#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # erdr2pml.py # Copyright © 2008-2022 The Dark Reverser, Apprentice Harper, noDRM et al. # # Changelog # # Based on ereader2html version 0.08 plus some later small fixes # # 0.01 - Initial version # 0.02 - Support more eReader files. Support bold text and links. Fix PML decoder parsing bug. # 0.03 - Fix incorrect variable usage at one place. # 0.03b - enhancement by DeBockle (version 259 support) # Custom version 0.03 - no change to eReader support, only usability changes # - start of pep-8 indentation (spaces not tab), fix trailing blanks # - version variable, only one place to change # - added main routine, now callable as a library/module, # means tools can add optional support for ereader2html # - outdir is no longer a mandatory parameter (defaults based on input name if missing) # - time taken output to stdout # - Psyco support - reduces runtime by a factor of (over) 3! # E.g. (~600Kb file) 90 secs down to 24 secs # - newstyle classes # - changed map call to list comprehension # may not work with python 2.3 # without Psyco this reduces runtime to 90% # E.g. 90 secs down to 77 secs # Psyco with map calls takes longer, do not run with map in Psyco JIT! # - izip calls used instead of zip (if available), further reduction # in run time (factor of 4.5). # E.g. (~600Kb file) 90 secs down to 20 secs # - Python 2.6+ support, avoid DeprecationWarning with sha/sha1 # 0.04 - Footnote support, PML output, correct charset in html, support more PML tags # - Feature change, dump out PML file # - Added supprt for footnote tags. NOTE footnote ids appear to be bad (not usable) # in some pdb files :-( due to the same id being used multiple times # - Added correct charset encoding (pml is based on cp1252) # - Added logging support. # 0.05 - Improved type 272 support for sidebars, links, chapters, metainfo, etc # 0.06 - Merge of 0.04 and 0.05. Improved HTML output # Placed images in subfolder, so that it's possible to just # drop the book.pml file onto DropBook to make an unencrypted # copy of the eReader file. # Using that with Calibre works a lot better than the HTML # conversion in this code. # 0.07 - Further Improved type 272 support for sidebars with all earlier fixes # 0.08 - fixed typos, removed extraneous things # 0.09 - fixed typos in first_pages to first_page to again support older formats # 0.10 - minor cleanups # 0.11 - fixups for using correct xml for footnotes and sidebars for use with Dropbook # 0.12 - Fix added to prevent lowercasing of image names when the pml code itself uses a different case in the link name. # 0.13 - change to unbuffered stdout for use with gui front ends # 0.14 - contributed enhancement to support --make-pmlz switch # 0.15 - enabled high-ascii to pml character encoding. DropBook now works on Mac. # 0.16 - convert to use openssl DES (very very fast) or pure python DES if openssl's libcrypto is not available # 0.17 - added support for pycrypto's DES as well # 0.18 - on Windows try PyCrypto first and OpenSSL next # 0.19 - Modify the interface to allow use of import # 0.20 - modify to allow use inside new interface for calibre plugins # 0.21 - Support eReader (drm) version 11. # - Don't reject dictionary format. # - Ignore sidebars for dictionaries (different format?) # 0.22 - Unicode and plugin support, different image folders for PMLZ and source # 0.23 - moved unicode_argv call inside main for Windows DeDRM compatibility # 1.00 - Added Python 3 compatibility for calibre 5.0 # 1.01 - Bugfixes for standalone version. # 1.02 - Remove OpenSSL support; only use PyCryptodome __version__='1.02' import sys, re import struct, binascii, getopt, zlib, os, os.path, urllib, tempfile, traceback, hashlib try: from Cryptodome.Cipher import DES except ImportError: from Crypto.Cipher import DES #@@CALIBRE_COMPAT_CODE@@ try: from utilities import SafeUnbuffered from argv_utils import unicode_argv except: from . import utilities, argv_utils iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win') isosx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin') import cgi import logging logging.basicConfig() #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class Sectionizer(object): bkType = "Book" def __init__(self, filename, ident): self.contents = open(filename, 'rb').read() self.header = self.contents[0:72] self.num_sections, = struct.unpack('>H', self.contents[76:78]) # Dictionary or normal content (TODO: Not hard-coded) if self.header[0x3C:0x3C+8] != ident: if self.header[0x3C:0x3C+8] == b"PDctPPrs": self.bkType = "Dict" else: raise ValueError('Invalid file format') self.sections = [] for i in range(self.num_sections): offset, a1,a2,a3,a4 = struct.unpack('>LBBBB', self.contents[78+i*8:78+i*8+8]) flags, val = a1, a2<<16|a3<<8|a4 self.sections.append( (offset, flags, val) ) def loadSection(self, section): if section + 1 == self.num_sections: end_off = len(self.contents) else: end_off = self.sections[section + 1][0] off = self.sections[section][0] return self.contents[off:end_off] # cleanup unicode filenames # borrowed from calibre from calibre/src/calibre/__init__.py # added in removal of control (<32) chars # and removal of . at start and end # and with some (heavily edited) code from Paul Durrant's kindlenamer.py def sanitizeFileName(name): # substitute filename unfriendly characters name = name.replace("<","[").replace(">","]").replace(" : "," – ").replace(": "," – ").replace(":","—").replace("/","_").replace("\\","_").replace("|","_").replace("\"","\'") # delete control characters name = "".join(char for char in name if ord(char)>=32) # white space to single space, delete leading and trailing while space name = re.sub(r"\s", " ", name).strip() # remove leading dots while len(name)>0 and name[0] == ".": name = name[1:] # remove trailing dots (Windows doesn't like them) if name.endswith("."): name = name[:-1] return name def fixKey(key): def fixByte(b): if sys.version_info[0] == 2: b = ord(b) return b ^ ((b ^ (b<<1) ^ (b<<2) ^ (b<<3) ^ (b<<4) ^ (b<<5) ^ (b<<6) ^ (b<<7) ^ 0x80) & 0x80) return bytes(bytearray([fixByte(a) for a in key])) def deXOR(text, sp, table): r=b'' j = sp for i in range(len(text)): if sys.version_info[0] == 2: r += chr(ord(table[j]) ^ ord(text[i])) else: r += bytes(bytearray([table[j] ^ text[i]])) j = j + 1 if j == len(table): j = 0 return r class EreaderProcessor(object): def __init__(self, sect, user_key): self.section_reader = sect.loadSection data = self.section_reader(0) version, = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:2]) self.version = version logging.info('eReader file format version %s', version) if version != 272 and version != 260 and version != 259: raise ValueError('incorrect eReader version %d (error 1)' % version) data = self.section_reader(1) self.data = data des = DES.new(fixKey(data[0:8]), DES.MODE_ECB) cookie_shuf, cookie_size = struct.unpack('>LL', des.decrypt(data[-8:])) if cookie_shuf < 3 or cookie_shuf > 0x14 or cookie_size < 0xf0 or cookie_size > 0x200: raise ValueError('incorrect eReader version (error 2)') input = des.decrypt(data[-cookie_size:]) def unshuff(data, shuf): r = [0] * len(data) j = 0 for i in range(len(data)): j = (j + shuf) % len(data) r[j] = data[i] assert len(bytes(r)) == len(data) return bytes(r) r = unshuff(input[0:-8], cookie_shuf) drm_sub_version = struct.unpack('>H', r[0:2])[0] self.num_text_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[2:4])[0] - 1 self.num_image_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[26:26+2])[0] self.first_image_page = struct.unpack('>H', r[24:24+2])[0] # Default values self.num_footnote_pages = 0 self.num_sidebar_pages = 0 self.first_footnote_page = -1 self.first_sidebar_page = -1 if self.version == 272: self.num_footnote_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[46:46+2])[0] self.first_footnote_page = struct.unpack('>H', r[44:44+2])[0] if (sect.bkType == "Book"): self.num_sidebar_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[38:38+2])[0] self.first_sidebar_page = struct.unpack('>H', r[36:36+2])[0] # self.num_bookinfo_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[34:34+2])[0] # self.first_bookinfo_page = struct.unpack('>H', r[32:32+2])[0] # self.num_chapter_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[22:22+2])[0] # self.first_chapter_page = struct.unpack('>H', r[20:20+2])[0] # self.num_link_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[30:30+2])[0] # self.first_link_page = struct.unpack('>H', r[28:28+2])[0] # self.num_xtextsize_pages = struct.unpack('>H', r[54:54+2])[0] # self.first_xtextsize_page = struct.unpack('>H', r[52:52+2])[0] # **before** data record 1 was decrypted and unshuffled, it contained data # to create an XOR table and which is used to fix footnote record 0, link records, chapter records, etc self.xortable_offset = struct.unpack('>H', r[40:40+2])[0] self.xortable_size = struct.unpack('>H', r[42:42+2])[0] self.xortable = self.data[self.xortable_offset:self.xortable_offset + self.xortable_size] else: # Nothing needs to be done pass # self.num_bookinfo_pages = 0 # self.num_chapter_pages = 0 # self.num_link_pages = 0 # self.num_xtextsize_pages = 0 # self.first_bookinfo_page = -1 # self.first_chapter_page = -1 # self.first_link_page = -1 # self.first_xtextsize_page = -1 logging.debug('self.num_text_pages %d', self.num_text_pages) logging.debug('self.num_footnote_pages %d, self.first_footnote_page %d', self.num_footnote_pages , self.first_footnote_page) logging.debug('self.num_sidebar_pages %d, self.first_sidebar_page %d', self.num_sidebar_pages , self.first_sidebar_page) self.flags = struct.unpack('>L', r[4:8])[0] reqd_flags = (1<<9) | (1<<7) | (1<<10) if (self.flags & reqd_flags) != reqd_flags: print("Flags: 0x%X" % self.flags) raise ValueError('incompatible eReader file') des = DES.new(fixKey(user_key), DES.MODE_ECB) if version == 259: if drm_sub_version != 7: raise ValueError('incorrect eReader version %d (error 3)' % drm_sub_version) encrypted_key_sha = r[44:44+20] encrypted_key = r[64:64+8] elif version == 260: if drm_sub_version != 13 and drm_sub_version != 11: raise ValueError('incorrect eReader version %d (error 3)' % drm_sub_version) if drm_sub_version == 13: encrypted_key = r[44:44+8] encrypted_key_sha = r[52:52+20] else: encrypted_key = r[64:64+8] encrypted_key_sha = r[44:44+20] elif version == 272: encrypted_key = r[172:172+8] encrypted_key_sha = r[56:56+20] self.content_key = des.decrypt(encrypted_key) if sha1(self.content_key).digest() != encrypted_key_sha: raise ValueError('Incorrect Name and/or Credit Card') def getNumImages(self): return self.num_image_pages def getImage(self, i): sect = self.section_reader(self.first_image_page + i) name = sect[4:4+32].strip(b'\0') data = sect[62:] return sanitizeFileName(name.decode('windows-1252')), data # def getChapterNamePMLOffsetData(self): # cv = '' # if self.num_chapter_pages > 0: # for i in xrange(self.num_chapter_pages): # chaps = self.section_reader(self.first_chapter_page + i) # j = i % self.xortable_size # offname = deXOR(chaps, j, self.xortable) # offset = struct.unpack('>L', offname[0:4])[0] # name = offname[4:].strip('\0') # cv += '%d|%s\n' % (offset, name) # return cv # def getLinkNamePMLOffsetData(self): # lv = '' # if self.num_link_pages > 0: # for i in xrange(self.num_link_pages): # links = self.section_reader(self.first_link_page + i) # j = i % self.xortable_size # offname = deXOR(links, j, self.xortable) # offset = struct.unpack('>L', offname[0:4])[0] # name = offname[4:].strip('\0') # lv += '%d|%s\n' % (offset, name) # return lv # def getExpandedTextSizesData(self): # ts = '' # if self.num_xtextsize_pages > 0: # tsize = deXOR(self.section_reader(self.first_xtextsize_page), 0, self.xortable) # for i in xrange(self.num_text_pages): # xsize = struct.unpack('>H', tsize[0:2])[0] # ts += "%d\n" % xsize # tsize = tsize[2:] # return ts # def getBookInfo(self): # bkinfo = '' # if self.num_bookinfo_pages > 0: # info = self.section_reader(self.first_bookinfo_page) # bkinfo = deXOR(info, 0, self.xortable) # bkinfo = bkinfo.replace('\0','|') # bkinfo += '\n' # return bkinfo def getText(self): des = DES.new(fixKey(self.content_key), DES.MODE_ECB) r = b'' for i in range(self.num_text_pages): logging.debug('get page %d', i) r += zlib.decompress(des.decrypt(self.section_reader(1 + i))) # now handle footnotes pages if self.num_footnote_pages > 0: r += '\n' # the record 0 of the footnote section must pass through the Xor Table to make it useful sect = self.section_reader(self.first_footnote_page) fnote_ids = deXOR(sect, 0, self.xortable) # the remaining records of the footnote sections need to be decoded with the content_key and zlib inflated des = DES.new(fixKey(self.content_key), DES.MODE_ECB) for i in range(1,self.num_footnote_pages): logging.debug('get footnotepage %d', i) id_len = ord(fnote_ids[2]) id = fnote_ids[3:3+id_len] fmarker = '\n' % id fmarker += zlib.decompress(des.decrypt(self.section_reader(self.first_footnote_page + i))) fmarker += '\n\n' r += fmarker fnote_ids = fnote_ids[id_len+4:] # TODO: Handle dictionary index (?) pages - which are also marked as # sidebar_pages (?). For now dictionary sidebars are ignored # For dictionaries - record 0 is null terminated strings, followed by # blocks of around 62000 bytes and a final block. Not sure of the # encoding # now handle sidebar pages if self.num_sidebar_pages > 0: r += '\n' # the record 0 of the sidebar section must pass through the Xor Table to make it useful sect = self.section_reader(self.first_sidebar_page) sbar_ids = deXOR(sect, 0, self.xortable) # the remaining records of the