AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-06-22redo readme as markdownThanos Apollo
2023-06-15stumpwm: Update keybindings and add invidious searchThanos Apollo
2023-06-15emacs: Update UI configuration and add auto-insertionsThanos Apollo
2023-06-13shells: set BROWSER as firefoxThanos Apollo
2023-06-13stumpwm: update make-web-search and wallpaperThanos Apollo
2023-06-13emacs: Change default browser,font config,keybindings,circe,envThanos Apollo
Change default browser to firefox, set environment variables for eshell, add #debain to :channels
2023-06-08desktop: Add starship configurationThanos Apollo
2023-06-08stumpwm: Add stumpwm configurationThanos Apollo
Add stumpwm starting point
2023-06-08shells: Update pathThanos Apollo
2023-06-08desktop: remove stumpwmThanos Apollo
Add stumpwm in dedicated file
2023-06-07shells: Update bash for debianThanos Apollo
2023-06-07emacs: update feeds, eshell prompt and add stumpwm configThanos Apollo
2023-06-07desktop: update stumpwm for debianThanos Apollo
Still a work in progress but it can be used on my x220 somewhat normally, groups not working properly yet
2023-06-04emacs: fix typoThanos Apollo
2023-06-04desktop: remove moc configurationThanos Apollo
Remove moc configuration as I'm using emms instead
2023-06-04stumpwm: fix bindingsThanos Apollo
2023-06-04desktop: Add test for stumpwmThanos Apollo
2023-06-04emacs: Add chatgptThanos Apollo
2023-06-04emacs: restructure keybindingsThanos Apollo
Remove Misc Keybindings and add them under each respective category
2023-06-03emacs: change emms to use global-set-keyThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: Add EMMSThanos Apollo
Add emms setup with mpv and binding at thanos/applications
2023-06-03emacs: update dev essentialsThanos Apollo
Bind `xref-find-definitions` and update company-mode configuration
2023-06-03emacs: remove old all-the-iconsThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: add treesitterThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: fix ivy-modeThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: remove all use-packageThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: Clean duplicates and add display-line-numbers keybindingThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: Update elfeed feedsThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: Add display-line-numbers for common lisp and emacs lispThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: Update org-drill configurationThanos Apollo
Org-drill is not working properly, this configuration does not fix this but makes it workable
2023-06-03emacs: Add improve template for journalingThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: Update org-roam configurationThanos Apollo
- Update keybindings with C-c n instead of `thanos/applications` - Create ~/Notes for org-roam if not already made - Clean code
2023-06-03emacs: Add dired-watch-video functionThanos Apollo
Create a function to watch videos through async-shell-command with mpv
2023-06-03emacs: Change theme to doom-old-hope.elThanos Apollo
2023-06-03emacs: redo package installationThanos Apollo
Simple use package.el
2023-06-03emacs: Add authorThanos Apollo
Add author for exports
2023-05-27emacs: update theme and aliasesThanos Apollo
2023-05-23emacs: Update feed and add imenu bindingThanos Apollo
2023-05-23desktop: Replace fastmail to gandiThanos Apollo
2023-05-22emacs: Update mu4e config, redo commonlsip with slyThanos Apollo
2023-05-22update pathsThanos Apollo
2023-05-22desktop: update commands and emailThanos Apollo
2023-05-18emacs: fix typoThanos Apollo
2023-05-18desktop: update moc soundrivers for pipewireThanos Apollo
2023-05-18emacs: Update org-roam-dailies templates and bindingsThanos Apollo
2023-05-18desktop: Update hyprland configurationThanos Apollo
2023-05-16fix namingThanos Apollo
2023-05-16emacs: update org configuration, eshell aliases & namesThanos Apollo
2023-05-14shells: Add emacsclient as $EDITOR and $GIT_EDITORThanos Apollo
2023-05-14Add readmeThanos Apollo