AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-08-21emacs: (gnosis) Update keybinidngs & custom valuesThanos Apollo
2024-08-21emacs: Update eshell hooks.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-21emacs: Add eat & comment out vterm.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-21emacs: Add magit-todos.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-21emacs: (org-modern) styling updates.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-21emacs: Update font configuration.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-21notmuch: Add config file.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-21notmuch: Update hook.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-21Update isync configuration.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-14guix:(home) Update packages.Thanos Apollo
2024-08-14guix:(system) Update services & containersThanos Apollo
2024-07-29mbsync: Replace fastmail with forwardemail.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-29emacs: notmuch: Add func to decrypt notmuch script hook.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-29New script: Add notmuch script hook.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-29emacs: Replace mu4e with notmuch.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-29emacs: gnosis: Update keybindings & stop auto-push.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-29fix: Require ox-latex to fix loading org-latex-classesThanos Apollo
2024-07-29emacs: default to 135 height for zeus.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-29emacs: gptel: Add & default to llama3.1.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-29emacs: Remove magit-todosThanos Apollo
2024-07-20scripts: Add grimshot-gnosis-saveThanos Apollo
2024-07-20emacs: erc: Make thanos/erc-login interactiveThanos Apollo
2024-07-20emacs: Update kbds for isearchThanos Apollo
2024-07-17guix: system: Add virtualization & kvm supportThanos Apollo
2024-07-16sway: Add grimshot-gnosis-save kbdThanos Apollo
2024-07-16guix: home: Add emacs-0x0 and hecateThanos Apollo
2024-07-16emacs: Add 0x0 & magit-todosThanos Apollo
2024-07-16guix: Remove packages/Thanos Apollo
2024-07-16guix: channels: Add hecate.Thanos Apollo
2024-07-14Add thanos/add-custom-keywordsThanos Apollo
2024-07-10emacs: init: Add thanos/dired-gnosis-renameThanos Apollo
2024-07-10guix: packages: Remove emacs-gnosis emacs-yeetube, add pcmpl-tailscaThanos Apollo
2024-07-10guix: packages: Add browsersThanos Apollo
2024-07-09emacs: Update elfeed & keybindingsThanos Apollo
2024-07-09nyxt: search: Default to ddgThanos Apollo
2024-07-09guix: system: Add rss-bridge container for zeusThanos Apollo
2024-07-09guix: home: Update packagesThanos Apollo
2024-07-04guix:(home) Update packagesThanos Apollo
2024-07-04emacs: Start server at startup & remove unused packagesThanos Apollo
2024-07-04mbsyncrc: Update structure for gmailThanos Apollo
2024-07-03[fix] guix:(system) Add dbus to fix waybar issuesThanos Apollo
2024-07-03emacs: Use yeetube from guixThanos Apollo
2024-07-03guix:(home) Update packages & aliasesThanos Apollo
2024-07-03guix: Add custom emacs packagesThanos Apollo
2024-07-03emacs: Remove unused packagesThanos Apollo
2024-07-02alacritty: Update themingThanos Apollo
2024-07-02sway: Update themingThanos Apollo
2024-06-25guix:(system-create) Update networking servicesThanos Apollo
2024-06-25emacs: Update 0x0-uploadThanos Apollo
2024-06-25sway: Update keybindingsThanos Apollo