path: root/.config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config')
2 files changed, 386 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/.config/emacs/init.el b/.config/emacs/init.el
index 35d15c9..87fcde8 100644
--- a/.config/emacs/init.el
+++ b/.config/emacs/init.el
@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@
;; Font
(if is-hermes '(default ((t (:inherit nil :height 130 :family "Fira Mono"))))
- '(default ((t (:inherit nil :height 150 :family "Fira Mono")))))
- '(org-modern-symbol ((t (:inherit t :family "Iosevka Aile")))))
+ '(default ((t (:inherit nil :height 160 :family "Fira Mono")))))
+ '(org-modern-symbol ((t (:inherit t :family "Iosevka Aile"))))
+ '(variable-pitch ((t (:inherit t :family "Fira Mono" :height 130)))))
;; Autoinsert
(auto-insert-mode 1)
@@ -53,25 +54,119 @@
(setf auto-insert-alist '((python-mode . "python.template"))
auto-insert-directory (locate-user-emacs-file "insert"))
-;; Completions
-(add-to-list 'completion-styles 'initials t)
-(setf tab-always-indent 'complete)
-;; Search
-(setf search-default-mode #'char-fold-to-regexp) ;; make it easier to search Greek chars
-;; xref
-(setf xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref
- xref-show-definitions-function #'consult-xref)
;; Set and load custom.el
(setf custom-file (locate-user-emacs-file "custom.el"))
(load custom-file 'noerror)
+;; Imenu
;; Enable use-package support for imenu
+;; NOTE: Load this before use-package!
(setf use-package-enable-imenu-support t)
-(setf browse-url-browser-function 'eww ;; 'browse-url-generic
+(require 'imenu)
+(setf imenu-auto-rescan t
+ imenu-flatten 'prefix)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c m") 'imenu)
+;;;; Completions & Minibuffer
+(use-package completion-preview
+ :ensure t
+ :config
+ (global-completion-preview-mode)
+ ;; Enable completion-preview in org-mode
+ (push 'org-self-insert-command completion-preview-commands))
+(use-package icomplete
+ :ensure t
+ :config
+ (setf completion-styles '(basic flex)
+ completion-auto-select t ;; Show completion on first call
+ completion-auto-help 'visible ;; Display *Completions* upon first request
+ completions-format 'one-column ;; Use only one column
+ completions-sort 'historical ;; Order based on minibuffer history
+ completions-max-height 20 ;; Limit completions to 15
+ completion-ignore-case t)
+ ;; Minibuffer completions
+ (fido-vertical-mode 1)
+ :bind (:map icomplete-fido-mode-map
+ ("TAB" . 'icomplete-force-complete)))
+;; Search
+(setf search-default-mode #'char-fold-to-regexp) ;; make it easier to search Greek chars
+;; Registers & Misc nav
+(setf register-use-preview t)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r d") 'bookmark-delete)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'switch-to-prev-buffer)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-b") 'ibuffer)
+(defun switch-to-window-with-buffer (buffer-name)
+ "Switch to a window displaying a buffer named BUFFER-NAME, if it exists."
+ (let ((target-window nil))
+ (walk-windows (lambda (w)
+ (when (string= (buffer-name (window-buffer w)) buffer-name)
+ (setq target-window w)))
+ nil t)
+ (if target-window
+ (select-window target-window)
+ (message "No window is displaying buffer '%s'" buffer-name))))
+(defun thanos/occur (regexp &optional nlines region)
+ "Run `occur' and switch to *Occur* buffer."
+ (interactive (nconc (occur-read-primary-args)
+ (and (use-region-p) (list (region-bounds)))))
+ (let* ((start (and (caar region) (max (caar region) (point-min))))
+ (end (and (cdar region) (min (cdar region) (point-max))))
+ (in-region (or start end))
+ (bufs (if (not in-region) (list (current-buffer))
+ (let ((ol (make-overlay
+ (or start (point-min))
+ (or end (point-max)))))
+ (overlay-put ol 'occur--orig-point (point))
+ (list ol)))))
+ (occur-1 regexp nlines bufs))
+ (switch-to-window-with-buffer "*Occur*")
+ (forward-line))
+(defun thanos/close-window (buffer-name)
+ "Go to occurrence and quit the *Occur* window."
+ (let ((occur-window (get-buffer-window buffer-name)))
+ (when occur-window
+ (quit-window nil occur-window))))
+(defun thanos/occur-mode-goto-occurrence-close-occur-window ()
+ "Go to occurrence and quit the *Occur* window."
