init.lxc.static is only used as a fallback and breaks ‘strip-runpath’,
so let's not build it.

Index: lxc-6.0.1/src/lxc/cmd/
--- lxc-6.0.1.orig/src/lxc/cmd/
+++ lxc-6.0.1/src/lxc/cmd/
@@ -62,19 +62,6 @@ cmd_lxc_update_config = configure_file(
     output: 'lxc-update-config')
 install_data(join_paths(project_build_root, 'src/lxc/cmd/lxc-update-config'), install_dir: bindir)
-if sanitize == 'none' and libcap_static_linkable
-    cmd_programs += executable(
-        'init.lxc.static',
-        cmd_lxc_init_sources,
-        include_directories: liblxc_includes,
-        link_with: [liblxc_static],
-        link_args: ['-static'],
-        c_args: ['-DNO_LXC_CONF'],
-        dependencies: [libcap_static] + liblxc_dependency_headers,
-        install_dir: sbindir,
-        install: true)
 cmd_programs += executable(
Index: lxc-6.0.1/
--- lxc-6.0.1.orig/
+++ lxc-6.0.1/
@@ -426,26 +426,11 @@ if want_capabilities
     pkgconfig_libs += libcap
     liblxc_dependencies += libcap
-    libcap_static = dependency('libcap', required: false, static: true)
-    if not libcap_static.found()
-        # Compat with Ubuntu 14.04 which ships libcap w/o .pc file
-        libcap_static = cc.find_library('cap', required: false, static: true)
-    endif
     code = '''
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return 0; };
-    if libcap_static.found()
-        libcap_static_linkable = cc.links(code, args: '-static', dependencies: libcap_static)
-    else
-        libcap_static_linkable = false
-    endif
-    srcconf.set10('HAVE_STATIC_LIBCAP', libcap_static_linkable)
-    libcap_static = []
-    libcap_static_linkable = false
     srcconf.set10('HAVE_LIBCAP', false)
-    srcconf.set10('HAVE_STATIC_LIBCAP', false)
 libutil = cc.find_library('util', required: false)