This is, produced by makeinfo version 7.1 from gnosis.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs misc features START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Gnosis (γνῶσις): (gnosis). Spaced Repetition System For Note Taking And Self-Testing. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Up: (dir) Gnosis User Manual ****************** Gnosis (γνῶσις), pronounced "noh-sis", _meaning knowledge in Greek_, is a spaced repetition system implementation for note taking and self testing. This manual is written for Gnosis version 0.1.7, released on 2023-02-18. • Official manual: • Git repositories: • * Menu: * Introduction:: * Installation:: * Adding notes:: * Note Types:: * Customization & Extension:: * Gnosis Algorithm:: -- The Detailed Node Listing -- Installation * Using straight.el: Using straightel. * Installing manually from source:: Note Types * Cloze:: * Basic Type:: * Double:: * MCQ (Multiple Choice Question):: * y-or-n:: Customization & Extension * Adjust for typos | String Comparison:: * Creating Custom Note Types:: Gnosis Algorithm * Initial Interval:: * Easiness Factor:: * Forgetting Factor:: * Auto push changes::  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Installation, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Introduction ************** Gnosis is a spaced repetition note taking and self testing system, where notes are taken in a Question/Answer/Explanation-like format & reviewed in spaced intervals. Gnosis can help you better understand and retain the material by encouraging active engagement. It also provides a clear structure for your notes & review sessions, making it easier to study.  File:, Node: Installation, Next: Adding notes, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top 2 Installation ************** Gnosis is available via MELPA • * Menu: * Using straight.el: Using straightel. * Installing manually from source::  File:, Node: Using straightel, Next: Installing manually from source, Up: Installation 2.1 Using straight.el ===================== If you have not installed straight.el, follow the instructions here: Once you have installed straight.el, you can install gnosis using the following emacs lisp snippet: (straight-use-package '(gnosis :type git :host nil :repo ""))  File:, Node: Installing manually from source, Prev: Using straightel, Up: Installation 2.2 Installing manually from source =================================== Gnosis depends on the ‘compat’ & ‘emacsql’ libraries which are available from MELPA. Install them using ‘M-x package-install RET RET’ or you may also install them manually from their repository. • Clone gnosis repository $ git clone ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/gnosis • Add this to your emacs configuration (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/gnosis") (load-file "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/gnosis/gnosis.el")  File:, Node: Adding notes, Next: Note Types, Prev: Installation, Up: Top 3 Adding notes ************** Creating notes for gnosis can be done interactively with: ‘M-x gnosis-add-note’ Advanced/Power users may prefer to use ‘gnosis-add-note--TYPE’ Example: (gnosis-add-note--basic :deck "DECK-NAME" :question "Your Question" :answer "Answer" :hint "hint" :extra "Explanation" :image "Image displayed before user-input" ;; Optional :second-image "Image displayed after user-input" ;; Optional :tags '("tag1" "tag2")) By default, the value of image and second image is nil. Their value must a string, the path of an image, from inside ‘gnosis-images-dir’. Each note type has a ‘gnosis-add-note-TYPE’ that is used interactively & a "hidden function" ‘gnosis-add-note--TYPE’ that handles all the logic. Every note type has these values in common: • ‘extra’ string value, extra information/explanation displayed after user-input • ‘image’ Image displayed _before_ user input • ‘second-image’ Image displayed _after_ user input The following sections will cover the important differences you have to know when creating new notes.  File:, Node: Note Types, Next: Customization & Extension, Prev: Adding notes, Up: Top 4 Note Types ************ * Menu: * Cloze:: * Basic Type:: * Double:: * MCQ (Multiple Choice Question):: * y-or-n::  File:, Node: Cloze, Next: Basic Type, Up: Note Types 4.1 Cloze ========= A cloze note type is a format where you create sentences or paragraphs with "missing" words. Almost all note types can be written as a cloze type in a way. Ideal type for memorizing definitions. To get the most out of gnosis, you have to become familiar with cloze type notes. You can create a cloze note type using ‘M-x gnosis-add-note’ and selecting ‘Cloze’, the question should be formatted like this: {c1:Cyproheptadine} is a(n) {c2:5-HT2} receptor antagonist used to treat {c2:serotonin syndrome} You can also format clozes like Anki if you prefer; e.g ‘{{c1::Cyproheptadine}}’ • For each 'cX'-tag there will be created a cloze type note, the above example creates 2 cloze type notes. • Each 'cX' tag can have multiple clozes, but each cloze must be a *UNIQUE* word (or a unique combination of words) in given note.  File:, Node: Basic Type, Next: Double, Prev: Cloze, Up: Note Types 4.2 Basic Type ============== Basic note type is a simple question/answer note, where the user first sees a "main" part, which is usually a question, and he is prompted to input the answer.  File:, Node: Double, Next: MCQ (Multiple Choice Question), Prev: Basic Type, Up: Note Types 4.3 Double ========== Double note type, is essentially a note that generates 2 basic notes. The second one reverses question/answer. Ideal for vocabulary acquisition, creating vocabulary/translation notes for a foreign language.  