+ (interactive)
+ (occur-mode-goto-occurrence)
+ (thanos/close-window "*Occur*"))
+(defun thanos/compile-goto-error ()
+ "Go to compile error & close *grep* buffer."
+ (interactive (list last-input-event))
+ (compile-goto-error)
+ (thanos/close-window "*grep*"))
+(require 'grep)
+(define-key occur-mode-map (kbd "RET")
+ 'thanos/occur-mode-goto-occurrence-close-occur-window)
+(define-key grep-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'thanos/compile-goto-error)
+(defvar-keymap thanos/search-map
+ "g" #'grep-find
+ "l" #'lgrep
+ "f" #'find-name-dired
+ "o" #'thanos/occur
+ "C-o" #'occur)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s") thanos/search-map)
+(setf browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "icecat"
backup-directory-alist '((".*" . "~/.Trash"))
sentence-end-double-space t
@@ -90,6 +185,14 @@
("\\<\\(TODO\\):" 1 font-lock-warning-face t)
("\\<\\(NOTE\\):" 1 font-lock-warning-face t))))
+(setf tab-always-indent 'icomplete-force-complete)
+(use-package flyspell
+ :ensure t
+ :config
+ (setf ispell-alternate-dictionary
+ (expand-file-name "~/.hunspell.d/en_med.dic")))
(use-package org
:ensure t
@@ -145,11 +248,26 @@
("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")))
+ (push 'org-self-insert-command completion-preview-commands)
:hook ((org-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode -1) (flyspell-mode))))
:bind (:map org-mode-map (("C-c l" . org-store-link)
("C-c M-t" . org-todo)
- ("C-c RET" . org-table-hline-and-move))))
+ ("C-c RET" . org-table-hline-and-move)
+ ("C-M-i" . completion-at-point))))
+(use-package org-present
+ :hook ((org-present-mode . (lambda ()
+ (org-present-big)
+ (org-display-inline-images)
+ (org-present-hide-cursor)
+ (org-present-read-only)))
+ (org-present-mode-quit . (lambda ()
+ (org-present-small)
+ (org-remove-inline-images)
+ (org-present-show-cursor)
+ (org-present-read-write)))))
+;; (completion-styles-alist )
;; Export
(defun thanos/org-html-remove-curly-braces (text backend info)
@@ -161,7 +279,6 @@
(use-package emacs
:ensure nil
(if is-zeus
(display-battery-mode 0)
(display-battery-mode 1))
@@ -304,118 +421,20 @@
(setf org-modern-table nil
org-modern-todo nil
org-modern-tag nil
+ org-modern-timestamp nil
org-modern-star 'replace
org-modern-list '((?+ . "•")
- (?- . "•")))
+ (?- . "•"))
+ org-modern-replace-stars "☧")
:hook ((org-mode . org-modern-mode)))
;; Create notes directory for org-roam
(unless (file-exists-p "~/Notes")
(make-directory "~/Notes"))
-(use-package org-roam
- :vc t
- :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/org-roam"
- :defer t
- :init
- (define-prefix-command 'thanos/notes-map)
- :config
- (setf org-roam-directory "~/Notes"
- org-roam-dailies-directory "daily/")
- (org-roam-db-autosync-enable)
- (setf org-roam-node-display-template
- (concat "${title:50} "(propertize "${tags:50}" 'face 'org-tag)))
- (setf org-roam-db-node-include-function
- (lambda ()
- (not (or (member "journal" (org-get-tags))
- (member "dailies" (org-get-tags))))))
- ;; Templates
- (setf org-roam-capture-templates
- '(("d" "default" plain
- "%?"
- :if-new
- (file+head "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}\n#+startup: overview\n")
- :unnarrowed t)
- ("p" "MUS" plain "* Goals\n\n%?\n\n* Tasks\n\n** TODO Add initial tasks\n\n* Dates\n\n"
- :if-new
- (file+head "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags: MUS")
- :unnarrowed t))
- org-roam-dailies-capture-templates
- '(("d" "default" entry
- "* %?"
- :target (file+head "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
- "#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: :journal:dailies:\n"))
- ("j" "journal" plain
- "* %?"
- :target (file+head "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
- "#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: :journal:dailies:\n
-* Daily Notes\n\n* Goals\n+ [] Πρωινὴ Προσευχή\n+ [] Ἑσπερινή Προσευχή\n\n* Extras"))))
- (defun org-roam-ref-add-book ()
- "Insert org-link from Library."
