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_You can add custom images to the folders "background" and "gears" and custom css to the "css" folder. Access this folder by Tools->Background/gear image folder. I would recommend using 20-50% opacity images for the background (this must be configured in an external editor like photoshop).
Background images were obtained from [Pexels.com](https://www.pexels.com/photo-license/)
Gear icons were obtained from [Wikimedia Commons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Noto_Color_Emoji_Pie)
* **Image name for background:** _(For no image use "". "Random" will shuffle through defaults)_ name of the background image file.
* _preloaded images (all .png) include: AnKing, Beach, BeachAerial, Christ&Surgeon, ColorfulLights, Fire, Island, Milkyway, MoonMountains, NightSky, Ocean, SLCtemple, Sunset, SunsetMountain_
* **Image name for gear:** _(Anki default is "gears.svg". "Random" will shuffle through defaults)_ name of the file to replace the gear icon. (preloaded images include AnKing.png, flame.svg)
* _preloaded images (all .png) include: AnKing, Bam, Bullseye, Cowboy, Diamond, Dragon, Fire, Flower, Nerd, Rose, Shield, Skull, Star, Sun_
* **Reviewer image:** _(true or false)_ show the background image in the reviewer screen
* **Toolbar top/bottom:** _(true or false)_ Set the background position of the toolbars to top and bottom (if the main background position is set to center, this will look cleaner for most images)
* **Toolbar image:** _(true or false)_ show the background image in the top and bottom toolbars in addition to the main screen
_The following are css values and can be styled with appropriate css values for these css properties. See w3schools.com for more information._
* **background-attachment:** _(default "fixed")_ scroll or fixed
* **background-color:** _(default "")_ set to "" to have no background color
* **background-position:** _(default "center")_ left top, right bottom, 25% 50%, 100px 200px, etc
* **background scale:** _(default "1")_ set the scale of the image. 1 is the original image size. 2 is 200% original image size. You can also use 2,1 to scale x,y separately
* **background-size:** _(default "contain", but I would recommend "cover" if you set "Toolbar image" to true)_ contain, cover, 50%, 100px, etc