diff options
authorThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2023-12-30 09:56:18 +0200
committerThanos Apollo <[email protected]>2023-12-30 09:56:18 +0200
commitbbef2d27ea620caeb32e495a9c23aa786afcb1f7 (patch)
parentc5e36a38eee5d2986e6196f90179c08092f830d7 (diff)
Add gnosis-db-init
Function to create gnosis essential files & db schemas
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/gnosis.el b/gnosis.el
index c3e0698..da3f7b5 100644
--- a/gnosis.el
+++ b/gnosis.el
@@ -50,13 +50,9 @@
:type 'string
:group 'gnosis)
(defvar gnosis-images-dir (concat gnosis-dir "/" "images")
"Gnosis images directory.")
-(unless (file-exists-p gnosis-images-dir)
- (make-directory gnosis-dir)
- (make-directory gnosis-images-dir))
(defvar gnosis-db (emacsql-sqlite-open (concat gnosis-dir "/" "gnosis.db"))
"Gnosis database.")
@@ -690,8 +686,6 @@ Used to reveal all clozes left with `gnosis-face-cloze-unanswered' face."
;;; Database Schemas
;; Enable foreign_keys
;; TODO: Redo when eval
-(emacsql gnosis-db "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
(defvar gnosis-db-schema-decks '([(id integer :primary-key :autoincrement)
(name text :not-null)]))
@@ -731,28 +725,35 @@ Used to reveal all clozes left with `gnosis-face-cloze-unanswered' face."
(:foreign-key [id] :references notes [id]
:on-delete :cascade)))
-(defun gnosis-init ()
- "Create notes content table."
- (interactive)
- ;;(make-directory (concat user-emacs-directory "gnosis"))
- (dolist (table '(notes decks review review-log extras))
- (condition-case nil
- (gnosis--drop-table table)
- (error (message "No %s table to drop." table))))
- ;; Enable foreign_keys
- (emacsql gnosis-db "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
- ;; Create decks table
- (gnosis--create-table 'decks gnosis-db-schema-decks)
- ;; Create notes table
- (gnosis--create-table 'notes gnosis-db-schema-notes)
- ;; Create review table
- (gnosis--create-table 'review gnosis-db-schema-review)
- ;; Create review-log table
- (gnosis--create-table 'review-log gnosis-db-schema-review-log)
- ;; Create extras table
- (gnosis--create-table 'extras gnosis-db-schema-extras)
- (gnosis-add-deck "Anatomy"))
+(defun gnosis-db-init ()
+ "Create gnosis database."
+ (cond
+ ;; if gnosis-dir does not exist, create it
+ ((not (file-directory-p gnosis-dir))
+ (make-directory gnosis-dir))
+ ;; if gnosis-images-dir does not exist, create it
+ ((not (and gnosis-images-dir (file-directory-p gnosis-images-dir)))
+ (make-directory gnosis-images-dir)))
+ ;; Create gnosis-dir
+ (unless (file-exists-p gnosis-dir)
+ (make-directory gnosis-dir)
+ (make-directory gnosis-images-dir)
+ ;; Make sure gnosis-db is initialized
+ (setf gnosis-db (emacsql-sqlite (concat gnosis-dir "/" "gnosis.db"))))
+ ;; Create database tables
+ (unless (length= (emacsql gnosis-db [:select name :from sqlite-master :where (= type table)]) 6)
+ ;; Enable foreign keys
+ (emacsql gnosis-db "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
+ ;; Create decks table
+ (gnosis--create-table 'decks gnosis-db-schema-decks)
+ ;; Create notes table
+ (gnosis--create-table 'notes gnosis-db-schema-notes)
+ ;; Create review table
+ (gnosis--create-table 'review gnosis-db-schema-review)
+ ;; Create review-log table
+ (gnosis--create-table 'review-log gnosis-db-schema-review-log)
+ ;; Create extras table
+ (gnosis--create-table 'extras gnosis-db-schema-extras)))
;; Gnosis mode ;;