- (interactive)
- (let ((book
- (format
- "file:%s"
- (read-file-name "Book: " (if is-zeus "/hdd/Library/" "~/Library/")))))
- book))
- (defun org-roam-sync-notes ()
- "Sync org-oram notes"
- (interactive)
- (let ((git (executable-find "git"))
- (default-directory org-roam-directory))
- (message "Synching org-roam notes %s" org-roam-directory)
- (unless git
- (error "Git not found, please install `git'"))
- (unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".git" gnosis-dir))
- (message "Creating git repository")
- (vc-create-repo 'Git))
- (shell-command "git pull")
- (shell-command (format "%s %s" git "add ."))
- (shell-command (format "%s %s %s" git "commit -m"
- (shell-quote-argument "Update org-roam notes")))
- (vc-git-push nil))
- (funcall 'org-roam-db-sync))
- :bind (("C-c n" . thanos/notes-map)
- :map thanos/notes-map
- ("t" . org-roam-buffer-toggle)
- ("f" . org-roam-node-find)
- ("i" . org-roam-node-insert)
- ("d" . org-roam-dailies-goto-today)
- ("D" . org-roam-dailies-goto-date)
- :map org-mode-map
- ("C-c C-." . org-roam-tag-add)
- ("C-c i" . org-id-get-create)))
-(use-package org-roam-ui
- :vc (:url "")
- :after org-roam
- :config
- (setq org-roam-ui-sync-theme t
- org-roam-ui-follow t
- org-roam-ui-update-on-save t
- org-roam-ui-open-on-start t))
-(use-package org-present
- :vc (:url "")
- :hook ((org-present-mode . (lambda ()
- (org-present-big)
- (org-display-inline-images)
- (org-present-hide-cursor)
- (org-present-read-only)))
- (org-present-mode-quit . (lambda ()
- (org-present-small)
- (org-remove-inline-images)
- (org-present-show-cursor)
- (org-present-read-write)))))
(unless (or is-phone is-uranus)
(use-package modus-themes
- :vc (:url "")
+ :ensure t
(setf modus-themes-italic-constructs nil
modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
@@ -425,15 +444,14 @@
modus-themes-disable-other-themes t
modus-themes-prompts '(italic)
modus-themes-completions '((matches . (underline))
- (selection . (semibold italic text-also underline)))
- modus-themes-org-blocks 'tinted-background)
+ (selection . (semibold italic text-also underline))))
;; Palette overrides
(setf modus-themes-common-palette-overrides
'((fg-line-number-active cyan-intense)
;; (bg-main "#1d2021") ;;grubox-hard
;; (bg-main "#191919") ;; 1337
;; (bg-main "#1d1f21") ;; tomorrow night
- ;; (bg-main "#151515") ;; jazz
+ (bg-main "#151515") ;; jazz
;; (bg-main "#0C0C0C") ;; random black
;; (bg-main "#171717") ;; badger
;; (overline-heading-1 gold)
@@ -446,15 +464,15 @@
(underline-err red-intense)
(underline-warning yellow-faint)
(underline-note cyan-faint)
- ;; (string "#86B187")
+ (string olive)
(border-mode-line-active unspecified)
(border-mode-line-inactive unspecified)
(bg-mode-line-active "#433F4f") ;; subtle lavender
(bg-mode-line-inactive "#1D1D1D")
- ;; set fg from badger theme
+ ;; Set fg from badger theme
(fg-mode-line-active "#F6F3E8")
(bg-hl-line bg-dim)
- (cursor slate)
+ (cursor indigo)
(prose-todo green-intense)
(prose-done bg-term-white)
(fg-prompt yellow-faint)
@@ -463,138 +481,22 @@
(setf modus-themes-headings
'((1 . (ultrabold 1.35))
(2 . (semibold 1.2))
- (agenda-date . (1.3))
+ (agenda-date . (1.2))
(agenda-structure . (variable-pitch light 1.8))
(t . (1.15))))
;; Load modus
(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)))
-(use-package vertico
- :ensure t
- :config
- (vertico-mode))
-(use-package marginalia
- :ensure t
- :config
- (marginalia-mode))
-(use-package consult
- :ensure t
- :init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/search)
- :bind (("C-x r d" . 'bookmark-delete)
- ("C-x r C-r" . 'bookmark-rename)
- ("C-x r C-j" . 'consult-register)
- ("C-x r SPC" . 'consult-register-store)
- ("C-x r b" . 'consult-bookmark)
- ("C-c m" . 'consult-imenu)
- ("C-x b" . 'consult-buffer)
- ("C-x C-b" . 'switch-to-prev-buffer)
- ("C-x M-b" . 'ibuffer)
- ("M-y" . 'consult-yank-from-kill-ring)
- ("C-M-s" . 'consult-line)
- ("C-c s" . 'thanos/search)
- :map thanos/search
- ("f" . 'consult-find)