sidebar sections need to be decoded with the content_key and zlib inflated des = DES.new(fixKey(self.content_key), DES.MODE_ECB) for i in range(1,self.num_sidebar_pages): id_len = ord(sbar_ids[2]) id = sbar_ids[3:3+id_len] smarker = '\n' % id smarker += zlib.decompress(des.decrypt(self.section_reader(self.first_sidebar_page + i))) smarker += '\n\n' r += smarker sbar_ids = sbar_ids[id_len+4:] return r def cleanPML(pml): # Convert special characters to proper PML code. High ASCII start at (\x80, \a128) and go up to (\xff, \a255) pml2 = pml for k in range(128,256): pml2 = pml2.replace(bytes([k]), b'\\a%03d' % k) return pml2 def decryptBook(infile, outpath, make_pmlz, user_key): bookname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0] if make_pmlz: # outpath is actually pmlz name pmlzname = outpath outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() imagedirpath = os.path.join(outdir,"images") else: pmlzname = None outdir = outpath imagedirpath = os.path.join(outdir,bookname + "_img") try: if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) print("Decoding File") sect =Sectionizer(infile, b'PNRdPPrs') er = EreaderProcessor(sect, user_key) if er.getNumImages() > 0: print("Extracting images") if not os.path.exists(imagedirpath): os.makedirs(imagedirpath) for i in range(er.getNumImages()): name, contents = er.getImage(i) open(os.path.join(imagedirpath, name), 'wb').write(contents) print("Extracting pml") pml_string = er.getText() pmlfilename = bookname + ".pml" open(os.path.join(outdir, pmlfilename),'wb').write(cleanPML(pml_string)) if pmlzname is not None: import zipfile import shutil print("Creating PMLZ file {0}".format(os.path.basename(pmlzname))) myZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(pmlzname,'w',zipfile.ZIP_STORED, False) list = os.listdir(outdir) for filename in list: localname = filename filePath = os.path.join(outdir,filename) if os.path.isfile(filePath): myZipFile.write(filePath, localname) elif os.path.isdir(filePath): imageList = os.listdir(filePath) localimgdir = os.path.basename(filePath) for image in imageList: localname = os.path.join(localimgdir,image) imagePath = os.path.join(filePath,image) if os.path.isfile(imagePath): myZipFile.write(imagePath, localname) myZipFile.close() # remove temporary directory shutil.rmtree(outdir, True) print("Output is {0}".format(pmlzname)) else: print("Output is in {0}".format(outdir)) print("done") except ValueError as e: print("Error: {0}".format(e)) traceback.print_exc() return 1 return 0 def usage(): print("Converts DRMed eReader books to PML Source") print("Usage:") print(" erdr2pml [options] infile.pdb [outpath] \"your name\" credit_card_number") print(" ") print("Options: ") print(" -h prints this message") print(" -p create PMLZ instead of source folder") print(" --make-pmlz create PMLZ instead of source folder") print(" ") print("Note:") print(" if outpath is ommitted, creates source in 'infile_Source' folder") print(" if outpath is ommitted and pmlz option, creates PMLZ 'infile.pmlz'") print(" if source folder created, images are in infile_img folder") print(" if pmlz file created, images are in images folder") print(" It's enough to enter the last 8 digits of the credit card number") return def getuser_key(name,cc): newname = "".join(c for c in name.lower() if c >= 'a' and c <= 'z' or c >= '0' and c <= '9') cc = cc.replace(" ","") return struct.pack('>LL', binascii.crc32(bytes(newname.encode('utf-8'))) & 0xffffffff, binascii.crc32(bytes(cc[-8:].encode('utf-8'))) & 0xffffffff) def cli_main(): print("eRdr2Pml v{0}. Copyright © 2009–2020 The Dark Reverser et al.".format(__version__)) argv=unicode_argv("erdr2pml.py") try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hp", ["make-pmlz"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(err.args[0]) usage() return 1 make_pmlz = False for o, a in opts: if o == "-h": usage() return 0 elif o == "-p": make_pmlz = True elif o == "--make-pmlz": make_pmlz = True if len(args)!=3 and len(args)!=4: usage() return 1 if len(args)==3: infile, name, cc = args if make_pmlz: outpath = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + ".pmlz" else: outpath = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + "_Source" elif len(args)==4: infile, outpath, name, cc = args print(binascii.b2a_hex(getuser_key(name,cc))) return decryptBook(infile, outpath, make_pmlz, getuser_key(name,cc)) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.stdout=SafeUnbuffered(sys.stdout) sys.stderr=SafeUnbuffered(sys.stderr) sys.exit(cli_main())