#+title: TODO's for Gnosis #+author: Thanos Apollo #+startup: content * Notes ** TODO Add export deck ** TODO Add support for org-mode + Create gnosis notes using =org-mode= * Dashboard ** DONE Add Dashboard CLOSED: [2024-02-20 Tue 13:33] + Create a dashboard to view all notes created, user can edit & suspend notes. Use tabulated-list-mode, preferably. ** TODO Dashboard: Improve Performance + emacsql is quite fast, but the current tabulated-list implementation can be quite slow when having >30K notes. Consider alternatives to tabulated-list ** DONE Dashboard: Add filtering/search CLOSED: [2024-04-20 Sat 12:54] - [x] Search using tags - [x] Search/Filter for main/answer * Misc ** DONE Refactor =completing-read= UI choices CLOSED: [2024-02-17 Sat 21:59] /DONE on version 0.1.7/ =completing-read= is not an ideal solution as a UI. If user has not enabled a completion system, such as vertico, this would make gnosis unusable. One possible solution is to create defcustom =gnosis-completing-read-function= that has ido-completing-read by default if vertico/ivy/helm is not enabled *** Notes Implemented =gnosis-completing-read-function= ** TODO Use vc instead of shell commands - [x] Push & Pull commands /DONE on version 0.1.7/ - [] stage & commit