path: root/lisp/nxml/nxml-parse.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/nxml/nxml-parse.el')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/nxml/nxml-parse.el b/lisp/nxml/nxml-parse.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e93f10103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/nxml/nxml-parse.el
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+;;; nxml-parse.el --- XML parser, sharing infrastructure with nxml-mode
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: James Clark
+;; Keywords: XML
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+;; PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+;; MA 02111-1307 USA
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Entry point is `nxml-parse-file'.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'nxml-util)
+(require 'xmltok)
+(require 'nxml-enc)
+(require 'nxml-ns)
+(defvar nxml-parse-file-name nil)
+(defvar nxml-validate-function nil
+ "Nil or a function to be called by `nxml-parse-file' to perform validation.
+The function will be called once for each start-tag or end-tag. The
+function is passed two arguments TEXT and START-TAG. For a start-tag,
+the same form as returned by `nxml-parse-file. For an end-tag,
+START-TAG is nil. TEXT is a string containing the text immediately
+preceding the tag, or nil if there was no such text. An empty element
+is treated as a start-tag followed by an end-tag.
+For a start-tag, the namespace state will be the state after
+processing the namespace declarations in the start-tag. For an
+end-tag, the namespace state will be the state before popping the
+namespace declarations for the corresponding start-tag.
+The function must return nil if no error is detected or a
+cons (MESSAGE . LOCATION) where MESSAGE is a string containing
+an error message and LOCATION indicates what caused the error
+as follows:
+- nil indicates the tag as whole caused it; this is always allowed;
+- text indicates the text caused it; this is allowed only if
+TEXT is non-nil;
+- tag-close indicates the close of the tag caused it; this is
+allowed only if START-TAG is non-nil;
+- (attribute-name . N) indicates that the name of the Nth attribute
+caused it; N counts from 0; this is allowed only if START-TAG is non-nil
+and N must be less than the number of attributes;
+- (attribute-value . N) indicates that the value of the Nth attribute
+caused it; N counts from 0; this is allowed only if START-TAG is non-nil
+and N must be less than the number of attributes.")
+(defun nxml-parse-file (file)
+ "Parse the XML document in FILE and return it as a list.
+An XML element is represented as a list (NAME ATTRIBUTES . CHILDREN).
+NAME is either a string, in the case where the name does not have a
+namespace, or a cons (NAMESPACE . LOCAL-NAME), where NAMESPACE is a
+symbol and LOCAL-NAME is a string, in the case where the name does
+have a namespace. NAMESPACE is a keyword whose name is `:URI', where
+URI is the namespace name. ATTRIBUTES is an alist of attributes where
+each attribute has the form (NAME . VALUE), where NAME has the same
+form as an element name, and VALUE is a string. A namespace
+declaration is represented as an attribute whose name is
+\(:http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ . LOCAL-NAME). CHILDREN is a list
+containing strings and child elements; CHILDREN never contains two
+consecutive strings and never contains an empty string. Processing
+instructions and comments are not represented. The return value is a
+list representing the document element.
+If the XML document is not well-formed, an error having the condition
+`nxml-file-parse-error' will be signaled; the error data will be a
+list of the \(FILE POSITION MESSAGE), where POSITION is an integer
+specifying the position where the error was detected, and MESSAGE is a
+string describing the error.
+The current contents of FILE will be parsed even if there is a
+modified buffer currently visiting FILE.
+If the variable `nxml-validation-function' is non-nil, it will be
+called twice for each element, and any reported error will be signaled
+in the same way as well-formedness error."
