;;; gnosis.el --- Spaced Repetition Learning Tool -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Thanos Apollo ;; Author: Thanos Apollo ;; Keywords: extensions ;; URL: https://git.thanosapollo.org/gnosis ;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.2") (compat "")) ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Work in progress ;;; Code: ;; TODO: Create cloze question type & make it easily extensible for ;; other types (require 'emacsql) (require 'emacsql-sqlite) (require 'cl-lib) (require 'gnosis-algorithm) (require 'gnosis-faces) (defgroup gnosis nil "Spaced repetition learning tool." :group 'external :prefix "gnosis-") (defvar gnosis-db (emacsql-sqlite (concat user-emacs-directory "gnosis.db"))) (cl-defun gnosis--select (value table &optional (restrictions '1=1)) "Select VALUE from TABLE, optionally with RESTRICTIONS." (emacsql gnosis-db `[:select ,value :from ,table :where ,restrictions])) (cl-defun gnosis--create-table (table &optional values) "Create TABLE for VALUES." (emacsql gnosis-db `[:create-table ,table ,values])) (cl-defun gnosis--drop-table (table) "Drop TABLE from gnosis-db." (emacsql gnosis-db `[:drop-table ,table])) (cl-defun gnosis--insert-into (table values) "Insert VALUES to TABLE." (emacsql gnosis-db `[:insert :into ,table :values ,values])) (cl-defun gnosis-update (table value where) "Update records in TABLE with to new VALUE based on the given WHERE condition. Example: (gnosis-update `''notes `''(= main \"NEW VALUE\") `''(= id 12))" (emacsql gnosis-db `[:update ,table :set ,value :where ,where])) (cl-defun gnosis-get (value table &optional (restrictions '1=1)) "Get VALUE from TABLE, optionally with where RESTRICTIONS." (caar (gnosis--select value table restrictions))) (defun gnosis--delete (table value) "From TABLE use where to delete VALUE." (emacsql gnosis-db `[:delete :from ,table :where ,value])) (defun gnosis-display--question (id) "Display main row for note ID." (let ((question (gnosis-get 'main 'notes `(= id ,id)))) (with-current-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*gnosis*")) (erase-buffer) (fill-paragraph (insert (propertize question 'face 'gnosis-face-main)))))) (defun gnosis-display--extra (id) "Display extra information for note ID." (let ((extras (gnosis-get 'extra-notes 'extras `(= id ,id)))) (with-current-buffer (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*gnosis*")) (insert (propertize "\n\n-----\n" 'face 'gnosis-face-seperator)) (fill-paragraph (insert (concat "\n" (propertize extras 'face 'gnosis-face-extra))))))) (cl-defun gnosis--prompt (prompt &optional (downcase nil) (split nil)) "PROMPT user for input until `q' is given. The user is prompted to provide input for the 'PROMPT' message. Returns the list of non-'q' inputs in reverse order of their entry. Set DOWNCASE to t to downcase all input given. Set SPLIT to t to split all input given." (cl-loop with input = nil for response = (read-string (concat prompt " (q for quit): ")) do (if downcase (setq response (downcase response))) for response-parts = (if split (split-string response " ") (list response)) if (member "q" response-parts) return (nreverse input) do (cl-loop for part in response-parts unless (string-empty-p part) do (push part input)))) (defun gnosis-add-deck (name) "Create deck with NAME." (interactive (list (read-string "Deck Name: "))) (gnosis--insert-into 'decks `([nil ,name])) (message "Created deck '%s'" name)) (defun gnosis--get-deck-name () "Get name from table DECKS." (when (equal (gnosis--select 'name 'decks) nil) (error "No decks found")) (completing-read "Deck: " (gnosis--select 'name 'decks))) (cl-defun gnosis--get-deck-id (&optional (deck (gnosis--get-deck-name))) "Get id for DECK name." (gnosis-get 'id 'decks `(= name ,deck))) (defun