# # QQQQQQQQQ tttt iiii lllllll # QQ:::::::::QQ ttt:::t i::::i l:::::l # QQ:::::::::::::QQ t:::::t iiii l:::::l # Q:::::::QQQ:::::::Q t:::::t l:::::l # Q::::::O Q::::::Qttttttt:::::ttttttt iiiiiii l::::l eeeeeeeeeeee # Q:::::O Q:::::Qt:::::::::::::::::t i:::::i l::::l ee::::::::::::ee # Q:::::O Q:::::Qt:::::::::::::::::t i::::i l::::l e::::::eeeee:::::ee # Q:::::O Q:::::Qtttttt:::::::tttttt i::::i l::::l e::::::e e:::::e # Q:::::O Q:::::Q t:::::t i::::i l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::e # Q:::::O Q:::::Q t:::::t i::::i l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e # Q:::::O QQQQ:::::Q t:::::t i::::i l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee # Q::::::O Q::::::::Q t:::::t tttttt i::::i l::::l e:::::::e # Q:::::::QQ::::::::Q t::::::tttt:::::ti::::::il::::::le::::::::e # QQ::::::::::::::Q tt::::::::::::::ti::::::il::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee # QQ:::::::::::Q tt:::::::::::tti::::::il::::::l ee:::::::::::::e # QQQQQQQQ::::QQ ttttttttttt iiiiiiiillllllll eeeeeeeeeeeeee # Q:::::Q # QQQQQQ # ___ _ _ __ _ # / _ \ | | | / _(_) # / /_\ \_ __ ___ | | | ___ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _ # | _ | '_ \ / _ \| | |/ _ \ / __/ _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` | # | | | | |_) | (_) | | | (_) | | (_| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | # \_| |_/ .__/ \___/|_|_|\___/ \___\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | # | | __/ | # |_| |___/ import os import re import socket import subprocess from typing import List from libqtile import layout, bar, widget, hook from libqtile.config import Click, Drag, Group, Key, Match, Screen, Rule from libqtile.command import lazy from libqtile.widget import Spacer #mod4 or mod = super key mod = "mod4" mod1 = "alt" mod2 = "control" image = '~/Pictures/medicine/caduceus-crystal.jpg' @lazy.function def window_to_prev_group(qtile): if qtile.currentWindow is not None: i = qtile.groups.index(qtile.currentGroup) qtile.currentWindow.togroup(qtile.groups[i - 1].name) @lazy.function def window_to_next_group(qtile): if qtile.currentWindow is not None: i = qtile.groups.index(qtile.currentGroup) qtile.currentWindow.togroup(qtile.groups[i + 1].name) mod = "mod4" # Sets mod key to SUPER/WINDOWS myTerm = "alacritty" # My terminal of choice myBrowser = "qutebrowser" # My browser of choice keys = [ ### The essentials Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(myTerm), desc='Launches My Terminal' ), Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.spawn("dmenu_run -p 'Run: '"), desc='Run Launcher' ), Key([mod], "p", lazy.spawn("passmenu -p 'Password for: '"), ), Key([mod], "b", lazy.spawn(myBrowser), desc='Qutebrowser' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "c", lazy.next_layout(), desc='Toggle through layouts' ), Key([mod], "q", lazy.window.kill(), desc='Kill active window' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart(), desc='Restart Qtile' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "0", lazy.shutdown(), desc='Shutdown Qtile' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "e", lazy.spawn("emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'"), desc='Doom Emacs' ), ### Switch focus of monitors Key([mod], "period", lazy.next_screen(), desc='Move focus to next monitor' ), Key([mod], "comma", lazy.prev_screen(), desc='Move focus to prev monitor' ), ### Treetab controls Key([mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.move_left(), desc='Move up a section in treetab' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.move_right(), desc='Move down a section in treetab' ), ### Window controls Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.down(), desc='Move focus down in current stack pane' ), Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.up(), desc='Move focus up in current stack pane' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down(), lazy.layout.section_down(), desc='Move windows down in current stack' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up(), lazy.layout.section_up(), desc='Move windows up in current stack' ), Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.shrink(), lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster(), desc='Shrink window (MonadTall), decrease number in master pane (Tile)' ), Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.grow(), lazy.layout.increase_nmaster(), desc='Expand window (MonadTall), increase number in master pane (Tile)' ), Key([mod], "n", lazy.layout.normalize(), desc='normalize window size ratios' ), Key([mod], "m", lazy.layout.maximize(), desc='toggle window between minimum and maximum sizes' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating(), desc='toggle floating' ), Key([mod], "f", lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen(), desc='toggle fullscreen' ), ### Stack controls Key([mod, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.layout.rotate(), lazy.layout.flip(), desc='Switch which side main pane occupies (XmonadTall)' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.toggle_split(), desc='Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack' ), ### Volume controls Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.spawn('amixer sset Master 5%-'), desc="Decrease volume" ), Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.spawn('amixer sset Master 5%+'), desc="Increase volume" ), ### Change languages Key([mod], "F1", lazy.spawn("setxkbmap us"), desc= "change to US layout"), Key([mod],"F2", lazy.spawn("setxkbmap gr"), desc= "change to greek layout"), ] def window_to_previous_screen(qtile, switch_group=False, switch_screen=False): i = qtile.screens.index(qtile.current_screen) if i != 0: group = qtile.screens[i - 