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (nxml-parse-find-file file))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((nxml-parse-file-name file))
+ (nxml-parse-instance))
+ (kill-buffer nil))))
+(defun nxml-parse-find-file (file)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *nXML Parse*"))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (let ((set-auto-coding-function 'nxml-set-xml-coding))
+ (insert-file-contents file))
+ (current-buffer)))
+(defun nxml-parse-instance ()
+ (let (xmltok-dtd)
+ (xmltok-save
+ (xmltok-forward-prolog)
+ (nxml-check-xmltok-errors)
+ (nxml-ns-save
+ (nxml-parse-instance-1)))))
+(defun nxml-parse-instance-1 ()
+ (let* ((top (cons nil nil))
+ ;; tail is a cons cell, whose cdr is nil
+ ;; additional elements will destructively appended to tail
+ (tail top)
+ ;; stack of tails one for each open element
+ tail-stack
+ ;; list of QNames of open elements
+ open-element-tags
+ ;; list of strings buffering a text node, in reverse order
+ text
+ ;; position of beginning of first (in buffer) string in text
+ text-pos)
+ (while (xmltok-forward)
+ (nxml-check-xmltok-errors)
+ (cond ((memq xmltok-type '(start-tag end-tag empty-element))
+ (when text
+ (setq text (apply 'concat (nreverse text)))
+ (setcdr tail (cons text nil))
+ (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+ (when (not (eq xmltok-type 'end-tag))
+ (when (and (not open-element-tags)
+ (not (eq tail top)))
+ (nxml-parse-error nil "Multiple top-level elements"))
+ (setq open-element-tags
+ (cons (xmltok-start-tag-qname)
+ open-element-tags))
+ (nxml-ns-push-state)
+ (let ((tag (nxml-parse-start-tag)))
+ (nxml-validate-tag text text-pos tag)
+ (setq text nil)
+ (setcdr tail (cons tag nil))
+ (setq tail (cdr tail))
+ (setq tail-stack (cons tail tail-stack))
+ (setq tail (last tag))))
+ (when (not (eq xmltok-type 'start-tag))
+ (or (eq xmltok-type 'empty-element)
+ (equal (car open-element-tags)
+ (xmltok-end-tag-qname))
+ (if open-element-tags
+ (nxml-parse-error nil
+ "Unbalanced end-tag; expected </%s>"
+ (car open-element-tags))
+ (nxml-parse-error nil "Extra end-tag")))
+ (nxml-validate-tag text text-pos nil)
+ (setq text nil)
+ (nxml-ns-pop-state)
+ (setq open-element-tags (cdr open-element-tags))
+ (setq tail (car tail-stack))
+ (setq tail-stack (cdr tail-stack)))
+ (setq text-pos nil))
+ ((memq xmltok-type '(space data entity-ref char-ref cdata-section))
+ (cond (open-element-tags
+ (unless text-pos
+ (setq text-pos xmltok-start))
+ (setq text
+ (cons (nxml-current-text-string) text)))
+ ((not (eq xmltok-type 'space))
+ (nxml-parse-error
+ nil
+ "%s at top-level"
+ (cdr (assq xmltok-type
+ '((data . "Text characters")
+ (entity-ref . "Entity reference")
+ (char-ref . "Character reference")
+ (cdata-section . "CDATA section"))))))))))
+ (unless (cdr top)
+ (nxml-parse-error (point-max) "Missing document element"))
+ (cadr top)))
+(defun nxml-parse-start-tag ()
+ (let (parsed-attributes
+ parsed-namespace-attributes
+ atts att prefixes prefix ns value name)
+ (setq atts xmltok-namespace-attributes)
+ (while atts
+ (setq att (car atts))
+ (setq value (or (xmltok-attribute-value att)
+ (nxml-parse-error nil "Invalid attribute value")))
+ (setq ns (nxml-make-namespace value))
+ (setq prefix (and (xmltok-attribute-prefix att)
+ (xmltok-attribute-local-name att)))
+ (cond ((member prefix prefixes)
+ (nxml-parse-error nil "Duplicate namespace declaration"))
+ ((not prefix)
+ (nxml-ns-set-default ns))
+ (ns
+ (nxml-ns-set-prefix prefix ns))
