 . 983)
+ 987 989 991 993 995 997 999 1001 1003 1005
+ (1007 . 1011)
+ 1013
+ (1072 . 1119)
+ 1121 1123 1125 1127 1129 1131 1133 1135 1137
+ 1139 1141 1143 1145 1147 1149 1151 1153 1165
+ 1167 1169 1171 1173 1175 1177 1179 1181 1183
+ 1185 1187 1189 1191 1193 1195 1197 1199 1201
+ 1203 1205 1207 1209 1211 1213 1215 1218 1220
+ 1224 1228 1233 1235 1237 1239 1241 1243 1245
+ 1247 1249 1251 1253 1255 1257 1259 1261 1263
+ 1265 1267 1269 1273
+ (1377 . 1415)
+ 7681 7683 7685 7687 7689 7691 7693 7695 7697
+ 7699 7701 7703 7705 7707 7709 7711 7713 7715
+ 7717 7719 7721 7723 7725 7727 7729 7731 7733
+ 7735 7737 7739 7741 7743 7745 7747 7749 7751
+ 7753 7755 7757 7759 7761 7763 7765 7767 7769
+ 7771 7773 7775 7777 7779 7781 7783 7785 7787
+ 7789 7791 7793 7795 7797 7799 7801 7803 7805
+ 7807 7809 7811 7813 7815 7817 7819 7821 7823
+ 7825 7827
+ (7829 . 7835)
+ 7841 7843 7845 7847 7849 7851 7853 7855 7857
+ 7859 7861 7863 7865 7867 7869 7871 7873 7875
+ 7877 7879 7881 7883 7885 7887 7889 7891 7893
+ 7895 7897 7899 7901 7903 7905 7907 7909 7911
+ 7913 7915 7917 7919 7921 7923 7925 7927 7929
+ (7936 . 7943)
+ (7952 . 7957)
+ (7968 . 7975)
+ (7984 . 7991)
+ (8000 . 8005)
+ (8016 . 8023)
+ (8032 . 8039)
+ (8048 . 8061)
+ (8064 . 8071)
+ (8080 . 8087)
+ (8096 . 8103)
+ (8112 . 8116)
+ (8118 . 8119)
+ 8126
+ (8130 . 8132)
+ (8134 . 8135)
+ (8144 . 8147)
+ (8150 . 8151)
+ (8160 . 8167)
+ (8178 . 8180)
+ (8182 . 8183)
+ 8319 8458
+ (8462 . 8463)
+ 8467 8495 8500 8505
+ (64256 . 64262)
+ (64275 . 64279)
+ (65345 . 65370)
+ (66600 . 66637)
+ (119834 . 119859)
+ (119886 . 119892)
+ (119894 . 119911)
+ (119938 . 119963)
+ (119990 . 119993)
+ 119995
+ (119997 . 120000)
+ (120002 . 120003)
+ (120005 . 120015)
+ (120042 . 120067)
+ (120094 . 120119)
+ (120146 . 120171)
+ (120198 . 120223)
+ (120250 . 120275)
+ (120302 . 120327)
+ (120354 . 120379)
+ (120406 . 120431)
+ (120458 . 120483)
+ (120514 . 120538)
+ (120540 . 120545)
+ (120572 . 120596)
+ (120598 . 120603)
+ (120630 . 120654)
+ (120656 . 120661)
+ (120688 . 120712)
+ (120714 . 120719)
+ (120746 . 120770)
+ (120772 . 120777)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Lt
+ '(453 456 459 498
+ (8072 . 8079)
+ (8088 . 8095)
+ (8104 . 8111)
+ 8124 8140 8188))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Lm
+ '((688 . 696)
+ (699 . 705)
+ (720 . 721)
+ (736 . 740)
+ 750 890 1369 1600
+ (1765 . 1766)
+ 3654 3782 6211 12293
+ (12337 . 12341)
+ (12445 . 12446)
+ (12540 . 12542)
+ 65392
+ (65438 . 65439)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Lo
+ '(443
+ (448 . 451)
+ (1488 . 1514)
+ (1520 . 1522)
+ (1569 . 1594)
+ (1601 . 1610)
+ (1649 . 1747)
+ 1749
+ (1786 . 1788)