- ("g" . 'consult-grep)
- ("i" . 'consult-info)
- ("l" . 'consult-locate)
- ("b" . 'consult-buffer-other-window)
- ("m" . 'consult-man)
- :map project-prefix-map
- ("b" . 'consult-project-buffer)))
(use-package which-key
:ensure t
(which-key-mode 1))
-(use-package elfeed
- :defer t
- :vc (:url "")
- :config
- (setf elfeed-search-filter "@1-week-ago +unread -hackernoon"
- browse-url-browser-function #'browse-url-default-browser
- elfeed-db-directory "~/.config/elfeed")
- ;; Feeds
- (setf elfeed-feeds
- '((""
- hackaday linux)
- (""
- thanos)
- (""
- wikileaks)
- (""
- hackernoon)
- (""
- torrentfreak piracy)
- (""
- science)
- ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&*&content_selector=div.article__main-content&content_cleanup=&title_cleanup=+-+Index&limit=&format=Atom" medscape med)
- ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" tovima greek news)
- ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" estia greek news)
- ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" estia greek kyrio)
- ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" estia greek opinions)
- ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" reuters med news)
- ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" reuters cybersec news)
- ("
-rss.xml" anna piracy)
- ("" emacs emacslife)
- ("" monero)
- ("" devon)
- ("" lancet med)
- ("" probublica news)
- ("" cdc med)
- ("" lisp planetlisp)
- ("" guix)
- ("" prot)
- ("" gnu fsf)
- ;; YouTube
- (""
- distrotube yt linux)
- (""
- brodie yt linux)
- (""
- systemcrafters yt linux)
- (""
- ninja yt med)
- (""
- sabine yt physics)
- (""
- artyom blog lisp)
- (""
- nyxt lisp)))
- (defun elfeed-mpv (&optional use-generic-p)
- "Play video link with mpv."
- (interactive "P")
- (let ((entries (elfeed-search-selected)))
- (cl-loop for entry in entries
- do (elfeed-untag entry 'unread)
- when (elfeed-entry-link entry)
- do (start-process-shell-command "elfeed-video" nil (format "mpv \"%s\"" it)))
- (mapc #'elfeed-search-update-entry entries)
- (unless (use-region-p) (forward-line))))
- :bind (("C-x f" . elfeed)
- :map elfeed-search-mode-map
- ("v" . 'elfeed-mpv)
- ("U" . 'elfeed-update))
- :hook ((elfeed-searchacw-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0)))))
;; Python
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.py\\'" . python-ts-mode))
;; Lisp
-(use-package rainbow-delimiters
- :vc (:url "")
- :defer t
- :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
- (lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
- (clojure-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
- (scheme-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)))
(use-package sly
:init (setf inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
:ensure t)
@@ -648,38 +550,26 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
"Edit current commit message"
(vc-checkin nil 'git nil nil nil "")
- (vc-git-log-edit-toggle-amend)))
+ (vc-git-log-edit-toggle-amend))
-(use-package corfu
- :ensure t
- :config
- (global-corfu-mode)
- (corfu-popupinfo-mode)
- (setf corfu-auto t
- corfu-auto-delay 0.1
- corfu-auto-prefix 2
- corfu-cycle t
- corfu-popupinfo-delay 0.3
- corfu-quit-at-boundary 'separator
- corfu-quit-no-match t
- corfu-preselect 'first
- corfu-preview-current t
- corfu-echo-mode t)
- (setf indent-tabs-mode nil))
+ (defun thanos/vc-git-branch ()
+ "Select git branch"
+ (let ((branch (completing-read "Select branch: " (vc-git-branches) nil t)))
+ branch))
+ (defun vc-git-delete-branch ()
+ "Select & delete git branch."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((branch (thanos/vc-git-branch)))
+ (vc-git-command nil 0 nil "branch" "-D" branch)
+ (message "Branch `%s' deleted." branch)))
+ :bind (:map
+ vc-prefix-map
+ ("b d" . 'vc-git-delete-branch)))
(when (or is-phone is-uranus)
(use-package corfu-terminal))
-(use-package cape
- ;; Press C-c p ? to for help.
- :bind ("M-p" . cape-prefix-map) ;; Alternative keys: M-p, M-+, ...
