Guix libarchive no support xar.

--- ark-24.05.2.orig/autotests/kerfuffle/loadtest.cpp	2024-07-08 11:19:30.347366493 +0800
+++ ark-24.05.2/autotests/kerfuffle/loadtest.cpp	2024-07-08 11:19:47.495641516 +0800
@@ -125,8 +125,6 @@
         qDebug() << "lz4 executable not found in path. Skipping lz4 test.";
-    QTest::newRow("xar archive") << QFINDTESTDATA("data/simplearchive.xar") << QStringLiteral("simplearchive") << true << false << false << false << false << 0
-                                 << Archive::Unencrypted << 6 << QStringLiteral("simplearchive") << QString();
     QTest::newRow("mimetype child of application/zip") << QFINDTESTDATA("data/test.odt") << QStringLiteral("test") << false << true << false << false << false
                                                        << 0 << Archive::Unencrypted << 17 << QStringLiteral("test") << QString();

--- ark-24.05.2.orig/autotests/kerfuffle/extracttest.cpp	2024-07-08 11:21:25.849219202 +0800
+++ ark-24.05.2/autotests/kerfuffle/extracttest.cpp	2024-07-08 11:22:01.413789814 +0800
@@ -329,18 +329,5 @@
         qDebug() << "lz4 executable not found in path. Skipping lz4 test.";
-    archivePath = QFINDTESTDATA("data/simplearchive.xar");
-    setupRow("extract selected entries from a xar archive without path",
-             archivePath,
-             QList<Archive::Entry *>{
-                 new Archive::Entry(this, QStringLiteral("dir1/file11.txt"), QString()),
-                 new Archive::Entry(this, QStringLiteral("file4.txt"), QString()),
-             },
-             optionsNoPaths,
-             2);
-    archivePath = QFINDTESTDATA("data/simplearchive.xar");
-    setupRow("extract all entries from a xar archive with path", archivePath, QList<Archive::Entry *>(), optionsPreservePaths, 6);
     archivePath = QFINDTESTDATA("data/hello-1.0-x86_64.AppImage");
     setupRow("extract all entries from an AppImage with path", archivePath, QList<Archive::Entry *>(), optionsPreservePaths, 7);