File:, Node: MCQ (Multiple Choice Question), Next: y-or-n, Prev: Double, Up: Note Types 4.4 MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) ================================== MCQ note type, consists of a "stem" part that is displayed, and "options" for the user to select the right one. Answer must be the index NUMBER of the correct answer from OPTIONS. Ideal for self testing & simulating exams  File:, Node: y-or-n, Prev: MCQ (Multiple Choice Question), Up: Note Types 4.5 y-or-n ========== y-or-n (yes or no) note type, user is presented with a question and prompted to enter character "y" or "n". When using the hidden function ‘gnosis-add-note--y-or-n’, note that the ANSWER must be either 121 (‘y’) or 110 (‘n’), as those correspond to the character values used to represent them.  File:, Node: Customization & Extension, Next: Gnosis Algorithm, Prev: Note Types, Up: Top 5 Customization & Extension *************************** To make development and customization easier, gnosis comes with ‘gnosis-test’ module, that should be used to create a custom database for testing. To use ‘gnosis-test’, first you have to ‘(require 'gnosis-test)’ & run ‘M-x gnosis-test-start’. This will create a new database 'testing' with random inputs. To exit the testing environment, rerun ‘M-x gnosis-test-start’ and then enter ‘n’ (no) at the prompt "Start development env?" * Menu: * Adjust for typos | String Comparison:: * Creating Custom Note Types::  File:, Node: Adjust for typos | String Comparison, Next: Creating Custom Note Types, Up: Customization & Extension 5.1 Adjust for typos | String Comparison ======================================== You can adjust ‘gnosis-string-difference’, this is a threshold value for string comparison that determines the maximum acceptable Levenshtein distance between two strings, which identifies their similarity Let's illustrate with an example: (setf gnosis-string-difference 1) In this scenario, we set ‘gnosis-string-difference’ to 1. This implies that two strings will be recognized as similar if they exhibit a difference of at most one character edit. To demonstrate, 'example' and 'examples' will be recognized as similar, considering that the latter involves just one additional character."  File:, Node: Creating Custom Note Types, Prev: Adjust for typos | String Comparison, Up: Customization & Extension 5.2 Creating Custom Note Types ============================== Creating custom note types for gnosis is a fairly simple thing to do • First add your NEW-TYPE to ‘gnosis-note-types’ (add-to-list 'gnosis-note-types 'new-type) • Create 2 functions; ‘gnosis-add-note-TYPE’ & ‘gnosis-add-note--TYPE’ Each note type has a ‘gnosis-add-note-TYPE’ that is used interactively & a "hidden function" ‘gnosis-add-note--TYPE’ that handles all the logic. Refer to ‘gnosis-add-note-basic’ & ‘gnosis-add-note--basic’ for a simple example of how this is done. • Create ‘gnosis-review-TYPE’ This function should handle the review process, displaying it's contents and updating the database depending on the result of the review (fail/pass). Refer to ‘gnosis-review-basic’ for an example of how this should be done. • Optionally, you might want to create your own custom ‘gnosis-display’ functions  File:, Node: Gnosis Algorithm, Prev: Customization & Extension, Up: Top 6 Gnosis Algorithm ****************** * Menu: * Initial Interval:: * Easiness Factor:: * Forgetting Factor:: * Auto push changes::  File:, Node: Initial Interval, Next: Easiness Factor, Up: Gnosis Algorithm 6.1 Initial Interval ==================== ‘gnosis-algorithm-interval’ is a list of 2 numbers, representing the first two initial intervals for successful reviews. Example: (setq gnosis-algorithm-interval '(1 3)) Using the above example, after first successfully reviewing a note, you will see it again tomorrow, if you successfully review said note again, the next review will be after 3 days.  File:, Node: Easiness Factor, Next: Forgetting Factor, Prev: Initial Interval, Up: Gnosis Algorithm 6.2 Easiness Factor =================== The ‘gnosis-algorithm-ef’ is a list that consists of three items: 1. Easiness factor increase value: Added to the easiness factor upon a successful review. 2. Easiness factor decrease value: Subtracted from the total easiness factor upon a failed review. 3. Initial total easiness factor: Used to calculate the next interval. 4. How this is used: Multiplies the last interval by the easiness factor after a successful review. For example, if the last review was 6 days ago with an easiness factor of 2.0, the next interval would be calculated as 6 * 2.0, and the total easiness factor would be updated by adding the increase factor. Configuration example: (setq gnosis-algorithm-ef '(0.30 0.25 1.3))  File:, Node: Forgetting Factor, Next: Auto push changes, Prev: Easiness Factor, Up: Gnosis Algorithm 6.3 Forgetting Factor ===================== ‘gnosis-algorithm-ff’ is a floating number below 1. Used to determine the next interval after an unsuccessful review. Multiplied with the last interval to calculate the next interval. For example, if ‘gnosis-algorithm-ff’ is set to 0.5 and the last interval was 6 days, the next interval will be 6 * 0.5 = 3 days. Example configuration: (setq gnosis-algorithm-ff 0.5)  File:, Node: Auto push changes, Prev: Forgetting Factor, Up: Gnosis Algorithm 6.4 Auto push changes ===================== You can interactively use ‘gnosis-vc-push’ & ‘gnosis-vc-pull’. As the name suggests, they rely on ‘vc’ to work properly. Make sure you have setup a git remote for gnosis. cd ~//gnosis # default location for gnosis git remote add # Depending on your setup, ‘vc’ might require an external package for the ssh passphrase dialog, such as ‘x11-ssh-askpass’.  Tag Table: Node: Top246 Node: Introduction1277 Node: Installation1757 Node: Using straightel2034 Node: Installing manually from source2546 Node: Adding notes3235 Node: Note Types4651 Node: Cloze4875 Node: Basic Type5848 Node: Double6126 Node: MCQ (Multiple Choice Question)6472 Node: y-or-n6881 Node: Customization & Extension7307 Node: Adjust for typos | String Comparison8020 Node: Creating Custom Note Types8856 Node: Gnosis Algorithm9966 Node: Initial Interval10190 Node: Easiness Factor10697 Node: Forgetting Factor11602 Node: Auto push changes12162  End Tag Table  Local Variables: coding: utf-8 End: