;;; yeetube.el --- Scrape YouTube, Play with mpv & Download with yt-dlp  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2023-2024  Thanos Apollo

;; Author: Thanos Apollo <public@thanosapollo.org>
;; Keywords: extensions youtube videos
;; URL: https://thanosapollo.org/projects/yeetube/
;; Version: 2.1.7

;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.2") (compat ""))

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This package provides the ability to scrape YouTube, with the results
;; displayed in a tabulated list.
;; Core features include:
;; - Executing YouTube queries
;; - Playing videos, by default using MPV
;; - Downloading videos, using yt-dlp
;; - Bookmarking and saving video URLs
;; - A standalone, minimalist yt-dlp frontend

;;; Code:

(require 'compat)
(require 'url)
(require 'tabulated-list)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'socks)
(require 'url-handlers)
(require 'mm-decode)
(require 'xdg)

(require 'yeetube-mpv)

(defgroup yeetube nil
  "Youtube Front-End."
  :group 'external
  :prefix "yeetube-")

(defcustom yeetube-results-limit 20
  "Define a limit for search results."
  :type 'number
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-play-function #'yeetube-mpv-play
  "Select media player function."
  :type 'function
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-download-audio-format nil
  "Download videos as specified audio only formats."
  :type '(radio (const :tag "None" nil)
		(const :tag "AAC" "aac")
		(const :tag "ALAC" "alac")
		(const :tag "FLAC" "flac")
		(const :tag "M4A" "m4a")
		(const :tag "MP3" "mp3")
		(const :tag "OPUS" "opus")
		(const :tag "Vorbis" "vorbis")
		(const :tag "WAV" "wav"))
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-download-directory (or (xdg-user-dir "DOWNLOAD") (getenv "HOME"))
  "Default directory to downlaod videos."
  :type 'string
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-filter "Relevance"
  "Sort search results for value.
Valid options include:
- \"Relevance\"
- \"Date\"
- \"Views\"
- \"Rating\""
  :type '(radio (const "Relevance")
		(const "Date")
		(const "Views")
		(const "Rating")))

(defcustom yeetube-default-sort-column nil
  "Column to sort the search results table."
  :type '(radio (const :tag "None" nil)
		(const "Title")
                (const "Views")
                (const "Duration")
                (const "Channel"))
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-default-sort-ascending nil
  "Whether to sort the search results in ascending order."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-enable-tor nil
  "Enable routing through tor."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-enable-emojis t
  "Enable emojis in *yeetube* buffer."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'yeetube)

(defgroup yeetube-faces nil
  "Faces used by yeetube."
  :group 'yeetube
  :tag "Yeetube Faces"
  :prefix 'yeetube-face)

(defcustom yeetube-thumbnail-size '(120 . 90)
  "Thumbnail size (height width)."
  :type '(cons integer integer)
  :group 'yeetube)

(defcustom yeetube-display-thumbnails-p t
  "When non-nil, fetch & display thumbnails."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'yeetube)

(defface yeetube-face-header-query
  '((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
  "Face used for the video published date."
  :group 'yeetube-faces)

(defface yeetube-face-duration
  '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face))
  "Face used for the video duration."
  :group 'yeetube-faces)

(defface yeetube-face-view-count
  '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
  "Face used for the video view count."
  :group 'yeetube-faces)

(defface yeetube-face-title
  '((t :inherit font-lock-variable-use-face))
  "Face used for video title."
  :group 'yeetube-faces)

(defface yeetube-face-channel
  '((t :inherit font-lock-function-call-face))
  "Face used for video channel name."
  :group 'yeetube-faces)

(defface yeetube-face-date
  '((t :inherit font-lock-doc-face))
  "Face used for published date."
  :group 'yeetube-faces)

(defvar yeetube-invidious-instances
  '("vid.puffyan.us" "inv.nadeko.net" "invidious.flokinet.to")
  "List of invidious instaces.")

(defvar yeetube-content nil
  "Scraped content.")

(defvar yeetube-saved-videos nil
  "Saved/bookmarked video urls.")

(defvar yeetube-history nil
  "Stored urls & titles of recently played content.")

(defvar yeetube-search-history nil
  "History of search terms.")

(defvar yeetube-video-url "https://youtube.com/watch?v="
  "URL used to play videos from.

You can change this value to an invidious instance.  Although yeetube
will still query youtube, `yeetube-play' will use the above url to play
videos from.")

(defvar yeetube-playlist-url "https://youtube.com/playlist?list="
  "URL used to play playlists from.

You can change this value to an invidious instance.  Although yeetube
will still query youtube, `yeetube-play' will use the above url to play
videos from.")

(defvar yeetube--channel-id nil
  "Value of channel which `yeetube-channel-videos' used for.")

(defun yeetube-get-url (&optional id type)
  "Get video or playlist url for entry ID, adjusted for TYPE."
  (let* ((id (or id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
	 (entry (cadr (assoc id yeetube-content)))
	 (type (or type (aref entry (- (length entry) 1)))))
    (format "%s%s" (if (eq type 'video)

(defun yeetube-play ()
  "Play video at point in *yeetube* buffer."
    ;; When point is on thumbnail, id will be nil.
    (and (null (tabulated-list-get-id)) (end-of-line))
    (let* ((id (tabulated-list-get-id))
	   (entry-content (cadr (assoc id yeetube-content)))
	   (video-url (yeetube-get-url id))
	   (video-title (aref entry-content (if yeetube-display-thumbnails-p 1 0)))
	   (proc (apply yeetube-play-function video-url
			(when yeetube-mpv-modeline-mode (list video-title)))))
      (when (processp proc)
	(process-put proc :now-playing video-title))
      (push (list :url video-url :title video-title) yeetube-history)
      (message "Playing: %s" video-title))))

(defun yeetube-replay ()
  "Select entry from history to replay.

Select entry title from `yeetube-history' and play corresponding URL."
  (let* ((titles (mapcar (lambda (entry) (cl-getf entry :title)) yeetube-history))
         (selected (completing-read "Replay: " titles))
         (selected-entry (cl-find-if (lambda (entry)
				       (string= selected (cl-getf entry :title)))
	 (title (cl-getf selected-entry :title))
         (url (cl-getf selected-entry :url)))
    (funcall yeetube-play-function url (when yeetube-mpv-modeline-mode title))
    (message "Replaying: %s" selected)))

(defun yeetube-load-saved-videos ()
  "Load saved videos."
  (let ((file-path (concat user-emacs-directory "yeetube")))
    (if (file-exists-p file-path)
	  (insert-file-contents file-path)
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (let ((contents (read (current-buffer))))
	    (setf yeetube-saved-videos contents)))
      (write-region "nil" nil file-path))))

(defun yeetube-save-video (arg)
  "Save url at point.

If ARG is non-nil, save as a playlist URL."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((name (read-string "Save as: "))
	(url (yeetube-get-url (tabulated-list-get-id) (if arg 'playlist 'video))))
    (push (cons name url) yeetube-saved-videos)))

;; We could use keywords here, but it would break users saved videos
;; from previous versions.
(defun yeetube-play-saved-video ()
  "Select & Play a saved video."
  (let* ((video (completing-read "Select video: " yeetube-saved-videos nil t))
	 (url (cdr (assoc video yeetube-saved-videos)))
	 (title (car (assoc video yeetube-saved-videos))))
    (funcall yeetube-play-function url (when yeetube-mpv-modeline-mode title))
    (message "Playing: %s" (car (assoc video yeetube-saved-videos)))))


(defun yeetube-remove-saved-video ()
  "Select video to remove from saved videos."
  (let ((video (completing-read "Select video: " yeetube-saved-videos nil t)))
    (setf yeetube-saved-videos (remove (assoc video yeetube-saved-videos) yeetube-saved-videos))))

(defun yeetube-remove-all-saved-videos ()
  "Clear yeetube saved."
  (let ((clear-saved (y-or-n-p "Delete saved?")))
    (when clear-saved
      (setf yeetube-saved-videos nil))))

(defun yeetube-update-saved-videos-list (_symbol new-value _where _environment)
  "Updated saved videos.

SYMBOL-NAME is the name of the symbol to update.
NEW-VALUE is the new value for the symbol.
OPERATION is the operation to perform.
WHERE indicates where in the buffer the update should happen."
  (with-temp-buffer (find-file (concat user-emacs-directory "yeetube"))
		    (setf yeetube-saved-videos new-value)
		    (insert (pp-to-string yeetube-saved-videos))

(defvar yeetube-filter-code-alist
  '(("Relevance" . "EgIQAQ%253D%253D")
    ("Date" . "CAISAhAB")
    ("Views" . "CAMSAhAB")
    ("Rating" . "CAESAhAB"))
  "Filter codes.")

(defvar yeetube-request-headers
  '(("Accept-Language" . "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9")
    ("Accept" . "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8")
    ("User-Agent" . "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0"))
  "HTTP Request extra headers.")

(defun yeetube-get-filter-code (filter)
  "Get FILTER code for sorting search results."
  (cdr (assoc filter yeetube-filter-code-alist)))

(defmacro yeetube-with-tor-socks (&rest body)
  "Execute BODY with torsocks."
  `(let ((url-gateway-method 'socks)
         (socks-noproxy '("localhost"))
         (socks-server '("Default server" "" 9050 5)))

(defun yeetube--callback (status)
  "Yeetube callback handling STATUS."
  (let ((url-buffer (current-buffer)))
        (if-let ((err (plist-get :error status)))
            (message "Error %s in retrieving yeetube results: %S" (car err) (cdr err))
            (set-buffer-multibyte t)
            (url-insert url-buffer)
            (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'utf-8)
          (pop-to-buffer-same-window "*yeetube*")
      (kill-buffer url-buffer))))

(defun yeetube-display-content-from-url (url)
  "Display the video results from URL."
  (let ((url-request-extra-headers yeetube-request-headers))
    (if yeetube-enable-tor
         (url-retrieve url #'yeetube--callback nil 'silent 'inhibit-cookies))
      (url-retrieve url #'yeetube--callback nil 'silent 'inhibit-cookies))))

(defun yeetube--image-callback (status entry buffer)
  "Yeetube callback for thumbnail images handling STATUS.
Image is inserted in BUFFER for ENTRY."
  (let ((url-buffer (current-buffer)))
        (if-let ((err (plist-get status :error)))
            (message "Error %s in retrieving a thumbnail: %S" (car err) (cdr err))
          (if-let ((handle (mm-dissect-buffer t))
                   (image (mm-get-image handle)))
                (setf (image-property image :max-width) (car yeetube-thumbnail-size)
                      (image-property image :max-height) (cdr yeetube-thumbnail-size))
                ;; Debugging Statement
                ;; (message "Retrieved and processing image for %s" (plist-get entry :title))
                (with-current-buffer buffer
                      (goto-char (point-min))
                      (search-forward (format "[[%s.jpg]]" (car entry)))
                      ;; Ensure to remove the placeholder text
                      (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
                      (insert-image image))))))
	  (kill-buffer url-buffer)))))

(defun yeetube--retrieve-thumbnail (url str buffer)
  "Retrieve thumbnail from URL and show it in place of STR in BUFFER."
  (let ((url-request-extra-headers yeetube-request-headers))
    (when yeetube-display-thumbnails-p
      (if yeetube-enable-tor
           (url-queue-retrieve url #'yeetube--image-callback `(,str ,buffer)
                               'silent 'inhibit-cookies))
	(url-queue-retrieve url #'yeetube--image-callback `(,str ,buffer)
                            'silent 'inhibit-cookies)))))

(defun yeetube-read-query ()
  "Interactively read a search term."
  (read-string "Yeetube Search: " nil 'yeetube-search-history))

(defun yeetube-search (query)
  "Search for QUERY."
  (interactive (list (yeetube-read-query)))
   (format "https://youtube.com/search?q=%s%s"
           (url-hexify-string query)
           (if yeetube-filter
	       (format "&sp=%s" (yeetube-get-filter-code yeetube-filter))

(defun yeetube-channel-id-at-point ()
  "Return yeetube channel id at point."
  (let* ((id (tabulated-list-get-id))
	 (content (cadr (assoc id yeetube-content)))
	 (channel-id (aref content (- (length content) 2))))

(defun yeetube-channel-videos (&optional channel-id)
  "View videos for the channel with CHANNEL-ID."
  (interactive (list (or (yeetube-channel-id-at-point)
			 (format "@%s" (read-string "Channel: ")))))
  (setf yeetube--channel-id (substring channel-id 2))
  (yeetube-display-content-from-url (format "https://youtube.com/%s/videos" channel-id)))

(defun yeetube-channel-streams (&optional channel-id)
  "View streams for the channel with CHANNEL-ID."
  (interactive (list (or (yeetube-channel-id-at-point)
			 (format "@%s" (read-string "Channel: ")))))
  (setf yeetube--channel-id (substring channel-id 2))
  (yeetube-display-content-from-url (format "https://youtube.com/%s/streams" channel-id)))

(defun yeetube-channel-search (channel-id query)
  "Search channel with CHANNEL-ID for videoes matching QUERY."
  (interactive (list (yeetube-channel-id-at-point) (yeetube-read-query)))
   (format "https://youtube.com/%s/search?query=%s"
           channel-id (url-hexify-string query))))

(defun yeetube-video-or-playlist-page ()
  "View videos in playlist or those found on the video page."
  (yeetube-display-content-from-url (yeetube-get-url)))

(defun yeetube-browse-url ()
  "Open URL for video at point, using an invidious instance."
  (let ((invidious-instance (cond ((and (listp yeetube-invidious-instances)
					(length> yeetube-invidious-instances 1))
				   (nth (random (length yeetube-invidious-instances))
				  ((and (listp yeetube-invidious-instances)
					(length= yeetube-invidious-instances 1))
				   (car yeetube-invidious-instances))
				  ((stringp yeetube-invidious-instances)
     (replace-regexp-in-string "youtube.com" invidious-instance (yeetube-get-url)))))

(defun yeetube--scrape-string (pos item &optional sub-item)
  "Scrape string corresponding of SUB-ITEM of ITEM after POS."
  (goto-char pos)
  (search-forward item nil t)
  (when sub-item
    (search-forward sub-item nil t))
  (search-forward "\"")
  (if (fboundp 'json-parse-buffer)

(defun yeetube-view-count-format (string)
  "Add commas for STRING."
  (let* ((string (replace-regexp-in-string "[^0-9]" "" string))
         (len (length string))
         (result ""))
    (cl-loop for i from 0 to (1- len)
             do (setf result (concat (substring string (- len i 1) (- len i)) result))
             if (and (> (- len (1+ i)) 0)
                     (= (% (1+ i) 3) 0))
             do (setf result (concat "," result)))

(defun yeetube-get-content ()
  "Get content from youtube."
  (setf yeetube-content nil)
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (let ((count 0)
	 (rx "\"" (or "video" (and (or "playlist" "compact") (? "Video"))) "Renderer\""))
        id ids videop pos)
    ;; Keep scraping while there are results and the limit is not reached
    (while (and (< count yeetube-results-limit)
                (re-search-forward result-rx nil t))
      ;; Increment count
      (cl-incf count)
      (setq pos (point))
      (setq videop (not (equal (match-string 0) "\"playlistRenderer\"")))
      (setq id (yeetube--scrape-string pos (if videop "videoId" "playlistId")))
      (unless (member id ids)
        (push id ids)
	  ;; Scrape necessary data and push to list of contents
          (let ((title (yeetube--scrape-string pos "title"
					       (if videop "text"
                (view-count (when videop
			      (yeetube--scrape-string pos "viewCountText" "simpleText")))
                (duration (if videop
                              (yeetube--scrape-string pos "lengthText" "simpleText")
                            (format "%s videos"
				    (yeetube--scrape-string pos "videoCount"))))
                (channel (yeetube--scrape-string pos "longBylineText" "text"))
                (channel-id (yeetube--scrape-string pos "canonicalBaseUrl"))
                (thumbnail (yeetube--scrape-string pos "thumbnail" "url"))
                (date (when videop
			(yeetube--scrape-string pos "publishedTimeText" "simpleText")))
	    (when (string= channel title) (setf channel yeetube--channel-id))
            (setq thumbnail (string-replace
                             "hq720" "default"
                             (substring thumbnail 0 (string-search "?" thumbnail))))
	    ;; Create an entry with properties.
            (setq entry
                  (list id
			(format "[[%s.jpg]]" id)
			 (if videop title (concat "Playlist: " title))
			 'face 'yeetube-face-title)
			 (yeetube-view-count-format (or view-count ""))
			 'face 'yeetube-face-view-count)
                        (propertize duration 'face 'yeetube-face-duration)
			(propertize (string-replace "Streamed " "" (or date ""))
				    'face 'yeetube-face-date)
			(propertize channel 'face 'yeetube-face-channel)
			(if videop 'video 'playlist)))
            (yeetube--retrieve-thumbnail thumbnail entry "*yeetube*")
	    ;; Push entry in a format to be used with tabulated-list
            (push (list (car entry) (if yeetube-display-thumbnails-p
					(vconcat (cdr entry))
				      (vconcat (cddr entry))))
  ;; Reverse the list of entries before returning
  (cl-callf nreverse yeetube-content))

(add-variable-watcher 'yeetube-saved-videos #'yeetube-update-saved-videos-list)

;; Yeetube Downlaod:

(defvar yeetube-ytdlp (executable-find "yt-dlp")
  "Path for yt-dlp executable.")

(defun yeetube-download-change-directory ()
  "Change download directory."
  (setf yeetube-download-directory
        (read-directory-name "Select a directory: ")))

(defun yeetube-download-change-audio-format (audio-format)
  "Change download format to AUDIO-FORMAT."
  (interactive "sSpecify Audio Format(no for nil): ")
  (setf yeetube-download-audio-format audio-format)
  (when (equal yeetube-download-audio-format "no")
    (setf yeetube-download-audio-format nil)))

(defun yeetube-download--ytdlp (url &optional name audio-format)
  "Download URL using yt-dlp.

Optional values:
 NAME for custom file name.
 AUDIO-FORMAT to extract and keep contents as specified audio-format only."
  (unless (executable-find "yt-dlp")
    (error "Executable for yt-dlp not found.  Please install yt-dlp"))
  (let* ((tor-command (when yeetube-enable-tor (executable-find "torsocks")))
         (name-command (when name (format "-o %s" (shell-quote-argument name))))
         (format-command (when audio-format
			   (format "--extract-audio --audio-format %s"
				   (shell-quote-argument audio-format))))
         (command (mapconcat 'identity (delq nil
					     (list tor-command
						   (executable-find "yt-dlp")
						   (shell-quote-argument url)
						   name-command format-command))
			     " ")))
    (call-process-shell-command command nil 0)))

(defun yeetube-download-video (&optional url)
  "Download entry at point in *yeetube* buffer with yt-dlp.

Content will be downloaded at `yeetube-download-directory'.
Optionally, provide custom own URL."
  (let* ((id (tabulated-list-get-id))
	 (entry-content (cadr (assoc id yeetube-content)))
	 (type (aref entry-content (- (length entry-content) 1)))
	 (url (or (yeetube-get-url id type) url))
	 (title (or (aref entry-content 0) "Unknown")))
    (when (string-prefix-p "http" url)
      (let ((default-directory yeetube-download-directory))
        (yeetube-download--ytdlp url nil yeetube-download-audio-format)
        (message "Downloading: '%s' at '%s'"
		 title yeetube-download-directory)))))

;; TODO: Add option to use ffmpeg
(defun yeetube-download-videos ()
  "Bulk download videos using yt-dlp.
This command is not meant to be used in the *Yeetube Search* buffer.

Usage Example:
Open a Dired buffer and navigate where you want to download your
videos, then run this command interactively.  You can leave the name
prompt blank to keep the default name."
  (let ((download-counter 1))
     for url = (read-string "Enter URL (q to quit): ")
     until (string= url "q")
     do (let ((name (read-string (format "Custom name (download counter: %d) "
          (yeetube-download--ytdlp url name yeetube-download-audio-format)
          (cl-incf download-counter)))))

(defun yeetube-propertize-vector (content &rest fields-face-pairs)
  "Create a vector with each item propertized with its corresponding face.

CONTENT is a list of strings.
FIELDS-FACE-PAIRS is a list of fields and faces."
  (apply #'vector
         (cl-loop for (field face) on fields-face-pairs by #'cddr
                  collect (propertize (cl-getf content field) 'face face))))

;; Yeetube Mode
(defvar-keymap yeetube-mode-map
  :doc "Keymap for yeetube commands"
  "RET" #'yeetube-play
  "M-RET" #'yeetube-search
  "C-<return>" #'yeetube-video-or-playlist-page
  "b" #'yeetube-browse-url
  "c" #'yeetube-channel-videos
  "d" #'yeetube-download-video
  "D" #'yeetube-download-change-directory
  "a" #'yeetube-download-change-audio-format
  "p" #'yeetube-mpv-toggle-pause
  "v" #'yeetube-mpv-toggle-video
  "V" #'yeetube-mpv-toggle-no-video-flag
  "s" #'yeetube-save-video
  "S" #'yeetube-channel-streams
  "P" #'yeetube-play-saved-video
  "r" #'yeetube-replay
  "T" #'yeetube-mpv-toggle-torsocks
  "C-q" #'yeetube-mpv-change-video-quality
  "q" #'quit-window)

