AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-09emacs(init): Add thanos-shellsThanos Apollo
2023-09-09emacs(packages): remove company-mode, company-boxThanos Apollo
2023-09-08emacs: Update dev toolsThanos Apollo
2023-09-08emacs: Update elfeed feeds & rewrite functionsThanos Apollo
2023-09-08delete multi-eshellThanos Apollo
2023-09-08xinitrc: remove exportsThanos Apollo
2023-09-08shells: update expostsThanos Apollo
2023-09-08stumpwm: update keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-09-08emacs: (eshell) Add magit-clone aliasThanos Apollo
2023-09-08Add xinitrcThanos Apollo
2023-09-06emacs: (commands) create text scratch as org-modeThanos Apollo
2023-09-06stumpwm: move swm-gaps to theme moduleThanos Apollo
2023-09-06stumpwm: Update keybindings for floating windowsThanos Apollo
2023-09-06emacs: (pass) change to use double quotesThanos Apollo
2023-09-06elfeed: update keybindings and feedsThanos Apollo
2023-09-06emacs: (eshell) update aliasesThanos Apollo
2023-09-06emacs:(init.el) Add thanos-elfeedThanos Apollo
2023-09-06emacs: Add dired-listing-switchesThanos Apollo
2023-09-04Update modules headingThanos Apollo
2023-09-04thanos-books.el: Add font-size for nov-setupThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: Add doom-themes & use doom-molokai by defaultThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: Reorganize modules, change theme to molokaiThanos Apollo
2023-09-03shells: remove bashrcThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: remove mouseThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: Update chat pass'Thanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: Remove all-the-icons-dired & doom themesThanos Apollo
2023-09-03Update READMEThanos Apollo
2023-09-03Add startship.tomlThanos Apollo
2023-09-03Add gitconfigThanos Apollo
2023-09-03Add mbsyncrcThanos Apollo
2023-09-03Add shell configurationThanos Apollo
2023-09-03Update stow ignoreThanos Apollo
2023-09-03remove org filesThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: reorganize dev moduleThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: Use nerd-icons for ibuffer, dired and ivy-richThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: Add nerd-icons packagesThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: update eshellThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: change themeThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: update moduesl & fix multi-eshellThanos Apollo
2023-09-03stumpwm: remove logsThanos Apollo
2023-09-03stumpwm: start emacs without daemonThanos Apollo
2023-09-03emacs: ModularizeThanos Apollo
2023-09-03stumpwm: modularizeThanos Apollo
2023-08-31rename: scripts->.scriptsThanos Apollo
2023-08-31Add scripts normally, not as submodulesThanos Apollo
2023-08-31emacs: use monokai on all devicesThanos Apollo
2023-08-31Add .stow-local-ignoreThanos Apollo
2023-08-31emacs: replace setq -> setfThanos Apollo
2023-08-31stumpwm: Redo using stow instead of orgThanos Apollo
2023-08-31Add stumpwm submodulesThanos Apollo