;; (in-package #:nyxt-user) ;; ;; This only works on the versions of Nyxt after 2.2.4. ;; (define-configuration browser ;; ((theme (make-instance ;; 'theme:theme ;; :dark-p t ;; :background-color "#282a36" ;; :text-color "#f8f8f2" ;; :accent-color "#ff5555" ;; :primary-color "#50fa7b" ;; :secondary-color "#bd93f9" ;; :tertiary-color "#6272a4" ;; :quaternary-color "#44475a")))) ;; ;; Custom Dark-mode for webpages ;; (define-configuration nyxt/style-mode:dark-mode ;; ((style #.(cl-css:css ;; '((* ;; :background-color "#282a36 !important" ;; :background-image "none !important" ;; :color "#f8f8f2") ;; (a ;; :background-color "#282a36 !important" ;; :background-image "none !important" ;; :color "#6272a4 !important")))))) ;; Configurations for versions below 2.2.4: ;;Configure Webpage Colors (define-configuration window ((message-buffer-style (str:concat %slot-default% (cl-css:css '((body :background-color "#282a36" :color "#f8f8f2"))))))) ;;Configure Prompt Section (define-configuration prompt-buffer ((style (str:concat %slot-default% (cl-css:css '((body :background-color "#282a36" :color "#f8f8f2") ("#prompt-area" :background-color "#282a36") ("#input" :background-color "#6272a4" :color "#f8f8f2") (".source-name" :color "#f8f8f2" :background-color "#bd93f9") (".source-content" :background-color "#282a36") (".source-content th" :border "1px solid #bd93f9" :background-color "#282a36") ("#selection" :background-color "#44475a" :color "#f8f8f2") (.marked :background-color "#ff5555" :font-weight "bold" :color "#f8f8f2") (.selected :background-color "#282a36" :color "#f8f8f2"))))))) (define-configuration internal-buffer ((style (str:concat %slot-default% (cl-css:css '((title :color "#ff79c6") (body :background-color "#21222C" :color "#f8f8f2") (hr :color "#44475a") (a :color "#6272a4") (.button :color "#f8f8f2" :background-color "#44475a"))))))) ;;Configure History Tree Mode (define-configuration nyxt/history-tree-mode:history-tree-mode ((nyxt/history-tree-mode::style (str:concat %slot-default% (cl-css:css '((body :background-color "#21222C" :color "lightgray") (hr :color "darkgray") (a :color "#50fa7b") ("ul li::before" :background-color "#f8f8f2") ("ul li::after" :background-color "#f8f8f2") ("ul li:only-child::before" :background-color "#f8f8f2"))))))) ;;Highlight Hint Buttons (define-configuration nyxt/web-mode:web-mode ((nyxt/web-mode:highlighted-box-style (cl-css:css '((".nyxt-hint.nyxt-highlight-hint" :background "#ff5555"))) :documentation "The style of highlighted boxes, e.g. link hints."))) ;;Configure StatusLines Styles (define-configuration status-buffer ((style (str:concat %slot-default% (cl-css:css '(("#controls" :border-top "1px solid #6272a4" :background-color "#21222C") ("#url" :background-color "#21222C" :color "#f8f8f2" :border-top "1px solid #6272a4") ("#modes" :background-color "#21222C" :border-top "1px solid #6272a4") ("#tabs" :background-color "#6272a4" :color "#f8f8f2" :border-top "1px solid #6272a4"))))))) (define-configuration nyxt/style-mode:dark-mode ((style #.(cl-css:css '((* :background-color "#21222C !important" :background-image "none !important" :color "#f8f8f2") (a :background-color "#21222C !important" :background-image "none !important" :color "#556B2F !important"))))))