path: root/gnosis.el
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-07-23db: Rewrite schema for activity-logThanos Apollo
2024-07-23review: Add threshold and use c-fails to calc next interv.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-22gnosis: Use gnosis-dashboard as a separated module.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-21review: Get unsuspended due notes directly with emacsqlThanos Apollo
2024-07-21[fix] gnosis-review: Encapsulate update of db.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-20db: Add gnosis-table-existsThanos Apollo
2024-07-20review: Update activity log for every note review.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-20db: Update to version 3Thanos Apollo
2024-07-20Remove gnosis-get-new-notesThanos Apollo
2024-07-20New variable: gnosis-review-notes: Hold value of notes for review.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-20[Refactor] gnosis-review-get-due-notes: Adjust for new notes limit.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-20review: Add new review type: All notes of deckThanos Apollo
2024-07-20review: Add gnosis-get-new-notes.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-20new custom: Add gnosis-new-notes-limitThanos Apollo
2024-07-20faces: Fix typosThanos Apollo
2024-07-17cloze: edit: Add assertion for string or nil.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-17gnosis-face: New face: gnosis-face-unanswered.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-17packaging: version bump: Apollo
2024-07-17[fix] mc-cloze: Use gnosis-display-cloze-string.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-17[fix] cloze: Update assertions when editing notesThanos Apollo
2024-07-17display: Add gnosis-apply-highlighting-pThanos Apollo
2024-07-17display: Add gnosis-center-content-p.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16cloze: Add quick fix for old cloze note format.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16gnosis-review: Move review funcs closer togetherThanos Apollo
2024-07-16Remove MC-Cloze from the default note types.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16cloze: Add gnosis-display-cloze-string.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16cloze: Add gnosis-cloze-mark-falseThanos Apollo
2024-07-16cloze: Add gnosis-cloze-mark-answersThanos Apollo
2024-07-16cloze: Add gnosis-cloze-add-hints.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16cloze: Add gnosis-create-clozeThanos Apollo
2024-07-16cloze: Remove gnosis-display-cloze-sentenceThanos Apollo
2024-07-16[fix] cloze: Update assertiong when editing cloze notes.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16New function: Add gnosis-cloze-checkThanos Apollo
2024-07-16New function: Add gnosis-get-type.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16new func: Add gnosis-select-idThanos Apollo
2024-07-15demo: Add a latin phrase & update timersThanos Apollo
2024-07-15Add randomized deck idsThanos Apollo
2024-07-15cloze: Update display conds, add smaller scratch funcs, update docsThanos Apollo
2024-07-14demo: Update cloze contentsThanos Apollo
2024-07-14cloze: Refactor adding cloze notesThanos Apollo
2024-07-14cloze: Refactor display of clozesThanos Apollo
2024-07-14cloze: Update default cloze string and face.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-12Update commentaryThanos Apollo
2024-07-10gnosis-dashboard-notes: Make columns adjustable to window-widthThanos Apollo
2024-07-05Add gnosis-validate-actions-keysThanos Apollo
2024-07-05Add gnosis-review-keybindingsThanos Apollo
2024-07-02gnosis-apply-syntax-overlay: Update regex & add underlineThanos Apollo
2024-06-30gnosis-display: Minor aesthetic adjustmentsThanos Apollo
2024-06-28[packaging] Update version to 0.3.0Thanos Apollo
2024-06-28[Feature] Add gnosis demoThanos Apollo