- :config
- ;; (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-dabbrev)
- (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-file)
- ;; (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-elisp-block)
- ;; (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-dict)
- )
(defun insert-brackets (&optional arg)
"Insert ARG brackets."
(interactive "P")
@@ -688,14 +578,6 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-[") 'insert-brackets)
-(use-package orderless
- :init (add-to-list 'completion-styles 'initials t)
- :ensure t
- :config
- (setf completion-category-overrides '((file (style basic partial-completion)))
- completion-styles '(orderless)
- completion-cycle-threshold 2))
(use-package pdf-tools
:ensure nil
@@ -712,41 +594,34 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.epub\\'" . nov-mode)))
-(use-package eshell-syntax-highlighting
- :vc (:url "")
- :ensure t
- :after eshell
- :config
- (eshell-syntax-highlighting-global-mode 1))
-(use-package emojify
- :ensure t
- :hook (erc-mode . emojify-mode)
- :commands emojify-mode)
-(use-package flycheck-package
- :vc (:url "")
- :ensure nil
- :after flycheck)
(use-package flycheck
:ensure t
(setf flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)
- (global-flycheck-mode)
- :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . (lambda () (flycheck-mode) (flycheck-package-setup)))))
+ (global-flycheck-mode))
(use-package eat
+ :ensure t
(setf eshell-visual-commands nil
eat-term-name "xterm-256color")
- :bind (("C-c v" . eat))
+ :bind (("C-c V" . eat))
:hook ((eshell-mode . eat-eshell-mode)
- (eshell-mode . eat-eshell-visual-command-mode)))
+ (eshell-mode . eat-eshell-visual-command-mode)
+ (eat-mode . (lambda () (visual-line-mode -1)))))
(use-package shell
- :defer t
- :bind (("C-c V" . shell)
+ :ensure t
+ :config
+ (defun thanos/shell (n)
+ "Create or switch to a shell buffer."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((num (if n (prefix-numeric-value n) nil))
+ (buf-name (if num
+ (format "*shell<%d>*" num)
+ "*shell*")))
+ (shell buf-name)))
+ :bind (("C-c v" . thanos/shell)
:map shell-mode-map
("C-l" . 'comint-clear-buffer))
:hook ((shell-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode -1)))))
@@ -769,50 +644,49 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
-(use-package eshell
+(defun thanos/eshell-preview-insert ()
+ (interactive)
+ (completion-preview-insert)
+ (delete-char -1))
+(use-package esh-mode
+ :ensure nil
- (setf eshell-highlight-prompt t)
+ (defun eshell/git-info ()
+ "Return a string with Git information if in a Git repository, or nil otherwise."
+ (when (eq (call-process "git" nil nil nil "rev-parse" "--is-inside-work-tree") 0)
+ (let* ((branch (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD")))
+ (dirty (not (string= "" (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "git status --porcelain")))))
+ (branch-info (if (string= branch "HEAD") "" branch))
+ (dirty-info (if dirty " ✎" " ✔")))
+ (concat (propertize "⎇ " 'face 'modus-themes-fg-green-warmer)
+ (propertize branch-info 'face 'modus-themes-fg-magenta-warmer)
+ (propertize dirty-info 'face (if dirty 'modus-themes-fg-red 'modus-themes-fg-green))))))
+ (defun eshell-prompt-multiline ()
+ "Eshell Git prompt inspired by spaceship-prompt."
+ (let ((separator (propertize " | " 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
+ (hr (propertize (concat "\n" (make-string (/ (window-total-width) 2) ?─) "\n") 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
+ (dir (propertize (format "%s" (abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd))) 'face 'modus-themes-fg-yellow-warmer))
+ (git-info (eshell/git-info))
+ (time (propertize (format-time-string "%H:%M:%S") 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
+ (sign (if (= (user-uid) 0)
+ (propertize "\n#" 'face 'modus-themes-fg-blue-intense)
+ (propertize "\nλ" 'face 'modus-themes-fg-red-warmer))))
+ ;; Build prompt
+ (concat hr dir separator git-info separator time sign " ")))
+ (setf eshell-prompt-function 'eshell-prompt-multiline
+ eshell-highlight-prompt nil)
:bind (("C-c e" . eshell)
:map eshell-mode-map
- ("C-l" . 'thanos/eshell-clear))
+ ("C-l" . 'thanos/eshell-clear)
+ ("<tab>" . 'thanos/eshell-preview-insert)
+ ("C-M-i" . 'completion-at-point))
:hook ((eshell-mode . (lambda ()
(thanos/set-eshell-aliases thanos/aliases)
- (display-line-numbers-mode -1)))))
-(use-package eshell-git-prompt
- :vc (:url "")
- :ensure t
- :config
- (defun eshell-git-prompt-multiline ()
- "Eshell Git prompt inspired by spaceship-prompt."