1].group.name qtile.current_window.togroup(group, switch_group=switch_group) if switch_screen == True: qtile.cmd_to_screen(i - 1) def window_to_next_screen(qtile, switch_group=False, switch_screen=False): i = qtile.screens.index(qtile.current_screen) if i + 1 != len(qtile.screens): group = qtile.screens[i + 1].group.name qtile.current_window.togroup(group, switch_group=switch_group) if switch_screen == True: qtile.cmd_to_screen(i + 1) groups = [] # FOR QWERTY KEYBOARDS group_names = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0",] #group_labels = ["1 ", "2 ", "3 ", "4 ", "5 ", "6 ", "7 ", "8 ", "9 ", "0",] group_labels = ["Ⅰ", "Ⅱ", "Ⅲ", "Ⅳ", "Ⅴ", "Ⅵ", "Ⅶ", "Ⅷ", "Ⅸ", "Ⅹ",] group_layouts = ["monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall", "monadtall",] #group_layouts = ["monadtall", "matrix", "monadtall", "bsp", "monadtall", "matrix", "monadtall", "bsp", "monadtall", "monadtall",] for i in range(len(group_names)): groups.append( Group( name=group_names[i], layout=group_layouts[i].lower(), label=group_labels[i], )) for i in groups: keys.extend([ #CHANGE WORKSPACES Key([mod], i.name, lazy.group[i.name].toscreen()), # MOVE WINDOW TO SELECTED WORKSPACE 1-10 AND STAY ON WORKSPACE Key([mod, "shift"], i.name, lazy.window.togroup(i.name)), # MOVE WINDOW TO SELECTED WORKSPACE 1-10 AND FOLLOW MOVED WINDOW TO WORKSPACE # Key([mod, "shift"], i.name, lazy.window.togroup(i.name) , lazy.group[i.name].toscreen()), ]) def init_layout_theme(): return {"margin":5, "border_width":2, "border_focus": "#5e81ac", "border_normal": "#4c566a" } layout_theme = init_layout_theme() layouts = [ #layout.MonadTall(margin=8, border_width=2, border_focus="#5e81ac", border_normal="#4c566a"), layout.MonadTall(**layout_theme), #layout.MonadWide(margin=8, border_width=2, border_focus="#5e81ac", border_normal="#4c566a"), # layout.MonadWide(**layout_theme), # layout.Matrix(**layout_theme), # layout.Bsp(**layout_theme), # layout.Floating(**layout_theme), # layout.RatioTile(**layout_theme), layout.Max(**layout_theme) ] # COLORS FOR THE BAR def init_colors(): return [ ["#2F343F", "#2F343F"], # color 0 ["#000000", "#000000"], # black 1 ["#2F343F", "#2F343F"], # color 2 ["#c0c5ce", "#c0c5ce"], # color 3 ["#fba922", "#fba922"], # color 4 ["#3384d0", "#3384d0"], # Blue 5 ["#f3f4f5", "#f3f4f5"], # color 6 ["#cd1f3f", "#cd1f3f"], # color 7 ["#62FF00", "#62FF00"], # color 8 ["#6790eb", "#6790eb"], # color 9 ["#a9a9a9", "#a9a9a9"], # color 10 ['#ff0000', "#ff0000"], # red 11 ] colors = init_colors() # WIDGETS FOR THE BAR def init_widgets_defaults(): return dict(font="Noto Sans", fontsize = 12, padding = 2, background=colors[1]) widget_defaults = init_widgets_defaults() def init_widgets_list(): widgets_list = [ widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 6, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.Image( filename = image, scale = "True", mouse_callbacks = {'Button1': lambda: qtile.cmd_spawn(myTerm)} ), widget.GroupBox(font="FontAwesome", fontsize = 20, margin_y = 3, margin_x = 0, padding_y = 6, padding_x = 5, borderwidth = 1, disable_drag = True, active = colors[5], inactive = colors[10], rounded = False, highlight_color = colors[1], highlight_method = "line", this_current_screen_border = colors[11], other_current_screen_border = colors[10], foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1], ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 10, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.CurrentLayout( font = "Noto Sans Bold", foreground = colors[4], background = colors[1] ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 10, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.WindowName(font="Noto Sans", fontsize = 12, foreground = colors[8], background = colors[1], ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 10, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.Net( format='{interface}: U {up} D {down} T {total}' ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 10, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.Memory( measure_mem="G", fontsize=15, graph_color = colors[11] ), widget.MemoryGraph(), widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 10, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.ThermalSensor( format='{tag}: {temp:.Of}{unit}', threshold=50, fontsize=15, ), widget.CPUGraph( type='box', graph_color = colors[5] ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 10, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.TextBox( font="FontAwesome", text="  ", foreground=colors[4], background=colors[1], padding = 0, fontsize=18 ), widget.Clock( font='Mono', foreground = colors[3], background = colors[1], fontsize = 18, format="%d-%m-%Y | %H:%M" ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 1, padding = 3, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[1] ), widget.Systray( background=colors[1], icon_size=21, padding = 10 ), ] return widgets_list widgets_list = init_widgets_list() def init_widgets_screen1(): widgets_screen1 = init_widgets_list() return widgets_screen1 def init_widgets_screen2(): widgets_screen2 = init_widgets_list() return widgets_screen2[:-1] widgets_screen1 = init_widgets_screen1() widgets_screen2 = init_widgets_screen2() def init_screens(): return [Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen1(), size=33, opacity=0.8)), Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen2(), size=26, opacity=0.8))] screens = init_screens() @hook.subscribe.startup_once def start_once(): autostart_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/autostart/setup.sh') subprocess.run([autostart_path]) follow_mouse_focus = True bring_front_click = False cursor_warp = False auto_fullscreen = True focus_on_window_activation = "focus" # or smart wmname = "Qtile-Apo11o"