AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-13Update testing parametersThanos Apollo
2023-12-13ef: Update to 0.3 0.3Thanos Apollo
2023-12-13mcq: Use gnosis--selectThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Change select arg orderThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Update schema & fix typosThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Feature: Add decksThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Add gnosis--get-nameThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Rename gnosis--get to gnosis--get-idThanos Apollo
2023-12-12mcq: Add error catch when correct-answer is not a numberThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Update gnosis notes tableThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Add gnosis algorithmThanos Apollo
2023-12-12Add gnosis groupThanos Apollo
2023-12-01Add READMEThanos Apollo
2023-11-29Update gnosis-init & test buffer for testing purposesThanos Apollo
2023-11-29Update review functionallityThanos Apollo
2023-11-29Remove duplicate `get` functions, redo as gnosis--getThanos Apollo
2023-11-29Add gnosis--drop-tableThanos Apollo
2023-11-28sqlite (table): Add tags columnThanos Apollo
2023-11-28Add gnosis--ask-input & Update docstringsThanos Apollo
2023-11-28Add gnosis-modeThanos Apollo
2023-11-28Add gnosis-initThanos Apollo
2023-11-28gnosis-test-buffer: Disable minibuffer-history locallyThanos Apollo
2023-11-28Add gnosis-dbThanos Apollo
2023-11-27Rename to gnosisThanos Apollo
2023-11-27Add qbank-create-questionThanos Apollo
2023-11-27Add qbank.elThanos Apollo
2023-11-27Add LICENSEThanos Apollo