gnosis-delete-deck (deck) "Delete DECK." (interactive (list (gnosis--get-deck-name))) (gnosis--delete 'decks `(= name ,deck)) (message "Deleted deck %s" deck)) (cl-defun gnosis-add-note-mcq (&key deck question choices correct-answer extra tags) "Create a NOTE with a list of multiple CHOICES. MCQ type consists of a main `QUESTION' that is displayed to the user. The user will be prompted to select the correct answer from a list of `CHOICES'. The `CORRECT-ANSWER' should be the index of the correct choice in the `CHOICES' list. Each note must correspond to one `DECK'. EXTRA are extra information displayed after an answer is given. TAGS are used to organize questions." (interactive (list :deck (gnosis--get-deck-name) :question (read-string "Question: ") :choices (gnosis--prompt "Choices") ;; NOTE: string-to-number transforms non-number strings to 0 :correct-answer (string-to-number (read-string "Which is the correct answer (number)? ")) :extra (read-string "Extra: ") :tags (gnosis--prompt "Tags" t t))) (cond ((or (not (numberp correct-answer)) (equal correct-answer 0)) (error "Correct answer value must be the index number of the correct answer")) ((null tags) (setq tags 'untagged))) (gnosis--insert-into 'notes `([nil "mcq" ,question ,choices ,correct-answer ,tags ,(gnosis--get-deck-id deck)])) (gnosis--insert-into 'review `([nil ,gnosis-algorithm-ef ,gnosis-algorithm-ff ,gnosis-algorithm-interval])) (gnosis--insert-into 'review-log `([nil ,(gnosis-algorithm-date) ,(gnosis-algorithm-date) 0 0 0])) (gnosis--insert-into 'extras `([nil ,extra nil]))) (defun gnosis-add-note (type) "Create note as TYPE." (interactive (list (completing-read "Type: " '(MCQ Cloze Basic) nil t))) (pcase type ("MCQ" (call-interactively 'gnosis-add-note-mcq)) ("Cloze" (message "Not ready yet.")) ("Basic" (message "Not ready yet.")) (_ (message "No such type.")))) (defun gnosis-mcq-answer (id) "Choose the correct answer, from mcq choices for question ID." (let ((choices (gnosis-get 'options 'notes `(= id ,id))) (history-add-new-input nil)) ;; Disable history (completing-read "Answer: " choices))) ;; Review (defun gnosis-review--algorithm (id success) "Get next review date & ef for note with value of id ID. SUCCESS is a binary value, 1 = success, 0 = failure. Returns a list of the form ((yyyy mm dd) ef)." (let ((ff gnosis-algorithm-ff) (ef (nth 2 (gnosis-get 'ef 'review `(= id ,id))))) (gnosis-algorithm-next-interval (gnosis-review--get-offset id) (gnosis-get 'n 'review-log `(= id ,id)) ef success ff))) (defun gnosis-review-get-due-notes () "Get due notes for current date." (gnosis--select 'id 'review-log `(<= next-rev ',(gnosis-algorithm-date)))) (defun gnosis-review--get-offset (id) "Get offset for note with value of id ID." (let ((last-rev (gnosis-get 'last-rev 'review-log `(= id ,id)))) (gnosis-algorithm-date-diff last-rev))) (defun gnosis-review-round (num) "Round NUM to 1 decimal. This function is used to round floating point numbers to 1 decimal, such as the easiness factor (ef)." (/ (round (* num 100.00)) 100.00)) (defun gnosis-review-new-ef (id success) "Get new ef for note with value of id ID. SUCCESS is a binary value, 1 = success, 0 = failure. Returns a list of the form (ef-increase ef-decrease ef)." (let ((ef (nth 1 (gnosis-review--algorithm id success))) (old-ef (gnosis-get 'ef 'review `(= id ,id)))) (cl-substitute (gnosis-review-round ef) (nth 2 old-ef) old-ef))) (defun gnosis-review--success (id) "Update review-log for note with value of id ID." (let ((ef (gnosis-review-new-ef id 1))) ;; Update review-log (gnosis-update 'review-log `(= last-rev ',(gnosis-algorithm-date)) `(= id ,id)) (gnosis-update 'review-log `(= next-rev ',(car (gnosis-review--algorithm id 1))) `(= id ,id)) (gnosis-update 'review-log `(= n (+ 1 ,(gnosis-get 'n 'review-log `(= id ,id)))) `(= id ,id)) ;; Update review (gnosis-update 'review `(= ef ',ef) `(= id ,id)))) (defun gnosis-review-mcq (id) "Display multiple choice answers for question ID." (let ((answer (gnosis-get 'answer 'notes `(= id ,id))) (choices (gnosis-get 'options 'notes `(= id ,id))) (user-choice (gnosis-mcq-answer id))) (if (equal (nth (- answer 1) choices) user-choice) (progn (gnosis-review--success id) (message "Correct!")) (message "False"))) (gnosis-display--extra id) (sit-for 0.5)) (defun gnosis-review-note (id) "Start review for note with value of id ID." (let ((type (gnosis-get 'type 'notes `(= id id)))) (gnosis-display--question id) (pcase type ("mcq" (gnosis-review-mcq id)) ("basic" (message "Not Ready yet.")) ("cloze" (message "Not Ready yet.")) (_ (error "Malformed note type"))))) (defun gnosis-review () "Start gnosis session." (interactive) (let* ((due-notes (gnosis-review-get-due-notes)) (note-count 0) (total-notes (length due-notes))) (if (null due-notes) (message "No due notes.") (cl-loop for note in due-notes do (progn (gnosis-review-note (car note)) (setf note-count (+ note-count 1)) (when (and (< note-count total-notes) (not (y-or-n-p "Review next note?"))) (cl-return))) finally (message "Review session finished. %d note(s) reviewed." note-count))))) ;;; Database Schemas ;; Enable foreign_keys ;; TODO: Redo when eval (emacsql gnosis-db "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") (defvar gnosis-db-schema-decks '([(id integer :primary-key :autoincrement) (name text :not-null)])) (defvar gnosis-db-schema-notes '([(id integer :primary-key :autoincrement) (type text :not-null) (main text :not-null) (options text :not-null) (answer text :not-null) (tags text :default untagged) (deck-id integer :not-null)] (:foreign-key [deck-id] :references decks [id] :on-delete :cascade))) (defvar gnosis-db-schema-review '([(id integer :primary-key :not-null) ;; note-id (ef integer :not-null) ;; Easiness factor (ff integer :not-null) ;; Forgetting factor (interval integer :not-null)] ;; Interval (:foreign-key [id] :references notes [id] :on-delete :cascade))) (defvar gnosis-db-schema-review-log '([(id integer :primary-key :not-null) ;; note-id (last-rev integer :not-null) ;; Last review date (next-rev integer :not-null) ;; Next review date (failures integer :not-null) ;; Number of consecutive review failures (suspend integer :not-null) ;; binary value, 1 = suspend note (n integer :not-null)] ;; Number of reviews (:foreign-key [id] :references notes [id] :on-delete :cascade))) (defvar gnosis-db-schema-extras '([(id integer :primary-key :not-null) (extra-notes string) (images string)] (:foreign-key [id] :references notes [id] :on-delete :cascade))) (defun gnosis-init () "Create notes content table." (interactive) ;;(make-directory (concat user-emacs-directory "gnosis")) (dolist (table '(notes decks review review-log extras)) (condition-case nil (gnosis--drop-table table) (error (message "No %s table to drop." table)))) ;; Enable foreign_keys (emacsql gnosis-db "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") ;; Create decks table (gnosis--create-table 'decks gnosis-db-schema-decks) ;; Create notes table (gnosis--create-table 'notes gnosis-db-schema-notes) ;; Create review table (gnosis--create-table 'review gnosis-db-schema-review) ;; Create review-log table (gnosis--create-table 'review-log gnosis-db-schema-review-log) ;; Create extras table (gnosis--create-table 'extras gnosis-db-schema-extras) (gnosis-add-deck "Anatomy")) ;; Gnosis mode ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-derived-mode gnosis-mode special-mode "Gnosis" "Gnosis Mode." :interactive t (display-line-numbers-mode 0) :lighter " gnosis-mode") (provide 'gnosis) ;;; gnosis.el ends here