+ (t (nxml-parse-error nil "Cannot undeclare namespace prefix")))
+ (setq prefixes (cons prefix prefixes))
+ (setq parsed-namespace-attributes
+ (cons (cons (nxml-make-name nxml-xmlns-namespace-uri
+ (xmltok-attribute-local-name att))
+ value)
+ parsed-namespace-attributes))
+ (setq atts (cdr atts)))
+ (setq name
+ (nxml-make-name
+ (let ((prefix (xmltok-start-tag-prefix)))
+ (if prefix
+ (or (nxml-ns-get-prefix prefix)
+ (nxml-parse-error (1+ xmltok-start)
+ "Prefix `%s' undeclared"
+ prefix))
+ (nxml-ns-get-default)))
+ (xmltok-start-tag-local-name)))
+ (setq atts xmltok-attributes)
+ (while atts
+ (setq att (car atts))
+ (setq ns
+ (let ((prefix (xmltok-attribute-prefix att)))
+ (and prefix
+ (or (nxml-ns-get-prefix prefix)
+ (nxml-parse-error (xmltok-attribute-name-start att)
+ "Prefix `%s' undeclared"
+ prefix)))))
+ (setq parsed-attributes
+ (let ((nm (nxml-make-name ns
+ (xmltok-attribute-local-name att))))
+ (when (assoc nm parsed-attributes)
+ (nxml-parse-error (xmltok-attribute-name-start att)
+ "Duplicate attribute"))
+ (cons (cons nm (or (xmltok-attribute-value att)
+ (nxml-parse-error nil "Invalid attribute value")))
+ parsed-attributes)))
+ (setq atts (cdr atts)))
+ ;; We want to end up with the attributes followed by the
+ ;; the namespace attributes in the same order as
+ ;; xmltok-attributes and xmltok-namespace-attributes respectively.
+ (when parsed-namespace-attributes
+ (setq parsed-attributes
+ (nconc parsed-namespace-attributes parsed-attributes)))
+ (list name (nreverse parsed-attributes))))
+(defun nxml-validate-tag (text text-pos tag)
+ (when nxml-validate-function
+ (let ((err (funcall nxml-validate-function text tag))
+ pos)
+ (when err
+ (setq pos (nxml-validate-error-position (cdr err)
+ (and text text-pos)
+ tag))
+ (or pos (error "Incorrect return value from %s"
+ nxml-validate-function))
+ (nxml-parse-error pos (car err))))))
+(defun nxml-validate-error-position (location text-pos tag)
+ (cond ((null location) xmltok-start)
+ ((eq location 'text) text-pos)
+ ((eq location 'tag-close)
+ (and tag (- (point) (if (eq xmltok-type 'empty-element ) 2 1))))
+ ((consp location)
+ (let ((att (nth (cdr location) xmltok-attributes)))
+ (when (not att)
+ (setq att (nth (- (cdr location) (length xmltok-attributes))
+ xmltok-namespace-attributes)))
+ (cond ((not att))
+ ((eq (car location) 'attribute-name)
+ (xmltok-attribute-name-start att))
+ ((eq (car location) 'attribute-value)
+ (xmltok-attribute-value-start att)))))))
+(defun nxml-make-name (ns local-name)
+ (if ns
+ (cons ns local-name)
+ local-name))
+(defun nxml-current-text-string ()
+ (cond ((memq xmltok-type '(space data))
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties xmltok-start
+ (point)))
+ ((eq xmltok-type 'cdata-section)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (+ xmltok-start 9)
+ (- (point) 3)))
+ ((memq xmltok-type '(char-ref entity-ref))
+ (unless xmltok-replacement
+ (nxml-parse-error nil
+ (if (eq xmltok-type 'char-ref)
+ "Reference to unsupported Unicode character"
+ "Unresolvable entity reference")))
+ xmltok-replacement)))
+(defun nxml-parse-error (position &rest args)
+ (nxml-signal-file-parse-error nxml-parse-file-name
+ (or position xmltok-start)
+ (apply 'format args)))
+(defun nxml-check-xmltok-errors ()
+ (when xmltok-errors
+ (let ((err (car (last xmltok-errors))))
+ (nxml-signal-file-parse-error nxml-parse-file-name
+ (xmltok-error-start err)
+ (xmltok-error-message err)))))
+(provide 'nxml-parse)
+;;; nxml-parse.el ends here