path: root/gnosis.el
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-05-18Add gnosis-mcc-separatorThanos Apollo
2024-05-18Add gnosis-completing-read...Call gnosis-completing-read-function, disable history input, shuffle seq order. This should make it easier to add new gnosis types Thanos Apollo
2024-05-18Add gnosis-completing-read...Call gnosis-completing-read-function, disable history input, shuffle seq order. This should make it easier to add new gnosis types Thanos Apollo
2024-05-18Add gnosis-shuffleThanos Apollo
2024-05-14gnosis-get-note-ff: Use deck-ff over note-ffThanos Apollo
2024-05-14gnosis-modeline-mode: Remove run-at-time...We are updating gnosis-due-notes-total upon calling gnosis-review Thanos Apollo
2024-05-13[fix] gnsois-db: Use defvar instead of defconst...Defconst would not allow the value to change when using gnosis-vc-pull Thanos Apollo
2024-05-11gnosis-review: Refresh modelineThanos Apollo
2024-05-10[fix] gnosis-review-algorithm: Adjust ff & last-interval...Use gnosis-get-note-ff & gnosis-review-last-interval Previous implementation would not respect note's ff or deck's ff Thanos Apollo
2024-05-10Add gnosis-review-last-intervalThanos Apollo
2024-05-10Add gnosis-get-note-ffThanos Apollo
2024-05-10Add gnosis-get-deck-ffThanos Apollo
2024-05-10Add gnosis-get-deck--noteThanos Apollo
2024-05-10Version bump: 0.2.4Thanos Apollo
2024-05-10Update copyrightsThanos Apollo
2024-05-10gnosis-review-session: Use catch-throw...- Rename to gnosis-review-session - Use catch-throw to break out of the cl-loop Thanos Apollo
2024-05-09[Refactor] Add gnosis-review-actions...Seperate actions to take during review of gnosis note. Use recursion to be able to do more than one action, e.g edit & then override note. Thanos Apollo
2024-05-09Remove gnosis-review-override...This should be done more elegantly within a gnosis-review-actions without a y-or-n prompt Thanos Apollo
2024-05-07Merge branch 'master' into 0.2.4-devThanos Apollo
2024-05-07[Fix] review: Update note upon session quit...Previous implementation would not update note value for success upon review Thanos Apollo
2024-05-01gnosis-display: Use fill-paragraph as optional argThanos Apollo
2024-05-01Start 0.2.4-devThanos Apollo
2024-05-01Version bump: 0.2.3Thanos Apollo
2024-05-01gnosis-review--session: Update value of total review notes...Update value of gnosis-due-notes-total during review session This way user was a count of total due notes during review. Thanos Apollo
2024-05-01Rename gnosis-due-notes -> gnosis-due-notes-total...Make var name clear that it represents total count. due notes might be asumed as a list of note ids Thanos Apollo
2024-04-26[fix] Display images properlyThanos Apollo
2024-04-26[fix] modeline: Improve performance...Calling (length (gnosis-review-get-due-notes)) causes performance issues, especially on old hardware, we store the value on a variable and update it every 5 minutes or when we finish a review session. Thanos Apollo
2024-04-24Add gnosis-mcq-process-input...- Process input given from gnosis-mcq-prompt Thanos Apollo
2024-04-24Refactor gnosis-prompt-mcq-input...- Use recursion when incorrect formatting is used - Separate the process of input to a different function Thanos Apollo
2024-04-24gnosis-generate-id: Use random lengthThanos Apollo
2024-04-21Rewrite adding notes logic...- Remove while statements from gnosis-add-note-TYPE funcs - Every gnosis-add-note-TYPE must receive `deck` as arg - gnosis-add-note implements recursion, with deck & type as optional arguments. This is done to simplify the logic & improve UI Thanos Apollo
2024-04-20[Fix] Add delete functions...- Previous implementation would break the generation of ids after deleting a note - Using gnosis-generate-id fixed the previous issue these functions had Thanos Apollo
2024-04-20Add gnosis-generate-id...- Generate a unique note id Thanos Apollo
2024-04-17[Fix] gnosis-dashboard: Unset RET for notesThanos Apollo
2024-04-17[Fix] Rewrite selection of notes of tag...- Use gnosis-tag-prompt to select tags - Implement 'due' logic on gnosis-select-by-tag Thanos Apollo
2024-04-17[Feature] gnosis-dashboard: View notes of deck...- From gnosis-dashboard of decks, press RET to view all notes of deck Thanos Apollo
2024-04-17[fix] gnosis-dashboard: Fix deprecated suspend use...- Use gnosis-dashboard-note-ids Thanos Apollo
2024-04-16gnosis-search-note: Adjust for queries with multiple wordsThanos Apollo
2024-04-16gnosis-dashboard: Style...- Adjust for notes with "\n" - Use format, prin1-to-string displays notes quotes ("") - Remove display-line-numbers-mode, this should be configured by the user. Thanos Apollo
2024-04-16[Feature] gnosis-dashboard: Search for note...- Query database for note & display notes that match query on dashboard Thanos Apollo
2024-04-16Add gnosis-seach-noteThanos Apollo
2024-04-11version bump: 0.2.2Thanos Apollo
2024-04-11dashboard: Adjust for output buffer...- gnosis-dashboard-output-decks & notes functions are the ones that should pop to a new buffer. - gnosis-dashboard should only handle note-id collection Thanos Apollo
2024-04-11Add gnosis-review-override...Reverses the result of review Thanos Apollo
2024-04-11gnosis-display-next-review: Adjust for overridesThanos Apollo
2024-04-10review: All review functions return success value...- Review functions return a boolean value for success. This way it can be overriden. Thanos Apollo
2024-04-10gnosis-display-next-review: Get value using gnosis-algorithm...Since we will be displaying next date before we use gnosis-review--update, we will have to calculate the next date before we update note value in db. Thanos Apollo
2024-04-10[Feature] Add override...- Override review result - gnosis-review--update will be used only on gnosis-review--sesion. - gnosis-review-TYPE functions should return t or nil, for success or failure of review. Thanos Apollo
2024-04-10[fix] gnosis-display-image: Adjust for empty stringsThanos Apollo
2024-04-03dashboard: Refactor user interaction...- Use lowercase - Prompt for gnosis-dashboard-type before switching to buffer Thanos Apollo