+ 1808
+ (1810 . 1836)
+ (1920 . 1957)
+ (2309 . 2361)
+ 2365 2384
+ (2392 . 2401)
+ (2437 . 2444)
+ (2447 . 2448)
+ (2451 . 2472)
+ (2474 . 2480)
+ 2482
+ (2486 . 2489)
+ (2524 . 2525)
+ (2527 . 2529)
+ (2544 . 2545)
+ (2565 . 2570)
+ (2575 . 2576)
+ (2579 . 2600)
+ (2602 . 2608)
+ (2610 . 2611)
+ (2613 . 2614)
+ (2616 . 2617)
+ (2649 . 2652)
+ 2654
+ (2674 . 2676)
+ (2693 . 2699)
+ 2701
+ (2703 . 2705)
+ (2707 . 2728)
+ (2730 . 2736)
+ (2738 . 2739)
+ (2741 . 2745)
+ 2749 2768 2784
+ (2821 . 2828)
+ (2831 . 2832)
+ (2835 . 2856)
+ (2858 . 2864)
+ (2866 . 2867)
+ (2870 . 2873)
+ 2877
+ (2908 . 2909)
+ (2911 . 2913)
+ (2949 . 2954)
+ (2958 . 2960)
+ (2962 . 2965)
+ (2969 . 2970)
+ 2972
+ (2974 . 2975)
+ (2979 . 2980)
+ (2984 . 2986)
+ (2990 . 2997)
+ (2999 . 3001)
+ (3077 . 3084)
+ (3086 . 3088)
+ (3090 . 3112)
+ (3114 . 3123)
+ (3125 . 3129)
+ (3168 . 3169)
+ (3205 . 3212)
+ (3214 . 3216)
+ (3218 . 3240)
+ (3242 . 3251)
+ (3253 . 3257)
+ 3294
+ (3296 . 3297)
+ (3333 . 3340)
+ (3342 . 3344)
+ (3346 . 3368)
+ (3370 . 3385)
+ (3424 . 3425)
+ (3461 . 3478)
+ (3482 . 3505)
+ (3507 . 3515)
+ 3517
+ (3520 . 3526)
+ (3585 . 3632)
+ (3634 . 3635)
+ (3648 . 3653)
+ (3713 . 3714)
+ 3716
+ (3719 . 3720)
+ 3722 3725
+ (3732 . 3735)
+ (3737 . 3743)
+ (3745 . 3747)
+ 3749 3751
+ (3754 . 3755)
+ (3757 . 3760)
+ (3762 . 3763)
+ 3773
+ (3776 . 3780)
+ (3804 . 3805)
+ 3840
+ (3904 . 3911)
+ (3913 . 3946)
+ (3976 . 3979)
+ (4096 . 4129)
+ (4131 . 4135)
+ (4137 . 4138)
+ (4176 . 4181)
+ (4304 . 4342)
+ (4352 . 4441)
+ (4447 . 4514)
+ (4520 . 4601)
+ (4608 . 4614)
+ (4616 . 4678)
+ 4680
+ (4682 . 4685)
+ (4688 . 4694)
+ 4696
+ (4698 . 4701)
+ (4704 . 4742)
+ 4744
+ (4746 . 4749)
+ (4752 . 4782)
+ 4784
+ (4786 . 4789)
+ (4792 . 4798)
+ 4800
+ (4802 . 4805)
+ (4808 . 4814)
+ (4816 . 4822)
+ (4824 . 4846)
+ (4848 . 4878)
+ 4880
+ (4882 . 4885)
+ (4888 . 4894)
+ (4896 . 4934)
+ (4936 . 4954)
+ (5024 . 5108)
+ (5121 . 5740)
+ (5743 . 5750)
+ (5761 . 5786)
+ (5792 . 5866)
+ (6016 . 6067)
+ (6176 . 6210)
+ (6212 . 6263)
+ (6272 . 6312)
+ (8501 . 8504)
+ 12294
+ (12353 . 12436)
+ (12449 . 12538)
+ (12549 . 12588)
+ (12593 . 12686)
+ (12704 . 12727)
+ (13312 . 19893)
+ (19968 . 40869)
+ (40960 . 42124)
+ (44032 . 55203)
+ (63744 . 64045)
+ 64285
+ (64287 . 64296)
+ (64298 . 64310)
+ (64312 . 64316)
+ 64318
+ (64320 . 64321)
+ (64323 . 64324)
+ (64326 . 64433)
+ (64467 . 64829)
+ (64848 . 64911)
+ (64914 . 64967)
+ (65008 . 65019)
+ (65136 . 65138)
+ 65140
+ (65142 . 65276)
+ (65382 . 65391)
+ (65393 . 65437)
+ (65440 . 65470)
+ (65474 . 65479)
+ (65482 . 65487)
+ (65490 . 65495)
+ (65498 . 65500)
+ (66304 . 66334)
+ (66352 . 66377)
+ (131072 . 173782)
