path: root/gnosis.el
diff options
authorThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2024-09-05 19:24:20 +0300
committerThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2024-09-05 19:24:20 +0300
commitd034335bde30c7873768bfbbae531a704d011245 (patch)
tree083549e0d416ccc30ef77ade088c86f4d85e3af4 /gnosis.el
parentf9c6885cd56cd2e929992c1fa319b527f179a6cd (diff)
Packaging: Add version 0.4.2.
* Comment out gnosis-org sections that are under development. * Fix display issues on non-grapical interface. * Add variable watchers for custom algorithm values. * Update assertions for editing notes This is a minor release with a few bug fixes.
Diffstat (limited to 'gnosis.el')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/gnosis.el b/gnosis.el
index 40e4061..4619fa9 100644
--- a/gnosis.el
+++ b/gnosis.el
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;; Author: Thanos Apollo <[email protected]>
;; Keywords: extensions
;; URL:
-;; Version: 0.4.2-dev
+;; Version: 0.4.2
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.2") (emacsql "4.0.1") (compat "") (transient "0.7.2"))
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
(require 'gnosis-string-edit)
(require 'gnosis-dashboard)
-(require 'gnosis-org)
+;; (require 'gnosis-org)
(require 'animate)
@@ -2557,18 +2557,17 @@ If STRING-SECTION is nil, apply FACE to the entire STRING."
:tags note-tags))
(error "Demo deck already exists"))))
-;; Export
-;; This is a demo!
-(defun gnosis-export-deck (&optional deck)
- "Export contents of DECK."
- (interactive (list (gnosis--get-deck-id)))
- (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*test*")
- (insert (format "#+GNOSIS_DECK: %s\n\n" (gnosis--get-deck-name deck)))
- (cl-loop for note in (gnosis-select '[main answer id type] 'notes `(= deck-id ,deck))
- do (gnosis-org-insert-heading :main (car note)
- :answer (cadr note)
- :id (number-to-string (caddr note))
- :type (cadddr note)))))
+;; TODO: Add Export funcs
+;; (defun gnosis-export-deck (&optional deck)
+;; "Export contents of DECK."
+;; (interactive (list (gnosis--get-deck-id)))
+;; (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*test*")
+;; (insert (format "#+GNOSIS_DECK: %s\n\n" (gnosis--get-deck-name deck)))
+;; (cl-loop for note in (gnosis-select '[main answer id type] 'notes `(= deck-id ,deck))
+;; do (gnosis-org-insert-heading :main (car note)
+;; :answer (cadr note)
+;; :id (number-to-string (caddr note))
+;; :type (cadddr note)))))
;; Gnosis mode ;;