- (let (separator hr dir git git-dirty time sign command)
- (setq separator (with-face " | " 'eshell-git-prompt-multiline-secondary-face))
- (setq hr (with-face (concat "\n" (make-string (/ (window-total-width) 2) ?─) "\n") 'eshell-git-prompt-multiline-secondary-face))
- (setq dir
- (concat
- (with-face "" 'eshell-git-prompt-directory-face)
- (concat (abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd)))))
- (setq git
- (concat (with-face "⎇" 'eshell-git-prompt-exit-success-face)
- (concat (eshell-git-prompt--branch-name))))
- (setq git-dirty
- (when (eshell-git-prompt--branch-name)
- (if (eshell-git-prompt--collect-status)
- (with-face " ✎" 'eshell-git-prompt-modified-face)
- (with-face " ✔" 'eshell-git-prompt-exit-success-face))))
- (setq time (with-face (format-time-string "%I:%M:%S %p")
- 'eshell-git-prompt-multiline-secondary-face))
- (setq sign
- (if (= (user-uid) 0)
- (with-face "\n#" 'eshell-git-prompt-multiline-sign-face)
- (with-face "\nλ" 'eshell-git-prompt-multiline-sign-face)))
- (setq command (with-face " " 'eshell-git-prompt-multiline-command-face))
- ;; Build prompt
- (eshell-git-prompt---str-read-only
- (concat hr dir separator git git-dirty separator time sign command))))
- (eshell-git-prompt-use-theme 'multiline))
+ (display-line-numbers-mode -1)
+ (eshell-cmpl-mode -1)))))
;; Password-store
(use-package password-store
@@ -852,27 +726,11 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
:map erc-mode-map
("C-c RET" . 'erc-cmd-QUERY)))
-(use-package transmission
- :vc (:url "")
- :defer t)
(use-package sudo-edit
- :vc (:url "")
:ensure t
(setf sudo-edit-local-method "sudo"))
-(use-package dabbrev
- :defer t
- :config
- (setf dabbrev-ignored-buffer-regexps '("\\.\\(?:pdf\\|jpe?g\\|png\\)\\'")))
-(use-package xref
- :defer t
- :config
- (setf xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref
- xref-show-definitions-function #'consult-xref))
;; My packages
(when (or is-zeus is-hermes)
(use-package yeetube
@@ -941,7 +799,6 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
("k" . 'yeetube-remove-saved-video)))
(use-package gnosis
- :vc t
:load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/gnosis"
:ensure t
:init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/gnosis-map)
@@ -951,25 +808,166 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
gnosis-image-width (and is-hermes 150)
gnosis-image-height (and is-hermes 150))
- (setf gnosis-custom-values '((:deck "Bulgarian" (:amnesia 0.55 :proto (0 1 3)))
- (:deck "Unking" (:amnesia 0.45))
- (:tag "vocabulary" (:amnesia 0.65 :proto (0 1 3)))))
- :bind (("C-M-r" . 'gnosis-dashboard)
- ("C-c c" . 'gnosis-add-note)))
+ (setf gnosis-custom-values
+ '((:deck "Bulgarian" (:amnesia 0.55 :proto (0 1 3)))
+ (:deck "Unking" (:amnesia 0.45))
+ (:tag "vocabulary" (:amnesia 0.65 :proto (0 1 3)))))
+ :bind (("C-c SPC" . 'thanos/gnosis-map)
+ :map thanos/gnosis-map
+ ("a" . 'gnosis-add-note)
+ ("d" . 'gnosis-dashboard)))
;; Sync gnosis on startup
+ (use-package org-gnosis
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/org-gnosis"
+ :init
+ (define-prefix-command 'thanos/notes-map)
+ (define-prefix-command 'thanos/journal-map)
+ :config
+ (setf org-gnosis-dir "~/Notes"
+ org-gnosis-journal-templates
+ '(("Default"
+ "* Daily Notes\n\n* Goals\n+ [] Πρωινὴ Προσευχή\n+ [] Ἑσπερινή Προσευχή\n\n* Extras"))
+ org-gnosis-show-tags t)
+ (defun thanos/org-open-at-point ()
+ "Open Org link at point in the same window, if possible."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((org-link-frame-setup '((file . find-file))))
+ (org-open-at-point)))
+ :bind (("C-c n" . thanos/notes-map)
+ ("C-c j" . thanos/journal-map)
+ :map thanos/notes-map
+ ("f" . org-gnosis-find)
+ ("i" . org-gnosis-insert)
+ ("t" . org-gnosis-find-by-tag)
+ :map thanos/journal-map
+ ("j" . org-gnosis-journal)
+ ("f" . org-gnosis-journal-find)
+ ("i" . org-gnosis-journal-insert)
+ :map org-mode-map
+ ("C-c C-." . org-gnosis-insert-tag)