(defun yeetube--sort-views (a b)
  "Sort entries A and B by view count."
  (let ((views-a (string-to-number (replace-regexp-in-string "," "" (aref (cadr a) 2))))
        (views-b (string-to-number (replace-regexp-in-string "," "" (aref (cadr b) 2)))))
    (< views-a views-b)))

(defun yeetube--duration-to-seconds (duration)
  "Convert DURATION string in ='HH:MM:SS' format to total seconds."
  (let* ((parts (mapcar #'string-to-number (split-string duration ":")))
         (len (length parts)))
     ((= len 3) (+ (* (nth 0 parts) 3600) (* (nth 1 parts) 60) (nth 2 parts)))
     ((= len 2) (+ (* (nth 0 parts) 60) (nth 1 parts)))
     ((= len 1) (nth 0 parts))
     (t 0))))

(defun yeetube--sort-duration (a b)
  "Sort entries A and B by duration."
  (let ((duration-a (yeetube--duration-to-seconds (aref (cadr a) 3)))
        (duration-b (yeetube--duration-to-seconds (aref (cadr b) 3))))
    (< duration-a duration-b)))

(defun yeetube--parse-relative-date (date)
  "Convert relative DATE like '2 days ago' to a comparable number based on seconds."
  (let* ((split-date (split-string date " "))
         (value (string-to-number (nth 0 split-date)))
         (unit (nth 1 split-date))
           ((or (string= "second" unit) (string= "seconds" unit)) 1)
           ((or (string= "minute" unit) (string= "minutes" unit)) 60)
           ((or (string= "hour" unit) (string= "hours" unit)) (* 60 60))
           ((or (string= "day" unit) (string= "days" unit)) (* 60 60 24))
           ((or (string= "week" unit) (string= "weeks" unit)) (* 60 60 24 7))
           ((or (string= "month" unit) (string= "months" unit)) (* 60 60 24 30))
           ((or (string= "year" unit) (string= "years" unit)) (* 60 60 24 365))
           (t 0))))
    (* value seconds-per-unit)))

(defun yeetube--sort-date (a b)
  "Sort entries A and B by relative date."
  (let ((date-a (yeetube--parse-relative-date (aref (cadr a) 4)))
        (date-b (yeetube--parse-relative-date (aref (cadr b) 4))))
    (< date-a date-b)))

(defun yeetube--tabulated-list-format (thumbnail-p)
  "Return tabulated-list format vector.

If THUMBNAIL-P is non-nil, add thumbnail."
  (let ((list-format `[("Thumbnail"  ,(/ (window-width) 10) nil)
		       ("Title" ,(/ (window-width) 3) t)
		       ("Views" ,(/ (window-width) 10) yeetube--sort-views)
		       ("Duration" ,(/ (window-width) 10)  yeetube--sort-duration)
		       ("Date" ,(/ (window-width) 8) yeetube--sort-date)
		       ("Channel" ,(/ (window-width) 8) t)]))
    (if thumbnail-p list-format (cl-subseq list-format 1))))

(defun yeetube-tabulated-list (&optional thumbnail-p)
  "Return a tabulated list, adjusted for `window-width'

If THUMBNAIL-P is non-nil, display thumbnails.."
  (let ((thumbnail-p (or thumbnail-p yeetube-display-thumbnails-p)))
    (setf tabulated-list-format (yeetube--tabulated-list-format thumbnail-p)
	  tabulated-list-entries yeetube-content
	  (cons yeetube-default-sort-column yeetube-default-sort-ascending))

(define-derived-mode yeetube-mode tabulated-list-mode "Yeetube"
  "Yeetube mode."
  :keymap yeetube-mode-map
  (setq-local yeetube-mpv-show-status t)
  (display-line-numbers-mode 0)
  (when (and (fboundp 'emojify-mode)
    (emojify-mode 1)))

(provide 'yeetube)
;;; yeetube.el ends here