+ (194560 . 195101)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Mn
+ '((768 . 846)
+ (864 . 866)
+ (1155 . 1158)
+ (1425 . 1441)
+ (1443 . 1465)
+ (1467 . 1469)
+ 1471
+ (1473 . 1474)
+ 1476
+ (1611 . 1621)
+ 1648
+ (1750 . 1756)
+ (1759 . 1764)
+ (1767 . 1768)
+ (1770 . 1773)
+ 1809
+ (1840 . 1866)
+ (1958 . 1968)
+ (2305 . 2306)
+ 2364
+ (2369 . 2376)
+ 2381
+ (2385 . 2388)
+ (2402 . 2403)
+ 2433 2492
+ (2497 . 2500)
+ 2509
+ (2530 . 2531)
+ 2562 2620
+ (2625 . 2626)
+ (2631 . 2632)
+ (2635 . 2637)
+ (2672 . 2673)
+ (2689 . 2690)
+ 2748
+ (2753 . 2757)
+ (2759 . 2760)
+ 2765 2817 2876 2879
+ (2881 . 2883)
+ 2893 2902 2946 3008 3021
+ (3134 . 3136)
+ (3142 . 3144)
+ (3146 . 3149)
+ (3157 . 3158)
+ 3263 3270
+ (3276 . 3277)
+ (3393 . 3395)
+ 3405 3530
+ (3538 . 3540)
+ 3542 3633
+ (3636 . 3642)
+ (3655 . 3662)
+ 3761
+ (3764 . 3769)
+ (3771 . 3772)
+ (3784 . 3789)
+ (3864 . 3865)
+ 3893 3895 3897
+ (3953 . 3966)
+ (3968 . 3972)
+ (3974 . 3975)
+ (3984 . 3991)
+ (3993 . 4028)
+ 4038
+ (4141 . 4144)
+ 4146
+ (4150 . 4151)
+ 4153
+ (4184 . 4185)
+ (6071 . 6077)
+ 6086
+ (6089 . 6099)
+ 6313
+ (8400 . 8412)
+ 8417
+ (12330 . 12335)
+ (12441 . 12442)
+ 64286
+ (65056 . 65059)
+ (119143 . 119145)
+ (119163 . 119170)
+ (119173 . 119179)
+ (119210 . 119213)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Mc
+ '(2307
+ (2366 . 2368)
+ (2377 . 2380)
+ (2434 . 2435)
+ (2494 . 2496)
+ (2503 . 2504)
+ (2507 . 2508)
+ 2519
+ (2622 . 2624)
+ 2691
+ (2750 . 2752)
+ 2761
+ (2763 . 2764)
+ (2818 . 2819)
+ 2878 2880
+ (2887 . 2888)
+ (2891 . 2892)
+ 2903 2947
+ (3006 . 3007)
+ (3009 . 3010)
+ (3014 . 3016)
+ (3018 . 3020)
+ 3031
+ (3073 . 3075)
+ (3137 . 3140)
+ (3202 . 3203)
+ 3262
+ (3264 . 3268)
+ (3271 . 3272)
+ (3274 . 3275)
+ (3285 . 3286)
+ (3330 . 3331)
+ (3390 . 3392)
+ (3398 . 3400)
+ (3402 . 3404)
+ 3415
+ (3458 . 3459)
+ (3535 . 3537)
+ (3544 . 3551)
+ (3570 . 3571)
+ (3902 . 3903)
+ 3967 4140 4145 4152
+ (4182 . 4183)
+ (6068 . 6070)
+ (6078 . 6085)
+ (6087 . 6088)
+ (119141 . 119142)
+ (119149 . 119154)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Me
+ '((1160 . 1161)
+ (1757 . 1758)
+ (8413 . 8416)
+ (8418 . 8419)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Nd
+ '((48 . 57)
+ (1632 . 1641)
+ (1776 . 1785)
+ (2406 . 2415)
+ (2534 . 2543)
+ (2662 . 2671)
+ (2790 . 2799)
+ (2918 . 2927)
+ (3047 . 3055)
+ (3174 . 3183)
+ (3302 . 3311)
+ (3430 . 3439)
+ (3664 . 3673)
+ (3792 . 3801)
+ (3872 . 3881)
+ (4160 . 4169)
+ (4969 . 4977)
+ (6112 . 6121)
+ (6160 . 6169)
+ (65296 . 65305)
+ (120782 . 120831)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Nl
+ '((5870 . 5872)
+ (8544 . 8579)
+ 12295
