# Copy what's below and save it in ~/.moc/themes/moc-orpheus
# moc-orpheus is the name of the file; don't give it an extension.
# Also, create the themes folder if it doesn't exist.
# I found this theme at this address:
# http://nic-nac-project.org/~orveldv/wiki/doku.php?id=moc
# A couple ather themes are also available there.

background           = black  black normal
frame                = blue   black bold
window_title         = black  black bold
directory            = cyan   black normal
selected_directory   = cyan   black bold
playlist             = white  black normal
selected_playlist    = cyan   black bold
file                 = green  black normal
selected_file        = green  black bold
marked_file          = yellow black bold
marked_selected_file = white  black bold
info                 = blue   black bold
selected_info        = blue   black bold
marked_info          = white  black bold
marked_selected_info = white  black bold
status               = black  white normal
title                = yellow black bold
state                = green  black bold,blink
current_time         = white  black normal
time_left            = black  black bold
total_time           = green  black normal
time_total_frames    = black  black bold
sound_parameters     = white  black normal
legend               = green  black normal
disabled             = black  black bold
enabled              = white  black normal
empty_mixer_bar      = white  black normal
filled_mixer_bar     = black  white normal
empty_time_bar       = black  black normal
filled_time_bar      = black  white bold
entry                = white  black normal
entry_title          = black  white normal
error                = yellow black bold
message              = yellow black bold
plist_time           = blue   black normal