path: root/.emacs.d/init.el
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-05emacs: Create keimenografos function, add Morfi prefix-commandThanos Apollo
2023-03-29emacs: Change keybinding for mu4eThanos Apollo
2023-03-29emacs: Add new map, redo chatgptThanos Apollo
2023-03-26emacs: Add org-modern configurationThanos Apollo
2023-03-24emacs: for hephaestus enable display-battery-modeThanos Apollo
2023-03-23emcas: Add transperance and password-store as packageThanos Apollo
2023-03-23emacs: fix parsing errorThanos Apollo
2023-03-23emacs: Add variables for each one of my machinesThanos Apollo
2023-03-23emacs: StyleThanos Apollo
2023-03-23emacs: Change org-mode theme to gruvboxThanos Apollo
2023-03-23emacs: Add thanos/vterm-mapThanos Apollo
2023-03-23emacs: redo settings for custom.elThanos Apollo
2023-03-22emacs: Add keybindings for password-storeThanos Apollo
2023-03-20emacs: Add my own website feedThanos Apollo
2023-03-18emacs: remove transperancy, add gruvbox org themeThanos Apollo
2023-03-14emacs: for elfeed change luke feed to peertube and change tagsThanos Apollo
2023-03-07emacs: for functions add create-scratch-writter-bufferThanos Apollo
2023-03-07emacs: for org add lisp structure shortcutThanos Apollo
2023-03-07emacs: for keys remove hydra and make text scaling keys with sThanos Apollo
2023-03-07emacs: update mu4e signatureThanos Apollo
2023-03-05emacs: update vterm bindings and add multi-vterm configurationThanos Apollo
2023-03-03move all to new partitionThanos Apollo
2023-03-01emacs: Update elfeed feedsThanos Apollo
2023-03-01emacs: Change 'copy-region-as-kill keybindingThanos Apollo
2023-03-01emacs: remove macos options for telegaThanos Apollo
2023-03-01emacs: update elfeed headings and keybindingsThanos Apollo
2023-02-28emacs: Update elfeed, add elfeed-mpv functions and youtube feedsThanos Apollo
2023-02-28emacs: Add new rss feeds, require ox-mdThanos Apollo
2023-02-26Revert "squash! emacs: Update (system-name) variables"Thanos Apollo
2023-02-26squash! emacs: Update (system-name) variablesThanos Apollo
2023-02-25emacs: Update (system-name) variablesThanos Apollo
2023-02-24emacs: update system-names,emojify-mode,elfeed-feedsThanosApollo
2023-02-17emacs: Add emojify && change vterm shell to bashThanosApollo
2023-02-15emacs: Hook elfeed with elfeed/goodies, update exwm keysThanos Apollo
2023-02-10emacs: general change multi-vterm-next with vtermThanos Apollo
2023-02-10emacs: Add noerror when mu4e nilThanos Apollo
2023-02-10emacs: Update guixSD setupThanos Apollo
2023-02-10emacs: Update setup for GuixSDThanos Apollo
2023-02-10emacs: tangle filesThanos Apollo
2023-02-10emacs: Tangle fileThanos Apollo
2023-02-10emacs: Tangle filesThanos Apollo
2023-02-08init: remove old comments and exwm configsThanos Apollo
2023-02-07Add telega for macThanos Apollo
2023-02-04init: no exwm in init, update comments, better format dashboardThanos Apollo
2023-02-02init: Fix typoThanos Apollo
2023-02-01init: Adjust for gnu/linux and darwinThanos Apollo
2023-02-01init: Change fontsize, add email module, redo elfeedThanos Apollo
2023-01-26Init: Start polybar, load email-module, set ivy-use-selectable-prompThanos Apollo
2023-01-25init: Refresh dashboard bufferThanos Apollo
2023-01-23init.el: Check if system-name is guix machine, redo dashboardThanos Apollo