+ ("C-c i" . org-id-get-create)
+ ("C-c C-o" . thanos/org-open-at-point)))
+ (use-package org-gnosis-ui
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/org-roam-ui/"
+ :after org-gnosis
+ :config
+ (setf org-gnosis-ui-custom-theme
+ '((bg . "#1e1e1e")
+ (bg-alt . "#282a36")
+ (fg . "#ffffff")
+ (fg-alt . "#c6daff")
+ (red . "#ff5f5f")
+ (orange . "#f1fa8c")
+ (yellow . "#efef00")
+ (green . "#44df44")
+ (cyan . "#00eff0")
+ (blue . "#338fff")
+ (violet . "#9099d9") ;; indigo
+ (magenta . "#ff66ff"))))
(use-package pcmpl-tailscale
:vc t
:load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/pcmpl-tailscale"
- :ensure nil))
+ :ensure nil)
-;; Emacs dev
+ (use-package greek-polytonic
+ :vc t
+ :ensure t
+ :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/greek-polytonic"))
-(use-package package-lint
+(use-package elfeed
+ :defer t
+ :vc (:url "")
+ :config
+ (setf elfeed-search-filter "@1-week-ago +unread"
+ browse-url-browser-function #'browse-url-default-browser
+ elfeed-db-directory "~/.config/elfeed")
+ ;; Feeds
+ (setf elfeed-feeds
+ '((""
+ hackaday linux)
+ (""
+ thanos)
+ (""
+ wikileaks)
+ (""
+ hackernoon)
+ (""
+ torrentfreak piracy)
+ (""
+ science)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&*&content_selector=div.article__main-content&content_cleanup=&title_cleanup=+-+Index&limit=&format=Atom" medscape med)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" tovima greek news)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" estia greek news)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" estia greek kyrio)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" estia greek opinions)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" reuters med news)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" reuters cybersec news)
+ ("
+rss.xml" anna piracy)
+ ("http://localhost/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&" greek ethnos ellinotourkika)
+ ("" emacs emacslife)
+ ("" monero)
+ ("" devon)
+ ("" lancet med)
+ ("" probublica news)
+ ("" cdc med)
+ ("" lisp planetlisp)
+ ("" guix)
+ ("" prot)
+ ("" gnu fsf)
+ ;; YouTube
+ (""
+ distrotube yt linux)
+ (""
+ brodie yt linux)
+ (""
+ systemcrafters yt linux)
+ (""
+ ninja yt med)
+ (""
+ sabine yt physics)
+ (""
+ artyom blog lisp)
+ (""
+ nyxt lisp)))
+ (defun elfeed-mpv (&optional use-generic-p)
+ "Play video link with mpv."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((entries (elfeed-search-selected)))
+ (cl-loop for entry in entries
+ do (elfeed-untag entry 'unread)
+ when (elfeed-entry-link entry)
+ do (start-process-shell-command "elfeed-video" nil (format "mpv \"%s\"" it)))
+ (mapc #'elfeed-search-update-entry entries)
+ (unless (use-region-p) (forward-line))))
+ :bind (("C-x f" . elfeed)
+ :map elfeed-search-mode-map
+ ("v" . 'elfeed-mpv)
+ ("U" . 'elfeed-update))
+ :hook ((elfeed-searchacw-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0)))))
+(use-package transmission
+ :vc (:url "")
:defer t)
+(use-package rainbow-delimiters
+ :vc (:url "")
+ :ensure t
+ :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+ (lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+ (clojure-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+ (scheme-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)))
;; AI tools
(use-package gptel
:ensure t
@@ -977,7 +975,7 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
(setf gptel-api-key (password-store-get-field "openai/[email protected]" "api")
gptel-default-mode 'org-mode
gptel-directives '((default . "You are a large language model living in Emacs and a helpful assistant. Respond concisely.")
- (programming . "You are a large language model and a careful programmer. Provide code and only code as output without any additional text, prompt or note.")
+ (programming . "You are a large language model and an expert emacs lisp hacker. Provide code and only code as output without any additional text, prompt or note.")