+ (12321 . 12329)
+ (12344 . 12346)
+ 66378))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'No
+ '((178 . 179)
+ 185
+ (188 . 190)
+ (2548 . 2553)
+ (3056 . 3058)
+ (3882 . 3891)
+ (4978 . 4988)
+ 8304
+ (8308 . 8313)
+ (8320 . 8329)
+ (8531 . 8543)
+ (9312 . 9371)
+ 9450
+ (10102 . 10131)
+ (12690 . 12693)
+ (12832 . 12841)
+ (12928 . 12937)
+ (66336 . 66339)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Pc
+ '(95
+ (8255 . 8256)
+ 12539
+ (65075 . 65076)
+ (65101 . 65103)
+ 65343 65381))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Pd
+ '(45 173 1418 6150
+ (8208 . 8213)
+ 12316 12336
+ (65073 . 65074)
+ 65112 65123 65293))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Ps
+ '(40 91 123 3898 3900 5787 8218 8222 8261 8317
+ 8333 9001 12296 12298 12300 12302 12304
+ 12308 12310 12312 12314 12317 64830 65077
+ 65079 65081 65083 65085 65087 65089 65091
+ 65113 65115 65117 65288 65339 65371 65378))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Pe
+ '(41 93 125 3899 3901 5788 8262 8318 8334 9002
+ 12297 12299 12301 12303 12305 12309 12311
+ 12313 12315
+ (12318 . 12319)
+ 64831 65078 65080 65082 65084 65086 65088
+ 65090 65092 65114 65116 65118 65289 65341
+ 65373 65379))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Pi
+ '(171 8216
+ (8219 . 8220)
+ 8223 8249))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Pf
+ '(187 8217 8221 8250))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Po
+ '((33 . 35)
+ (37 . 39)
+ 42 44
+ (46 . 47)
+ (58 . 59)
+ (63 . 64)
+ 92 161 183 191 894 903
+ (1370 . 1375)
+ 1417 1470 1472 1475
+ (1523 . 1524)
+ 1548 1563 1567
+ (1642 . 1645)
+ 1748
+ (1792 . 1805)
+ (2404 . 2405)
+ 2416 3572 3663
+ (3674 . 3675)
+ (3844 . 3858)
+ 3973
+ (4170 . 4175)
+ 4347
+ (4961 . 4968)
+ (5741 . 5742)
+ (5867 . 5869)
+ (6100 . 6106)
+ 6108
+ (6144 . 6149)
+ (6151 . 6154)
+ (8214 . 8215)
+ (8224 . 8231)
+ (8240 . 8248)
+ (8251 . 8254)
+ (8257 . 8259)
+ (8264 . 8269)
+ (12289 . 12291)
+ 65072
+ (65097 . 65100)
+ (65104 . 65106)
+ (65108 . 65111)
+ (65119 . 65121)
+ 65128
+ (65130 . 65131)
+ (65281 . 65283)
+ (65285 . 65287)
+ 65290 65292
+ (65294 . 65295)
+ (65306 . 65307)
+ (65311 . 65312)
+ 65340 65377 65380))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Zs
+ '(32 160 5760
+ (8192 . 8203)
+ 8239 12288))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Zl
+ '(8232))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Zp
+ '(8233))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Sm
+ '(43
+ (60 . 62)
+ 124 126 172 177 215 247 8260
+ (8314 . 8316)
+ (8330 . 8332)
+ (8592 . 8596)
+ (8602 . 8603)
+ 8608 8611 8614 8622
+ (8654 . 8655)
+ 8658 8660
+ (8704 . 8945)
