(in-package #:nyxt-user) ;; I'm definining a new scheme to redirect PDF requests to. What it does is: ;; - Get the original file (if the URL is a filesystem path, simply use it). ;; - Save it to disk (if remote). ;; - Run pdftotext over the file. ;; - Display pdftotext output in a nice HTML page with interlinkable ;; page numbers and page contents as <pre> tags. (define-internal-scheme "unpdf" (lambda (url buffer) (let* ((url (quri:uri url)) (original-url (quri:uri (quri:url-decode (quri:uri-path url)))) (local-p (or (null (quri:uri-scheme original-url)) (string= "file" (quri:uri-scheme original-url)))) (original-content (unless local-p (dex:get (quri:render-uri original-url) :force-binary t)))) (flet ((display-pdf-contents (file) (if (uiop:file-exists-p file) (let ((pages (ignore-errors (uiop:split-string (uiop:run-program `("pdftotext" "-nodiag" ,(uiop:native-namestring file) "-") :output '(:string :stripped t)) :separator '(#\Page))))) (spinneret:with-html-string (:head (:style (style buffer)) ;; A class to override the <pre> colors. (:style (theme:themed-css (theme *browser*) #+(or nyxt-2 nyxt-3-pre-release-1) (.override :background-color theme:background :color theme:on-background :font-size "150%" :line-height "150%") #+(and nyxt-3 (not (or nyxt-2 nyxt-3-pre-release-1))) `(.override :background-color ,theme:background :color ,theme:on-background :font-size "150%" :line-height "150%")))) (loop for page in pages for number from 1 unless (uiop:emptyp page) do (:section :id (princ-to-string number) (:h2.override (:a :href (format nil "#~d" number) (princ-to-string number))) (:pre.override (or page "")))))) ""))) (if local-p (display-pdf-contents (pathname (quri:uri-path original-url))) (uiop:with-temporary-file (:pathname path :type "pdf" :keep t) (log:debug "Temp file for ~a is ~a" url path) (alexandria:write-byte-vector-into-file (coerce original-content '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))) path :if-exists :supersede) (display-pdf-contents path)))))) :local-p t) (define-command-global unpdf-download-this () "A helper for unpdf: pages to download the original PDF to the regular destination. Unpdf redirects all requests, even those that you need to read elsewhere, thus I need this command." (let* ((buffer (current-buffer)) (url (url buffer))) (if (string= "unpdf" (quri:uri-scheme url)) (ffi-buffer-download buffer (quri:uri-path url)) ;; I need to turn it into a mode someday... (echo-warning "This command is for unpdf: pages only, it's useless elsewhere!")))) (defun redirect-pdf (request-data) (if (and (toplevel-p request-data) (uiop:string-prefix-p "application/pdf" (mime-type request-data))) ;; I should somehow prompt about downloading instead... (progn (echo "Redirecting to the unpdf URL...") (make-buffer-focus :url (quri:uri (str:concat "unpdf:" (render-url (url request-data))))) ;; Return nil to prevent Nyxt from downloading this PDF. nil) request-data)) (define-configuration :web-buffer ((request-resource-hook (hooks:add-hook %slot-value% 'redirect-pdf)))) (define-configuration nyxt/mode/file-manager:file-source ((supported-media-types `("pdf" ,@%slot-value%))))