(epictetus . "You are Epictetus, the stoic philosopher from Nicopolis. Respond concisely as Epictetus.")
(med . "You are a medical professor. Respond concisely to your student in bullet points.")
(code-review . "You are an expert programmer within Emacs reviewing code. Respond concisely")
@@ -989,7 +987,12 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
:host (if is-zeus "localhost:11434" "zeus:11434")
:stream t
:models '("llama3.2:latest" "dolphin-phi" "dolphin-llama3:latest")))
- :bind (("C-c g" . 'gptel-send)
+ (gptel-make-anthropic "Claude"
+ :stream t
+ :key (password-store-get "claude/api1"))
+ :bind (("C-c G" . 'gptel-send)
:map gptel-mode-map
("C-c h" . 'gptel-menu)))
@@ -1070,27 +1073,27 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
smtpmail-smtp-service 465
smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl
message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
- message-signature "Thanos Apollo\n")
+ message-signature "Thanos Apollo ☧\n")
;; autosign messages
(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime)
;; (use-package yasnippet
;; :ensure nil
;; :config
;; (when is-zeus (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "~/Dev/guile/guix/etc/snippets/yas")))
(use-package emms
- :defer t
+ :ensure t
:init (define-prefix-command 'thanos/emms)
(with-eval-after-load 'emms
- (setq emms-source-file-default-directory "/hdd/Music"
+ (setf emms-source-file-default-directory "/hdd/Music"
emms-info-asynchronously t
emms-show-format "♪ %s"
- emms-info-functions)
- (emms-info-exiftool)
+ emms-player-list '(emms-player-mpv))
(add-to-list 'emms-info-functions 'emms-info-native))
(setf emms-player-mpv-parameters
'("--quiet" "--really-quiet" "--no-audio-display" "--no-video"))
@@ -1118,7 +1121,7 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
(add-hook 'gnus-article-mode-hook #'bug-reference-mode)
;; Change the default when run as 'M-x debbugs-gnu'.
- (setq debbugs-gnu-default-packages '("emacs"))
+ (setq debbugs-gnu-default-packages '("emacs" "guix"))
;; Show feature requests.
(setq debbugs-gnu-default-severities
@@ -1141,17 +1144,20 @@ rss.xml" anna piracy)
(defun vm-run ()
- "Spawn Virtual Machine."
+ "Spawn Virtual Machine with UEFI support."
(let ((memory (format "%sG" (read-string "Memory(G): ")))
- (cores (read-string "Cores: "))
- (image (read-file-name "Image: " vm-directory))
- (iso (if (y-or-n-p "Load iso? ")
- (read-file-name "ISO: ")
- nil)))
+ (cores (read-string "Cores: "))
+ (image (read-file-name "Image: " vm-directory))
+ (iso (if (y-or-n-p "Load iso? ")
+ (read-file-name "ISO: ")
+ nil))
+ (ovmf-path (string-trim
+ (shell-command-to-string
+ "echo $(guix build ovmf-x86-64)/share/firmware/ovmf_x64.bin"))))
(format "qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m %s -smp %s -hda %s -vga virtio -device virtio-serial-pci -netdev user,id=vmnic,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 -device e1000,netdev=vmnic %s"
- memory cores image (if iso (concat "-cdrom " iso) "")))))
+ memory cores image (if iso (concat "-cdrom " iso) "")))))
(use-package 0x0
:ensure nil)
@@ -1225,7 +1231,8 @@ Create a temporary frame to execute BODY, which will then be deleted."
"Set random wallpaper."
(let ((wallpapers (directory-files "~/wallpapers" nil "^[^.].*")))
- (thanos/wallpaper-set (format "%s%s" wallpapers-dir (nth (random (length wallpapers)) wallpapers)))))
+ (thanos/wallpaper-set
+ (format "%s%s" wallpapers-dir (nth (random (length wallpapers)) wallpapers)))))
(defun thanos/wallpaper-select ()
"Set wallpaper."
@@ -1345,10 +1352,6 @@ Create a temporary frame to execute BODY, which will then be deleted."
(insert (format "%s" (+ i str)))
-(use-package greek-polytonic
- :vc t
- :load-path "~/Dev/emacs-lisp/greek-polytonic")
(require 'server)
(unless (server-running-p)
diff --git a/.config/waybar/config b/.config/waybar/config
index 0faef21..5bf708d 100644
--- a/.config/waybar/config
+++ b/.config/waybar/config
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"tooltip": false
"clock#3": {
- "format": "{:%d-%m}",
+ "format": "{:%y/%m/%d}",
"tooltip": false