+ (8968 . 8971)
+ (8992 . 8993)
+ 9655 9665 9839 64297 65122
+ (65124 . 65126)
+ 65291
+ (65308 . 65310)
+ 65372 65374 65506
+ (65513 . 65516)
+ 120513 120539 120571 120597 120629 120655
+ 120687 120713 120745 120771))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Sc
+ '(36
+ (162 . 165)
+ (2546 . 2547)
+ 3647 6107
+ (8352 . 8367)
+ 65129 65284
+ (65504 . 65505)
+ (65509 . 65510)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Sk
+ '(94 96 168 175 180 184
+ (697 . 698)
+ (706 . 719)
+ (722 . 735)
+ (741 . 749)
+ (884 . 885)
+ (900 . 901)
+ 8125
+ (8127 . 8129)
+ (8141 . 8143)
+ (8157 . 8159)
+ (8173 . 8175)
+ (8189 . 8190)
+ (12443 . 12444)
+ 65342 65344 65507))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'So
+ '((166 . 167)
+ 169 174 176 182 1154 1769
+ (1789 . 1790)
+ 2554 2928
+ (3841 . 3843)
+ (3859 . 3863)
+ (3866 . 3871)
+ 3892 3894 3896
+ (4030 . 4037)
+ (4039 . 4044)
+ 4047
+ (8448 . 8449)
+ (8451 . 8454)
+ (8456 . 8457)
+ 8468
+ (8470 . 8472)
+ (8478 . 8483)
+ 8485 8487 8489 8494 8498 8506
+ (8597 . 8601)
+ (8604 . 8607)
+ (8609 . 8610)
+ (8612 . 8613)
+ (8615 . 8621)
+ (8623 . 8653)
+ (8656 . 8657)
+ 8659
+ (8661 . 8691)
+ (8960 . 8967)
+ (8972 . 8991)
+ (8994 . 9000)
+ (9003 . 9083)
+ (9085 . 9114)
+ (9216 . 9254)
+ (9280 . 9290)
+ (9372 . 9449)
+ (9472 . 9621)
+ (9632 . 9654)
+ (9656 . 9664)
+ (9666 . 9719)
+ (9728 . 9747)
+ (9753 . 9838)
+ (9840 . 9841)
+ (9985 . 9988)
+ (9990 . 9993)
+ (9996 . 10023)
+ (10025 . 10059)
+ 10061
+ (10063 . 10066)
+ 10070
+ (10072 . 10078)
+ (10081 . 10087)
+ 10132
+ (10136 . 10159)
+ (10161 . 10174)
+ (10240 . 10495)
+ (11904 . 11929)
+ (11931 . 12019)
+ (12032 . 12245)
+ (12272 . 12283)
+ 12292
+ (12306 . 12307)
+ 12320
+ (12342 . 12343)
+ (12350 . 12351)
+ (12688 . 12689)
+ (12694 . 12703)
+ (12800 . 12828)
+ (12842 . 12867)
+ (12896 . 12923)
+ 12927
+ (12938 . 12976)
+ (12992 . 13003)
+ (13008 . 13054)
+ (13056 . 13174)
+ (13179 . 13277)
+ (13280 . 13310)
+ (42128 . 42145)
+ (42148 . 42163)
+ (42165 . 42176)
+ (42178 . 42180)
+ 42182 65508 65512
+ (65517 . 65518)
+ (65532 . 65533)
+ (118784 . 119029)
+ (119040 . 119078)
+ (119082 . 119140)
+ (119146 . 119148)
+ (119171 . 119172)
+ (119180 . 119209)
+ (119214 . 119261)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Cc
+ '((0 . 31)
+ (127 . 159)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Cf
+ '(1807
+ (6155 . 6158)
+ (8204 . 8207)
+ (8234 . 8238)
+ (8298 . 8303)
+ 65279
+ (65529 . 65531)
+ (119155 . 119162)
+ 917505
+ (917536 . 917631)))
+(xsdre-def-primitive-category 'Co
+ '((57344 . 63743)
+ (983040 . 1048573)
+ (1048576 . 1114109)))
+(provide 'xsd-regexp)
+;;; xsd-regexp.el ends here